Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2748 I never rely on others for my opportunities

It seems that this scar-faced man has really done his homework for this operation.

It's just that Chen Xin'an is a little strange. It's not surprising that he knows the identity of Ping Hengjun. After all, he faces people face to face every day. It's not difficult to find out the details.

But how did he know the information about Qing Yusheng's mother?

Unless... someone in the prison deliberately told him the news, and also told him clearly that Qing Yusheng was on the medical team this time!

Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at the group of prison guards lying on the ground.

Of course, he couldn't see who had the problem at all. This in itself was just a guess!

Chen Xin'an asked with a puzzled look: "Since you already have such hostages, why do you still need my help?

And just having the two of them here is enough. We people are of no use to you, so what are you keeping us for? "

The scar-faced man grinned, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Who said you are useless?

They have their uses, but you are of greater use than them! "

I will make demands to the prison, these people are the hostages.

Every half hour, if my request was not fulfilled, I would kill one of them.

Start with the doctors, then them, the prison guards.

When everyone is killed, I will die with the people outside! "

He looked at the clock on the wall opposite the dining hall and said coldly: "In five minutes, their reinforcements will arrive!

I need some bold and careful people to stand with me and negotiate with them.

You have good skills and you are the person I need.

If you don't want to die and don't want your friends to die, then stay with me and help me.

This is your only chance to survive, don't blame me for not giving it to you! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, shook her head and said: "My opportunities are never given by others!

I'm not interested in getting involved in all this with you, so I'll give you a suggestion.

How do you negotiate with the prison authorities? I will not interfere.

How about we doctors, who are all innocent, just hide here until you figure things out? "

The scar-faced man looked at Chen Xin'an and laughed too.

His throat was injured and his voice was hoarse when he spoke, and now it was even more harsh and unpleasant when he laughed.

He raised the muzzle of his gun, pointed it at Chen Xin'an's head, and said with a sneer: "You dare to negotiate terms with me?

I'll give you three seconds to carefully consider the proposal I just made, otherwise, you will die here now!

You should ask about the name Kim Tae Rae.

I have killed more people than you have eaten!

Remember, don't disobey my orders, otherwise you will end badly!

1! "

As Jin Tailai spoke, he had already turned on the safety on the gun!

When 2 shouted, everyone took a step back.

Luo Qianhe also pulled Yin Hye Kyo and squatted down to avoid the bullet's flight path.

But Chen Xin'an still smiled and looked at Jin Tailai without blinking, as if he didn't take this seriously at all.

At this moment, Chi Siyuan, who was paralyzed on the ground, suddenly shouted: "Don't kill me!

I'm just a nobody, the most useless person here is me!

Let me go. Look, I'm already injured. I've lost so much blood. If I don't go to the hospital, I'll die!

I can do anything you ask me to do, just let me live!

I have nothing to do with them. You already have so many hostages. It doesn’t matter if you have one more or less than me!

Please, please let me go..."

"Shut up, bastard! It's so noisy!" A prisoner was upset and kicked Chi Siyuan in the thigh.

How could the already injured thigh withstand such a heavy blow? All the muscles twisted and spasmed as if they were alive. Chi Siyuan screamed in pain and fell to the ground.

The prisoner next to him hit him hard on the head with the butt of a rifle, causing his eyes to roll and he passed out. The surrounding area became quiet again.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an still had a cold expression and did not give in, Jin Tailai's face turned cold and he snorted coldly and said:

"It seems you took my words as a joke. Do you really think I dare not beat you to death?

I just appreciate your skills. If you can't use them for me, then go to hell!

3! "

With a loud shout, Jin Tailai squeezed the trigger with his right index finger and fired with a bang!

But at this moment, the person in front of him suddenly disappeared!

Jin Tailai felt a chill in his heart and his eyes widened.

How could it be so fast? !

He subconsciously stepped back, pointed the gun in front of him, and kept pulling the trigger.

Rubber bullets flew out, but none of them could hit the enemy. Instead, they injured several prisoners and fell to the ground screaming.

At the same time, Chi Siyuan, who had fainted, screamed and sat up again, holding his right leg where blood was gushing out with both hands.

The gun in Jin Tailai's hand made a clicking sound, indicating that the bullets had been fired!

Seeing an afterimage passing in front of him, he picked up the gun in his hand and hit it hard without thinking!

But the next second, he suddenly felt a stinging and cold feeling in his throat, and his whole body was as stiff as if someone had tapped acupuncture points!

"Brother Tailai!" the prisoners around him exclaimed.

At this moment, Jin Tailai was still holding his right hand in the raised position, but there was a knife sharpened with a spoon stuck in his throat!

This knife was stuck in Ji Siyuan's thigh just now, but now it's stuck in Jin Tailai's throat!

Jin Tailai's eyes protruded outward like dead fish, and he made a gurgling sound in his throat.

A large amount of blood foam poured out of his mouth, and even nosebleeds began to spurt out from his nostrils.

He looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief, as if he were looking at a monster!

Everyone looked at this scene in shock. No one could believe that someone could dodge bullets at close range!

It is even more unbelievable that Kim Tae Rae, the underground boxing champion who conquered the Second Prison and convinced all the prisoners, died in the hands of a doctor in such a shocking way!

Chen Xin'an stood in front of Jin Tailai, squinted his eyes and said: "If you can think carefully about the suggestions I give you, maybe the result will not be what it is now!

You just act like your prison bully, why do you provoke me when you have nothing to do? "

He shook his head, pressed Jin Tailai's eyes with his right hand, and pushed forward. Jin Tailai, who had expired, fell straight back and hit the ground with a thud!

The prisoners around also shuddered at the sound!

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at everyone coldly, pointed with his hand, and said lightly: "Whoever shoots will die! If you don't believe it, just try it now!"

Anyway, Junior Brother and Yin Hye Kyo are already hiding, so there is no need to worry about being accidentally injured.

The remaining people have little to do with him, and he can do whatever he wants here.

Unexpectedly, these prisoners were frightened by his actions just now, and no one dared to shoot at this moment!

At this time, the window glass of the dining hall suddenly

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