Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2752 Would you mind making enemies with a few flies?

Everyone present was stunned, even Ping Hengjun was dumbfounded.

This is beating someone else's younger brother in front of Kong Zhenjing!

Kong Zhenjing's bad temper is probably famous throughout Guangtian City, let alone in the police circles!

"How dare you hit me?" Kong Zaifeng clutched his stomach and glared at Chen Xin'an, his face full of disbelief.

He gritted his teeth and rushed forward, punching Chen Xin'an in the face!


Chen Xin'an easily squeezed his fist, narrowed her eyes and said, "So what if I hit you?

Those who are mean-mouthed should be beaten!

Since no one educates you, I will educate you for your parents!

Don't be so arrogant when you go out from now on, not everyone is willing to spoil you! "

As he spoke, Chen Xin'an twisted his fist, and before Kong Zaifeng let out a cry of pain, he raised his arm and slapped his mouth!

"That's enough!" Kong Zhenjing shouted angrily and walked towards Chen Xin'an.

Ping Hengjun quickly stopped in front and said to Kong Zhenjing: "I'm sorry, Zhenjing brother, my friend was a little drunk! I apologize to you on his behalf!"

"Apologise?" Kong Zhenjing sneered coldly, pointed at Kong Jae-feng and said: "Beat someone and just apologize?

You don’t know what I do, do you?

If you dare to hit my brother in front of me, I will let you know what will happen! "

He turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "When did a doctor become so arrogant?

Beating someone in front of the police, are you from the Xinghaiwen family?

How did I not hear it being said?

Put your hands up, be honest, don't make me do it! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "I'm just an ordinary person who doesn't want to be bullied by others!

You'd better not use your power to suppress me, because this will make you suffer a lot! "

"Mr. Yanjun!" Ping Hengjun called out with a worried look.

Others around him also stared at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes, all looking angry!

"Is this guy crazy? Dare he hit Zaifeng? Is he deaf? Didn't he hear Zaifeng reveal his identity just now?"

"How dare he speak to Brother Zhenjing in such a tone! I really wonder if there is something wrong with this guy's brain!"

"Brother Zhenjing, don't talk nonsense to him! Just handcuff him and take him back!"

Kong Zhenjing sneered and said: "In so many years, this is the first time someone dares to threaten me like this!

Now I suspect that you have prohibited items on your person, and I am officially notifying you to come back with me to assist in the investigation!

If you dare to move, I will use force..."

Chen Xin'an didn't wait for him to finish, interrupted him directly and said: "Come on, use your coercive means!

See if you can take out the gun before we talk! "

Everyone was stunned again!

Is this guy really a madman?

He actually said Brother Zhen Jing couldn’t draw his gun!

Kong Zhenjing was also angry, and directly lifted up his coat with his right hand, but at this moment, he seemed to have been tapped on an acupuncture point, and he remained motionless in his current posture.

Kong Zaifeng said angrily from the side: "Brother, what are you doing! People have bullied our brothers like this, why are you still hesitating!"

Pull out your gun. If he resists, just kill him!

I don't believe it. In Guangtian City, there are still people who dare to bully our brothers like this! "

But Kong Zhenjing didn't seem to hear his words, and just kept his original posture, but there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead!

There was an angry and frightened look on his face, he glared at Chen Xin'an and shouted in a low voice: "What on earth did you do to me?"

Chen Xin'an took a few steps forward, stood in front of him, gently twisted the steel needle that had pierced Kong Zhenjing's neck at some point, and said lightly:

"You'd better stay still.

I told you, I'm a doctor.

My understanding of the human body is beyond your imagination.

If you dare to take action forcefully, your heart will not be able to withstand the pressure and will be damaged.

The blood vessels and arteries throughout your body will burst and blood spurts out of your nostrils and mouth.

If you don’t believe it, you can try it now! "

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Now everyone understands that it’s not that Kong Zhenjing doesn’t want to move, but that two steel needles were stuck in his neck and he couldn’t move at all!

The key is, no one can see clearly when the two steel needles were inserted!

At most, someone just saw Dr. Yanjun flicking his arm.

With just a flick of his arm, he stuck two steel needles into someone's neck, making them unable to move. What kind of magical skill is this? !

What's more, the identity of the other party has just been mentioned, he is a police officer!

That's right, the doctor in front of you is a lunatic. He even dares to hit the prosecutor, so attacking the police is nothing!

"What do you want to do!" Kong Zhenjing gritted his teeth, suppressed his physical discomfort, and yelled at Chen Xin'an.

In all his years as a policeman, he has never been so embarrassed as he is today!

But it doesn't matter, a man can bend and stretch.

He has already attacked the police, and so many people have seen it. Wait until the steel needle is pulled out to see how he dies!

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "I should ask you this!

We were just sitting here having a meal, and when you guys came, you humiliated and provoked us in all kinds of ways.

Your brother, a policeman, also has a very crooked elbow, so he doesn't care.

Then I have to ask myself, what do you want to do? "

Just as Kong Zhenjing was about to speak, Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "Forget it, you don't need to explain, and I don't want to hear it either!

Do you think you should lower your head first and I will help you pull out the needle later, and then you can do whatever you want?

You are the anti-smuggling captain, your brother is the prosecutor, and everyone around here is your people, so no one dares to interfere with right and wrong, right?

Even the owners and employees of this store, as well as these dining guests, don't dare to offend you or tell the truth, right?

Then you can do whatever you want with me and take revenge on me?

Kong Zhenjing's face was gloomy, and he wanted to say something, you are not stupid!

"Xiaojun!" Wang Jixing whispered to Ping Hengjun: "I advise your friend to stop immediately. You know the consequences. He will be in big trouble!"

Ping Hengjun also turned around and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Yanjun, let them go! I will apologize to them for you. If there is any revenge, I will bear it!"

Chen Xin'an turned her head, smiled slightly, and said to him: "Xiaojun, go and do something for me!"

Ping Hengjun was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Chen Xin'an asked him to do at this time. He just nodded obediently and said: "Brother Yanjun, please give me your orders!"

Chen Xin'an called him over and whispered into his ear.

A shocked smile appeared on Ping Hengjun's face.

"Why, you don't want to say this?" Chen Xin'an looked at him with a half-smile but said:

"Or do you think that even if you apologize and admit your mistake, these people will let you go?

This is the only way to deal with such people

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