Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2750 Is this your new love?

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No wonder this guy is so enthusiastic, he had this idea!

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook her head and said: "I can't be a master, nor can I teach a disciple.

And I don’t have time, so you’d better hire someone else! "

Ping Hengjun's face was obviously disappointed, but the boy was also generous, and he quickly grinned and said:

"It doesn't matter. If we can't be masters and apprentices, we can still be friends!

Brother Yanjun is not a Dongchao person, right? "

These words were like a bolt from the blue, exploding directly in Chen Xin'an's ears.

I have been in Dongchao for such a long time, and I have met many people, but none of them revealed their secrets.

Today I don’t understand why a young trainee prison guard gave me the answer.

But his expression was calm as usual, he looked up at Ping Hengjun and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Ping Hengjun pointed to the dishes in front of him, smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "These are authentic Dongchao famous dishes, and there is nothing Dongchao people don't like to eat.

But Brother Yanjun seemed a little uncomfortable with it, so he ate a lot of these side dishes.

That’s why I said Brother Yeonjun is not a Dongchao person.


Ping Hengjun looked around, then touched his throat with his hand, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Yanjun, the rubber here is open!"

Chen Xin'an touched her throat and realized that the piece of glue sticking to the microphone had indeed lifted a corner.

It must have been accidentally touched when he was working in the prison.

The translator in the ear is still well fixed. The microphone attached to the throat has to take care of its position, so it uses a large area of ​​rubber that is similar to the skin color.

Lifting up a corner made it more conspicuous, and Ping Hengjun saw it.

Watching Chen Xin'an put the rubber on quietly, she looked at Ping Hengjun with a smile.

He had already begun to plan how to silence this boy forever and keep this secret.

Ping Hengjun looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I saw what Brother Yanjun did in prison today, and I can see that Brother Yanjun is a good person.

And he is a capable and good person!

I know how a foreigner will be treated in Dongchao, regardless of whether you have real ability or not.

What's more, this foreigner is an Easterner, not a Westerner.

I don’t know where the translator that Brother Yanjun uses comes from. It seems that it has never appeared on the market and can change the language a person speaks.

But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing this, and I’m even more sure that Yeonjun is a great person!

I will keep this secret from you! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and asked, "What if I am not a Dongchao person, but...a Chinese person?"

Ping Hengjun grinned and said to Chen Xin'an: "When I was studying in Chaojing, I made several Chinese friends, and I still keep in touch with them now!"

He took out his mobile phone and showed Chen Xin'an the contacts on it. Sure enough, there were several names of Chinese people with whom he called frequently.

Ping Hengjun came close to Chen Xin'an's ear and whispered: "Even Brother Yanjun's name is not his real name, right?"

Chen Xin'an turned her head and looked at Ping Hengjun, and said calmly: "You shouldn't be a prison guard!"

Ping Hengjun's face showed a trace of loneliness, and he said with a forced smile: "Because my original dream was to become a prosecutor.

And he has also passed the judicial examination.

It's just that... I wasn't admitted due to some special reasons.

That’s why I came back and became a prison guard. "

It could be seen from his face how much this incident had affected him, but Chen Xin'an didn't ask any more questions.

He has no interest in meddling in other people's private affairs.


Not far away at the bar, someone broke a cup!

A group of people stood in front of the bar, looking very angry.

One person pointed at the manager’s nose and scolded him: “I’ll say it again, adjust it!

If you don't agree, I will let you close the door today. Do you believe it? "

The companion next to him cursed the manager:

"Open your eyes and see clearly. The person standing in front of you is Mr. Kong Zaifeng, the newly appointed District Attorney! If you offend him, you will not end well!"

"I told you to keep that position a long time ago, but now someone else has taken it. Do you look down on us?"

"I'll give you five minutes. If you don't get rid of that table, you'll have to bear the consequences!"

The manager looked nervous and kept bowing and apologizing: "Sorry, because you didn't hand over the order before, we thought it was just a talk, so we let others use it first..."

With a crash, a glass of water was poured on him, and someone pointed at his nose and cursed:

“Is this your first day as a manager here?

We only need to make a phone call when we come here, no matter what the payment is! "

The manager quickly bowed and apologized, and soon a waiter came over with two people.

"Why are they?" Ping Hengjun also heard the quarrel, turned his head and took a look, frowning.

Chen Xin'an asked: "What, do you know him?"

Ping Hengjun nodded and said: "We know each other, we are all classmates!"

I originally thought I was coming here, but the waiter stopped at the big booth next door.

In fact, the restaurant still has a lot of space, but I don't understand why those people keep asking for that big booth.

Soon there was a quarrel inside, and the two people standing behind the waiter rushed up, raised their arms and gave the guests inside a few slaps.

Then the person inside became honest and walked out with an angry but helpless expression.

Chen Xin'an glanced around. The restaurant was fully monitored, and this scene should have been recorded.

The group of people left the counter with satisfaction and walked towards the big booth.

The leader was wearing a suit and looked arrogant, with his arm on the shoulder of a tall companion.

Although the tall man was half a head taller than the man in the suit, and seemed to have a very close relationship with the man in the suit, there was no smile on his face, and he looked more helpless.

Just as they were about to enter the booth, the man in the suit looked up and happened to see Ping Hengjun facing their direction.

"Hey, who is this?

Isn’t this a top student from our Chaozhou University?

You didn’t even go to the class reunion, so you came here to meet your lover?

Come, let me see, what kind of beauty is our top student dating here? "

A group of people came to the door of Chen Xin'an's booth, and all eyes fell on Chen Xin'an's face.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly burst into laughter!

The man in the suit pointed at Ping Hengjun and said with a smile: "Ajun, you are really stubborn!

You are just a piece of dead glass and will never change in your lifetime!

Have you forgotten how you failed the prosecutor interview?

I just didn’t expect that you would change your taste so quickly?

Then where do you put our little star?

Little Xingxing, what do you think when you see your old lover has a new lover? "

Ping Hengjun's face became extremely ugly, as if he had suffered great humiliation.

He suddenly stood up and shouted to the man in the suit: "Kong Zaifeng, don't talk nonsense here!

In the prosecutor interview, if you hadn't insulted me and caused my poor reputation, which made me lose the interview, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten you in the round! "

Kong Zaifeng snorted coldly and said with disdain: "I advise you not to talk nonsense, otherwise I will arrest you!

Even your father, who is the warden, will not be able to protect you when the time comes!

After all, you are also a policeman, and you know that you need evidence for everything.

Can you bear the consequences of speaking without proof or evidence? "

Ping Hengjun's breath was stagnant and he was speechless.

Kong Zaifeng grinned and said with a smile: "What's more, you know best whether it is slander or not!

I have photos, so I gave all the large-scale photos of you and Little Star to the examiner!

Do you still have the nerve to deny it? "

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