Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2740 You are the enemy of everyone here

For Zhitai, he originally thought that he encountered a strong enemy downstairs and his action failed, but the situation upstairs should be under control.

This also gave him a bargaining chip with Chen Xin'an to get the third son back.

But when he followed Chen Xin'an upstairs, he saw that the entire corridor was filled with brothers rolling on the floor. He was so shocked that he couldn't even speak!

Who are these people I met tonight?

My brothers are just like children in kindergarten, vulnerable in front of others!

Luo Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chen Xin'an walking over holding Wen Chengmin in his left hand and Xiong Nan in his right hand.

Wiping off the blood splattered on his face, Luo Xiaoman looked at Zhitai and the others who were following him, gritted his teeth and said, "It just so happens that I haven't had enough of the beating yet..."

As he moved forward, the thugs were so frightened that they all took a few steps back.

Chen Xin'an immediately shouted to him: "Aman, let them go!"

Luo Xiaoman stopped, pointed at the group of people, glared and said: "Hurry up and carry these trash away, I'll give you ten minutes! Otherwise I will let you lie here too!"

Zhitai and a group of thugs couldn't understand what he said, but they could guess that it was not a good word. They didn't dare to ask more questions and hurried to help their companions lying on the ground.

Chen Xin'an took Wen Chengmin and Xiong Nan back to the guest room and asked Luo Xiaoman, "Where is Brother Hao?"

"Inside!" Luo Xiaoman pointed to the bedroom, scratched his head and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I was careless and Brother Hao got an anesthesia injection.

And let these two guys be rescued!

If you hadn't come back just in time, these two guys would have run away tonight! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said: "Even if we run away, it won't have much impact on us. Sooner or later we will confront the Wen family.

Okay, I'm going to see Brother Hao. If nothing happens, let's leave quickly. "

Luo Xiaoman nodded, looked down at Wen Chengmin who was slumped on the ground with tears on his face, and asked strangely: "Why is he crying? What did you do to him?"

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "What can I do to him!

I gave him two choices, either die by himself, or let him kill the guy next to him!

This guy couldn't do it and scared himself to tears! "

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly, kicked Wen Chengmin and cursed: "You're a worthless thing, you won't even dare to kill anyone!"

Wen Chengmin's tears flowed down again, and he didn't dare to look at the bearish man beside him who glared at him and wanted to eat him.

Just now, Chen Xin'an put the knife into his hand and pulled out the steel needle on his head.

To be honest, he didn't have a good impression of Bear Man and his gang.

They were just a bunch of white-eyed wolves. They were taken care of by the Wen family, but they were only grateful to the Holy Master.

So if you have to choose between yourself and the other person, only one can live, and he will choose himself without hesitation.

However, the moment he actually stabbed the other person with a knife, he was scared!

It’s true that he is a dandy, and he is also unreasonable, but he has never killed anyone with his own hands!

When the tip of the knife penetrated the opponent's body and blood flowed out, an irresistible fear surged out, and he could no longer hand the knife forward!

He threw away the knife, vomited profusely, tears and snot flowed out from his nose, and he collapsed and cried.

All arrogance and pretense fell apart at this moment.

He was as weak as a kid who was bullied and had no one to pity him.

But the bear man wanted to stab this bastard to death!

He actually wants to kill me?

I have done so many things for your Wen family. It is not enough for you to treat me like a dog, but you are also murderous?

Is this the fate of helping your Wen family?

Although he was not actually killed in the end, this gap had already arisen.

Even if you leave here, people in the gym alliance will never listen to the Wen family like before!

After checking Wang Hao's body, it turned out that it was an anesthetic shot, and he would be fine if he fell asleep for a while.

Chen Xin'an walked out and said to Luo Xiaoman: "With Brother Hao on my back, I will take the third young master of the Wen family with me, and let's go!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded, pointed at Xiong Man and asked, "What about him?"

Xiong Man's whole body was tense and he sat on the ground without daring to move.

Chen Xin'an walked over and stood beside Xiong Nan.

The bear man said in a trembling voice: "Don't kill me! Can you let me live?"

He knew that he had no conditions to negotiate with others, so he could only plead with words.

He was originally a thug like Zhitai's gang, but he was not a dead soldier, so he couldn't accept death as his own.

When Chen Xin'an raised his hand, the bear man shrank his neck in fright and let out a whimpering cry.

There was a stinging pain on the top of his head, but Chen Xin'an picked up the steel needle, threw it in front of Xiong Man, and said to him:

"Let's go!

Go tell the so-called Holy Master that you don’t have to come to me, I will go to Chaojing to find him! "

The bear man could hardly believe his ears!

Was he actually let go?

Chen Xin'an snorted, lowered her head and looked at him and asked, "What, you don't want to leave?"

The bear man hurriedly got up.

He tentatively took a few steps forward, and felt relieved when he saw that the other two did not make a move.

Turning around, Xiong Nan looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I don't know where to go downstairs, can you see me off?"

Chen Xin'an turned to look at him and said to Luo Xiaoman: "I'll go out for a while, and you can clean up this place!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded and said, "There won't be a second time!"

Chen Xin'an also nodded, turned around and walked out with Xiong Nan.

"What do you want to say to me?" Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes and looked at the bear man in front of him.

After glancing around, the bear man reached into his arms and clicked, as if tearing something off the clothes inside.

Then he handed a chest badge to Chen Xin'an.

“This is the logo of the Gym Alliance!

As long as any gym in Dongchao has this logo on its plaque, it is a member of the Gym Alliance.

That is the power of the Holy Master!

In Dongchao, the most powerful force that Saint Masters relied on was the Gym Alliance.

Many people from the police force, green suits, officials, and civilians have studied in the Gym Alliance for several years, and they are all disciples of the Holy Master.

Twenty years ago, the Holy Master single-handedly swept through the entire Dongchao martial arts world, founded the Taoist Alliance, and recruited many disciples.

Even the eight major chaebols have a close relationship with the Holy Master, and the younger generation directly becomes their disciple.

Therefore, if I give up, or if our Guangtian City gym no longer intervenes, it will not have much impact on the power of the Holy Master.

What you have to face is the entire Dongchao Wulin!

It even involves a large number of official and private forces.

It can be said that if you offend the Holy Master, you will be the enemy of everyone in Dongchao!

Dongchao will have no place for you, and you can't win at all.

Therefore, before the Holy Master comes to Guangtian City, you go!

Take your people and leave Dongchao, this is your only way to survive! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, picked up the chest badge, and took a look at the pattern.

Isn’t this the shape of Fubai Mountain?

Xiong Nan continued to say to Chen Xin'an: "Don't talk about the Saint Master, you will be very difficult to deal with the Wen family alone.

Moon Sung-min is a loser, but his eldest brother Moon Jae-hun is a ruthless person.

And his father, Moon Yoo-hwan, is even more cunning!

In Guangtian City, they are the city lords.

Even the officials must give them some respect.

You captured the youngest member of the Wen family, and the Wen family won't let this go easily.

They have their own people who handle the dirty work. If you can't hide, they will definitely find you soon.

Next time, I don’t think they will let you go so easily! "

Chen Xin'an laughed and said proudly: "Did I say I would let them go?"

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