Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2747 This time is different from before

A group of prisoners surrounded Yin Huiqiao like wolves, and all stretched out their hands to touch the woman in front of them.

But at this moment, screams came from the side, and then all the hands that were stretched out retracted!

Chen Xinan pulled the ears of the prisoners, pulled them back, and then threw them out with force!

A group of prisoners covered their ears, hissed in pain, and looked at Chen Xinan with anger!

"You are looking for death! You dare to pull my ears, and you tear them for me!"

"Does this bastard think we are three-year-old children? He actually used such means to deal with us!"

"Bastard! Dare to ruin our good things, do you want to die? I will fulfill your wish now!"

A group of prisoners rushed up again, this time their target was not Yin Huiqiao, but Chen Xinan.

"Alas!" Luo Qianhe sighed and shook his head, looking at the prisoners with pity.

You said you were rebelling, just busy yourself with your own business, why did you provoke him?

In the blink of an eye, I pulled the ears of seven or eight of you, leaving you powerless to resist. Doesn't this explain the situation?

Why are you so stupid that you want to attack your senior brother?

Isn't this just asking for trouble!

Sure enough, a group of prisoners rushed up and punched Chen Xin'an.

But before they could see clearly, the guy in front of them turned into a shadow!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the dull sound of fists hitting flesh, one prisoner after another was beaten out!

Chen Xin'an didn't waste time, punching each kid one by one, with simple and neat moves.

"That's it!" Chi Siyuan shouted loudly not far away: "Come out and fight if you can!

What's the point of hiding behind and being a turtle!

You don't care when your colleagues are bullied, how can you be so cold-hearted!

Come and save me!"

Chen Xin'an walked towards him.

The prisoners standing next to Chi Siyuan also realized that the doctor in front of them was different.

But there are many people on our side. No matter how good this guy is at fighting, he is just one person. There is nothing to be afraid of.

A prisoner held a knife sharpened from an iron spoon and stabbed Chen Xinan's chest fiercely.

But the next second, his wrist was grabbed by the other party.

Before he could react, his right wrist was in great pain. He subconsciously let go of his hand, and the knife fell into the other party's hand!

Ji Siyuan shouted excitedly: "Yes, that's it!

Use their weapons against them!

Hit him hard!

Just now, this guy slapped me. You slap him back for me..."

With a whoosh, everyone felt a flash of cold light.

Then Ji Siyuan let out a shrill scream, sat on the ground, and hugged his thigh.

The knife in Chen Xinan's hand was stuck in Ji Siyuan's right thigh at this moment!

Chi Siyuan stared at Chen Xinan with red eyes and cursed: "Why the hell are you stabbing me?

Can you throw more accurately?

If you don't have that ability, don't play with flying knives!"

Chen Xinan still walked over calmly, stood in front of him, and said coldly:

"If you dare to say another word of nonsense to me, this thing will not be on your leg, but inserted into your mouth! Do you believe it?"

"You..." Chi Siyuan widened his eyes and looked at Chen Xinan angrily, but did not dare to say more.

Chen Xinan sneered, looked at him with disdain and said: "Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of me saving you?

I won't even look at you if you die, and I will avenge others for you?

I really suspect that your head is full of slop!

What are you thinking? You dare to play moral kidnapping with me. People like you are the most annoying!"

The prisoners around were all dumbfounded.

I didn't expect that the guy in the white coat in front of him would treat his colleagues more cruelly than them!

But that guy deserved it. He spoke like a moron, and they also found it annoying. If someone taught him a lesson, it would save trouble.

But if they couldn't deal with this guy, today's plan would be in vain.

More prisoners gathered around, targeting Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe and Yin Huiqiao behind him.

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, just shook his neck and wrist.

Since we are going to fight, let's do it.

There is no need to hesitate or hold back when dealing with a group of prisoners.

Just then, a loud shout came from the crowd: "Stop!"

A group of prisoners stopped, separated to the left and right, and made way.

The scarred man walked out of the crowd with a gun in his hand.

There was no other sound in the whole cafeteria except the painful sound of the people lying on the ground.

A group of doctors realized that the prison guards had been knocked down and were lying together, curled up, surrounded by prisoners who had snatched guns and were staring at them with guns.

The doctors' faces changed, and some of them cried out in fear.

Once the prison guards were controlled, their lives would also fall into the hands of these prisoners, and they could only be slaughtered!

The prisoner next to him was upset and raised his gun and smashed it hard on the crying doctor's head!

The doctor screamed and hugged his head with both hands, and blood flowed out from between his fingers!

The prisoner next to him stuffed the muzzle of the gun directly into his mouth, gritted his teeth and cursed: "If you dare to make a sound again and make me upset, I will shoot like this!

You said in this situation, why don't we take a gamble on whether the bullet can kill you? "

The doctor's whole body was shaking like chaff, his face was frighteningly pale, but he didn't dare to say a word.

The scar-faced man turned a blind eye to all this. He just walked up to Chen Xin'an with a gun, looked at him coldly and said, "Are you good at fighting?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "You can try it. Whether your gun is faster or my fists and feet are faster!"

People around were yelling angrily!

"Why are you talking to Brother Tai Lai? Don't think you can become arrogant all of a sudden. Brother Tai Lai's kung fu is beyond your comparison!"

"Back then, more than thirty people attacked our brother Tailai, but they couldn't make us, brother Tailai, succumb. These two actions of yours are not enough in front of brother Tailai!"

"You dare to be so arrogant when facing a gun. Are you going to die?"

The scar-faced man raised his left hand and everyone fell silent.

He looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I'll give you a chance, come and help us!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said nothing.

The scar-faced man narrowed his eyes and said, "If you refuse, I will beat you to death! Then I will beat these friends of yours to death."

Chen Xin'an sneered and said, "Do you really think you can get out of here?

Don't forget where the second prison is. They have encountered this kind of thing more than once.

But how many times do you think it was successful? "

"This time is different!" The scar-faced man curled his lips, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Because we

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