Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2753 Whether it is useful or not depends on whose hands it is

Although there are many Chinese surnames in Dongchao, the surname Wang is rare.

Wang Jixing lowered his head sadly and said, "I have Chinese blood..."

He didn't continue to say anything, but it could be seen from his face that what this bloodline brought him was definitely not glory.

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said: "Wang Jixing, there is no need to have any regrets, you should be proud of your origins.

No matter where you are from, no matter how you are treated, you should stand up.

There is no base blood in the world, only base spirit!

Those who claim to be noble are actually just like their bloodline, short-lived, short-sighted, ignorant, yet pretentious!

It doesn't matter if others look down on you, you must think highly of yourself.

This is not your shortcoming, on the contrary, it is your pride! "

Wang Jixing's eyes lit up. In Dongchao, just because he had Chinese genes in his blood, he had suffered so many unfair treatments and endured so many supercilious looks.

No one can imagine how difficult it is for a Chinese to enter the Dongchao police system!

So these years, he has been cautious and walking on thin ice!

Now hearing what this Dongchao doctor said, Wang Jixing felt very moved and felt an inexplicable affinity for this person.

Kong Zhenjing tried his best to relax himself to ease the discomfort in his body.

He closed his eyes and said to Chen Xin'an: "Doctor Yanjun, let's forget about this matter today.

After all, it was my brother and the others who made the mistake first, and now they have learned their lesson.

Everyone, please give in. I have tasks to do later, so I can’t waste time here.

You help me pull out the needle, and I will let you go without any further investigation! "

As if he was afraid that Chen Xin'an wouldn't believe it, he added another sentence: "I, Kong Zhenjing, always keep my word. Everyone who knows me knows that."

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, shook her head and said, "Whether your words count or not has nothing to do with me!

I'm not afraid of you pursuing it, because I won't just let it go and simply let you go! "

Kong Zhenjing was angry and snorted coldly: "Then what else do you want? Are you going to kill us?"

The group of people around also criticized Chen Xin'an!

"Why don't you know what's good and what's wrong? Brother Zhenjing said he would let you go, what else do you want to do?"

"You don't want to just let us go? Then what can you do to us? Do you really think you are invincible just because you know kung fu? Don't forget that there are several of us here!"

"Don't be so shameless! Who is Brother Zhen Jing? If he wasn't in a hurry to catch up on the task, would he let you go so easily today?"

Ping Hengjun had already walked over and handed over his mobile phone.

Chen Xin'an took the phone and asked with a smile: "Everyone is in there?"

Ping Hengjun nodded and said: "From the time they entered the door to the time you took action against Brother Zhenjing!"

"That's enough!" Chen Xin'an took out his mobile phone and started to transfer files.

Wang Jixing asked curiously: "Dr. Yanjun, what are you doing?"

Ping Hyungjun explained to him: "Brother Yanjun asked me to record the surveillance video just now and give it to him!"

"It's useless!" Wang Jixing immediately guessed what Chen Xin'an was going to do, shook his head and said:

"No media dares to broadcast this! In Dongchao, no one dares to offend the prosecutor!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone around laughed, and everyone looked at Chen Xin'an with sarcasm in their eyes.

"I thought he would not simply let us go, but it turned out that this was his purpose!"

"So what if you get the surveillance? Which media in Guangtian City dares to publish such a thing? Unless he doesn't want to stop the business!"

"Even if it is disclosed, what does it count? Will it have any impact on Zaifeng's future? But when the storm subsides, do you think Zaifeng will let you go? Who will do such a thankless thing?"

Chen Xin'an said to Wang Jixing: "Whether it is useful or not depends on whose hands it is!

I have a few friends who specialize in self-media and have a relatively large number of fans.

I will send these things to them!

It doesn’t matter if no media in Guangtian City dares to broadcast it, I can go online.

Let all Dongchao netizens take a look at what their prosecutors and police officers look like. "

A group of people looked at each other. Although they were a little worried, they did not want to give in.

"Who are you trying to scare? Who would believe what is on the Internet?"

"What a joke! Is it possible that someone wants to bully us online just because of a video? Who knows if it's true or not?"

"What if it's released? Who knows people like us? I'm afraid it won't even make a splash..."

"Shut up!" With a roar, the noise of the crowd suddenly stopped.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Kong Zhenjing's pale and frightened face.

The familiar people were all surprised. This was the first time they saw Brother Zhenjing being so scared!

Kong Zhenjing took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Yanjun, you don't need to do this.

We can sit down and discuss how to handle this matter, and I can ask my brother to apologize to each of you! "

He is a policeman, so he certainly knows the horror of online public opinion.

It is because of things like this that several of his cases have been solved, but he cannot explain them to the public.

Because either the methods are a bit rough or the methods are relatively inferior, even if they have made great achievements, they will not be praised.

If it were any other time, Kong Zhenjing's temper really wouldn't care about this.

But he is about to be promoted to police officer. If he cannot be promoted this time, he may never have a chance in this life!

I had never taken promotion seriously before, and that was because I didn't see any hope.

This time, the chief police officer personally nominated him, and he has a nearly 70% chance of winning.

It would be the most unfair if such great hopes were ruined by these messy little things!

But it was this little thing that could set him back the most!

What's more, not only is he in trouble, but his younger brother's life will also be ruined!

With such a stain, my brother will never be able to become a prosecutor in this lifetime!

He has ways to deal with all major media outlets in Guangtian City.

But those self-media people, a group of guys he usually dislikes, he doesn’t know and can’t deal with them!

But once it is used properly, the effect is not ordinary!

Once online public opinion takes hold, not to mention your future, you may not even be able to keep your job!

Kong Zhenjing would never have dreamed that this Dr. Yanjun would be so difficult to deal with. After playing this trick with him, he immediately strangled him by seven inches!

He knew very well that if he did not bow his head completely today, he might face the danger of ruining his reputation!

Taking a deep breath, Kong Zhenjing said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Yanjun

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