Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2741 If you want to save them, you have to do this

The elevator came, and Xiong Man took the elevator downstairs.

From the way he looked at Chen Xin'an before leaving, as if looking at a dying person, it was clear that he didn't believe what Chen Xin'an just said.

In his opinion, Dongchao Zaibatsu and Saint Master were existences that no one could provoke.

They are the people at the top of society.

Although Chen Xin'an and his gang are powerful in combat, they are just mere mortals and have no idea how powerful the enemy they face is.

But he actually provoked the Wen family and the Saint Master at the same time, and even brazenly threatened to deal with these two powerful beings. That was simply a way to die!

These Chinese people will not live long!

Although he was released, Xiong Man didn't feel too grateful.

After all, he had already told the other party some secrets, which was considered a thank you.

He could only shrug his shoulders at a dying idiot.

Chen Xin'an returned to the guest room. Luo Xiaoman had already packed up and tied up Wen Chengmin.

"We just made a call, let's go back to the apartment now!" Chen Xin'an said to Luo Xiaoman: "With Brother Hao on your back, let's leave now."

Luo Xiaoman carried Wang Hao on his back and said to Chen Xin'an, "Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble?"

Chen Xin'an knew what he was talking about, nodded and said, "I have a way!"

Driving the Thunder Horse back to the apartment.

Before he could go upstairs, he met Liu Jiyan who had just gotten off work at the door.

Luo Xiaoman glanced at Chen Xin'an and saw that he didn't say hello, so he didn't say a word.

When Liu Zhiyan saw Wen Chengmin next to Chen Xin'an, he was startled and quickly lowered his head. It was obvious that they knew each other.

Wang Hao had already woken up on the way, but he was still a little confused and couldn't stand still.

Chen Xin'an helped him into the elevator, and the people next to him looked at the two of them with strange expressions.

A woman glanced at Wang Hao, covered her nose, and said with a look of disgust:

"Why does he stink so much?

Can you let him take another elevator?

The stench affects others! "

Wang Hao was drugged, not drunk.

Just because he was wearing ordinary clothes, he looked like a decoration worker.

This woman was exquisitely dressed and looked like a white-collar worker in the company, so her attitude was very arrogant. Her eyes looking at Chen Xin'an and Wang Hao were full of condescending disdain.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to everyone: "I'm sorry, my friend drank two more drinks today and is a little uncomfortable now.

Please forgive me if I vomit in the elevator later.

If I accidentally vomit on someone, I'll tell her I'm sorry in advance! "

As she spoke, Chen Xin'an pushed Wang Hao gently.

Wang Hao, who was unsteady on his feet, staggered and bumped into the female white-collar worker. She was so frightened that her face turned pale and she ran out with a scream!

"Asshole! What are you doing! How unlucky are you to meet such a disgusting person?

Forget it, I'm sitting in another car. I'm really sick. I'm so drunk that I still come out! "

She slapped her nose with a look of disgust, then twisted her waist and walked away.

Others also walked out one after another. They couldn't wait to be vomited all over by this guy, right?

Even if you can't vomit on yourself, if you vomit in the elevator, it will be disgusting to watch from the sidelines!

Liu Zhiyan also wanted to leave, but Chen Xin'an's face darkened and he said to her: "You are right here!"

Liu Zhiyan froze, with an expression of grievance and fear on his face, but he did not dare to disobey, so he could only stand in the corner of the elevator with his head lowered.

Luo Xiaoman pulled Wen Chengmin in and closed the elevator door.

When the elevator started running, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around and slapped Liu Zhiyan on the face!

Luo Xiaoman and Wen Chengmin were both startled and looked at Chen Xin'an inexplicably.

Liu Zhiyan covered his face with his hands, lowered his head and huddled in the corner, not daring to move.

Chen Xin'an kicked her leg again and asked her with a fierce expression: "Did you want to hide just now?

Are you going to avoid me?

Already revealed our identity to others? "

"No! I really didn't!" Liu Zhiyan covered his face and cried, "I didn't tell anyone!

I don't dare to say it, and I won't say it.

You said that as long as I obey, you won't embarrass us siblings! "

Luo Xiaoman was stunned when he heard this. He wanted to ask something, but Chen Xin'an gave him a hidden look and immediately shut his mouth.

Chen Xin'an slapped Liu Zhiyan on the head again and scolded her: "Don't play tricks on me!

If you dare to betray me, or if I find out you have done anything to betray us, you brothers and sisters will be dead!

Did you hear that? "

As he spoke, his hand kept patting Liu Zhiyan's head.

Wen Chengmin couldn't stand it anymore and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Have you had enough?

What kind of skill does a grown man have when he bullies a little girl?

I used to think that you are a very powerful person, you are not even afraid of my Wen family, you even dare to call Master Ban, you are considered a man.

But look at what you are doing now, it is really embarrassing for men! "

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at Wen Chengmin coldly and asked: "Why, do you feel bad when I hit her?

How about I stop hitting her and hit you? "

Wen Chengmin winced, frowned and said, "Do we have to fight and kill?

Can't you speak calmly?

You can just do whatever you ask them to do. There’s no need to be so violent, right?

After all, she is a girl! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at Wen Chengmin with disdain and said:

"You, the flowery young man of the Wen family, since when did you show such pity to girls?

Are there not many girls who have been ruined in your hands? "

Wen Chengmin puffed up his chest, looked at Chen Xin'an with disdain and said, "Although I like to play with girls, I have never bullied them!

If everyone is happy, they can have fun together, and if they are unhappy, they can separate peacefully.

Why do you do this to girls?

That is the most unqualified performance! "

I didn’t expect this kid to be a lover!

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said: "You said I have no quality, right? I have no humanity!

Do you believe that I stripped you naked and threw you downstairs in front of her? "

Wen Chengmin's face turned pale and he didn't dare to open his mouth.

He knew that the guy in front of him was not just talking!

Liu Zhiyan, who was so scared just now that he didn't dare to express his anger, now didn't know where he got the courage to say to Chen Xin'an:

"Don't hurt others! I can promise that I won't betray you!

These days I am at work, and my apartment has two points and one line. Even if I go shopping, I don’t go there.

If you still don’t feel at ease, why don’t I just stop going to work and stay at home every day! "

Chen Xin'an gave her a gloomy look and said, "If you don't go to work, your bosses and colleagues will become suspicious!

As long as you don't play any tricks, your brother and sister's safety will be fine.

You are responsible for taking care of this person. If he runs away, then I will kill you! "

The elevator has arrived. Chen Xin'an took Wen Chengmin's arm.

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