Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2749 I feel like my hands are dirty even if I kill you.

Amid the violent coughing, the prisoners were controlled and escorted back to their cells.

The injured prison guards were also helped up, and the doctors were escorted out.

Standing in the open space outside, everyone breathed in fresh air.

The warden came over, looked at everyone and said, "I want to know one thing, how did prisoner No. 003849 die?"

Everyone turned around and looked at Chen Xinan standing in the crowd.

Chi Siyuan, who was lying on a stretcher and about to be carried to the ambulance, pointed at Chen Xinan and shouted:

"Warden, the person you are looking for is him!

He killed the prisoner in front of all of us!

He also stabbed me, everyone saw it!

You have to lock him up, put him in your prison!

He didn't even want to help just now, and he let the prisoners beat up your prison guards even though he had the kung fu!

Such a person should not be released into society, he should be locked up in prison for life!"

Chen Xinan didn't say anything, just turned his head and walked towards the stretcher.

Ji Siwon glared at Chen Xinan and shouted, "What did I say wrong? What do you want to do?

I remind you that this is a prison!

There are prison guards all around!

If you dare to mess around, they can..."

Before he could finish, Chen Xinan kicked the stretcher!

The two people carrying the stretcher couldn't hold it at all, and the stretcher and the people on it were all kicked away!

Ji Siwon fell to the ground two meters away, screaming and hugging his legs.

Chen Xinan walked over and stepped on the bandage wrapped around his thigh!

The severe pain made Ji Siwon unable to shout. He wanted to push Chen Xinan's legs away, but he couldn't push them at all.

Chen Xinan lowered his head and said coldly while rubbing his wound with his toes:

"I would feel dirty even if I killed a waste like you!

If you dare to provoke me again, you will lose this leg!

I have many ways to make you unable to talk badly in this life, do you believe it?"

Ji Siyuan realized that everyone around him looked at him coldly, no one stood up to help, and no one even spoke for him!

The incident when he begged for mercy from Jin Tailai just now was really a disgrace to his character!

Not only did the prison guards look at him with disdain, even his colleagues who came with him didn't give him a good face.

Ji Siyuan lowered his head in fear, not daring to look into the eyes of the crowd, and even more afraid to say a word to Chen Xinan.

Chen Xinan was too lazy to waste time on such a person, so he turned around and looked at the warden and said:

"I killed the man. If the warden wants to sue me, just follow the procedure!"

The warden laughed and waved his hand and said to him: "Mr. Yanjun misunderstood!

If it weren't for Mr. Yanjun's action, the Second Prison might be in big trouble today!

If nothing else, just because you saved my son today, I, Ping Chenghao, should thank you very much.

I really hope to make friends with Mr. Yanjun!"

Chen Xinan smiled slightly and said to him: "You're welcome, warden.

I just exercise more often, By the way, I learned a few self-defense fighting skills, which I just happened to use today.

With the warden's management of the Second Prison, even if I didn't take action, today's incident could have been suppressed.

I can still see this.

These fully armed riot police are well-trained and well-coordinated.

That group of prisoners can't compete with them at all.

So Chen Xin'an didn't listen to what Jin Tai said.

He didn't think this person could succeed from the beginning.

If this kind of desperate riot could make the prison surrender, there would be no place for the Second Prison.

This is Jin Tailai The difference between him and Kim Eun-jae.

Although they are both the bosses of their respective prisons, they are also ruthless people.

But Kim Eun-jae is much better than Kim Tae-rae.

Because he is brave and resourceful!

His plan is outside, and as long as he gets a little help, he can take advantage of the situation.

But Kim Tae-rae is only brave and ruthless, and he even uses prison guards and doctors as hostages!

If he succeeds, the organization of the Second Prison can be wiped out from Guangtian City!

The only consequence of doing this is what Kim Tae-rae said himself, everyone will die together.

And in most cases, they are actually annihilated, and the prison will not hurt the roots Original.

Jin Tailai's biggest mistake was that he shouldn't have thought of escaping from this place that specifically holds serious criminals.

Instead, based on the existing power and conditions, he negotiated with the prison to improve his treatment, which might have been successful.

Ping Chenghao looked at Chen Xinan and smiled slightly.

Can you dodge bullets by just exercising?

I'm afraid even kindergarten children wouldn't believe this!

But since he didn't want to elaborate, there was no need to get to the bottom of it.

He waved his hand and said to Ping Hengjun, who had already tidied his clothes: "Xiaojun, you have to thank Mr. Yanjun in person. If it weren't for him today, you might have been in trouble!"

Ping Hengjun came to Chen Xinan, saluted him respectfully, and said sincerely:

"Mr. Yanjun, I want to treat you to a meal after get off work tonight! Please don't refuse, this is my thank you."

Chen Xinan looked helpless, nodded and said: "Okay! Tell me the place, I'll be there on time!"

Ping Hengjun was overjoyed and said to him: "Today at noon, happy day!"

Heisei Hao turned around and said to everyone: "Doctors, I'm sorry! Because there was something special today, which shocked everyone.

Today's physical examination is over ahead of schedule and I will report the situation to my superiors.

If a re-inspection is needed, we will notify you later. Please go back and rest now.

There are still some things to deal with in the prison, so I won't send them away. "

Ping Hengjun smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Yanjun, I happen to get off work. You don't have to take the bus. I'll drive with you. After eating in the afternoon, I'll take you back to the hospital!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Qianhe and Yin Huiqiao, and seeing them nodding, she said to Ping Hengjun, "Okay!"

After all, we were abroad, someone else was treating him, and no one else was invited. Chen Xin'an couldn't call his junior brother on his own initiative.

Moreover, the current situation in the urban area is not suitable for everyone to run around outside all the time. It is easy to show one's mistakes, so I went to the banquet alone.

Fortunately, Ping Hengjun didn't call anyone else, not even his father. He drove the prison car and took Chen Xin'an to the happy day in Guangtian City.

This is a restaurant with a K-bar feel. Young people like to come here after get off work or on weekends.

Ping Hengjun is not very young. He just graduated from college this year. He came to the second prison not because of his father, but because he was just assigned there.

This is truly a son inheriting his father's legacy, but he has not yet passed the probation period.

The young man was a little shy, but the more he talked with Chen Xin'an,

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