Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2742 I regard the company as my home

After reading for more than an hour, Chen Xin'an finished reading the information.

They were all photocopies, and Luo Qianhe had already hired someone to translate them, and added picture annotations, which didn't seem too strenuous.

But the content is a bit shocking.

Luo Qianhe said to Chen Xin'an: "You can be sure that the DH-18 on this is a derivative of the drugs we have seen in China.

It may be that we took down the headquarters, which caused the entire industry chain to collapse.

Dongchao can only study some low-end versions.

The performance of DH-18 has been weakened too much, and it does not have such terrible variability on the human body! "

Chen Xin'an recalled that when she was dealing with Lao Fa Tang, she destroyed an underground workshop.

What is produced there are medicines that can quickly recover physical injuries, enhance the human body's combat power, and stimulate the human body's potential.

The Eagle Flag Nation has made improvements based on this drug, which can turn an ordinary soldier into an invincible soldier!

However, Chen Xin'an also brought it to his hometown on Black Eagle Island, which completely eliminated the source of these drugs.

I never expected that when I came to Dongchao, I would see its derivatives.

It's just that the efficacy of the medicine is incomparable to those from China, not to mention those from the Eagle Flag Country!

Luo Qianhe said to Chen Xin'an: "In the past three years, there have been as many as twelve cases of food poisoning in prisons in Guangtian City every month.

Some companies have higher rates.

Symptoms include fainting, diarrhea, and some even symptoms of acute meningitis.

But starting this year, this type of phenomenon has significantly decreased. "

Chen Xin'an squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Their medicine has been improved!"

Luo Qianhe nodded: "Yes! It is more adaptable and has fewer side effects.

After eating it, it can make people full of energy and even slightly excited.

Even if I only sleep for two or three hours a day, I don't feel tired.

I'm a little confused, what are these drugs used for?

Is it just keeping people awake? "

Chen Xin'an shook his head, of course he couldn't give an answer.

What we can grasp now is that this drug is probably produced by Xinghai Group.

And it is a serious illegal drug.

After all, it is impossible to obtain official approval for using prisons and employees of your own company as experimental subjects.

These files include many cases of initial severe drug reactions, including death.

This is just one case from Guangtian Hospital.

If other hospitals, especially Ota Hospital affiliated with Xinghai Group, could obtain it, they would definitely have many similar files.

Even more shocking than Guangtian Hospital!

Once it is announced to the public, it is likely to be a disaster for Xinghai Group!

Luo Qianhe took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother, what I'm worried about now is that they will use this for Lao Xiao!"

Chen Xinan stopped talking.

Isn't this what he is worried about?

He is still frightened by Xu Qing's experience.

The former criminal investigation captain was tortured to a dehumanized state because of similar drugs. He had to travel across the ocean to resolve the sequelae. Only now can he finally get over it.

This is because her own will is strong enough, but Lao Xiao does not have such a will!

Luo Qianhe spat and cursed secretly: "Crow's mouth! But senior brother, don't worry too much, this thing is not very dependent!

Although various effects have not been thoroughly studied, the harm to the human body should be within a controllable range!

This can be seen from the current improvement in drug efficacy! "

Chen Xin'an nodded slightly and said to Luo Qianhe: "Let Lao Yin work overtime and find a way to analyze the ingredients of the drug.

Even if there is not too much dependence, I don’t want Lao Xiao to become like Kim Eun-jae! "

Kim Eun-jae was a victim of this drug.

It just seems like his body is adapting well to the drugs.

That's why it has this strange physique now.

Just looking at the body organ skills, it looks like he is terminally ill.

However, long-term use of that drug made his organs full of vitality.

It's like an old engine that has been used in a special way to produce the performance of a new engine.

But what is consumed is his own lifespan.

Once all the effects of the medicine wear off, he just belches!

Unless he can keep using this drug.

But the final result is that sooner or later, his body will be unable to withstand the effects of the medicine, and by then he will be beyond salvation.

Of course, if it were one of his own, Chen Xin'an would find a way to improve it at all costs.

For people in their forties or fifties, organ damage is not irreversible.

As long as we find the right medicine to completely revive him and prolong his life for decades, it is not impossible.

But after all, it was a relationship of mutual use. Chen Xinan had no time and no need to expend that effort.

In the transportation class dormitory of Haichao Company, a group of colleagues gathered around the table and were still watching Liu Minyong show off his wine.

Seeing him drink an entire bottle of beer in one go, everyone cheered and applauded.

Tonight, he and "Ryu Kwang-hyun" are the protagonists.

It's a pity that the younger brother Liu Guangxian who was picked up is not a bad drinker. With half a bottle of beer and a glass of soju, he is already drunk.

There was no other way. He, the older brother, naturally had to step in and hold back a lot of wine for his younger brother.

The table was in a mess, everyone was in high spirits, and everyone's face was glowing.

They are all a group of wage earners. When they first started, they heard that the two brothers from the Liu family had higher wages than themselves, and no one in the entire transportation class was convinced.

But now, who dares to dissent?

He is so fierce, in that kind of environment, in that kind of situation, in order not to implicate the company, and to keep the company secret, he would even risk his life!

Who can do it?

"Brother Minyong is awesome!" A colleague picked up the cigarette case, pulled out a cigarette, handed it to Liu Minyong's hand, and then took out a lighter and lit it for him.

“I was in the monitoring room at the time, watching those bastards from the security team whipping Brother Minyong hard with whips, and I became anxious at that time!

This is just public revenge!

I really wanted to rush forward to save Brother Minyong, but I still held back.

There is no other way, the company is acting, everyone has to pretend to be dumb!

I admire Brother Minyong, that guy is so angry, Brother Minyong can hold back and keep shouting that he doesn’t know!

If it were me, I would probably tell the truth after two whips! "

Everyone burst into laughter.

Liu Minyong also looked proud, holding a cigarette in his mouth and snorted: "Can I recruit?


Not to mention using whips, even if they use knives, I won't say anything!

Guangxian and I are going to hide the goods together. Can I not know the place?

Pretending to sleep is also a strategy, just to confuse the enemy!

Let's put it this way, although Guangxian and I have just come to the company, since we are here, we have taken over the company as our own.

You are all my brothers and sisters. I, Liu Minyong, will never betray my family at any time! "

"Well done, Brother Minyong!" Everyone laughed and raised their glasses.

At this moment, the door was kicked open, and a group of security guards broke in, led by a black-faced man.

He stared at everyone and cursed loudly: "Are you crazy? What are you doing here without sleeping at night?

Leave them all alone, drink whatever you want! "

As he spoke, he walked over quickly and kicked over the table in front of everyone.

The soup and wine bottles were spilled on the floor. Cai Zhongji stood up suddenly and cursed at him: "Monitor Bian, what are you doing?"

The squad leader sneered coldly, pushed him and cursed: "Why can't you hear what I'm doing?

Let me leave you as soon as possible!

Who asked you to drink in the dormitory?

You don’t know what the company’s regulations are, right?

What, you don’t accept it?

I noticed that you guys who drive have been so arrogant lately!

If we don’t leave, don’t blame me for being rude to you! "

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