Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2754 He is the strangest foreigner I have ever seen

Seeing Kong Zhenjing pressing Kong Zaifeng's head and forcing him to apologize to Pyung Hyungjun, Wang Jixing and the doctor, everyone almost believed their eyes.

Whether he was sincere or forced to do so, Kong Zaifeng's face was completely lost today.

In the future, he will have no advantage in front of these two people, and he doesn't even want to see them, for fear that he will be reminded of this embarrassing scene.

"Mr. Yanjun, can you delete those videos?" Kong Zhenjing let go of his brother, turned around and asked Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an smiled, shook her head and said: "No! At least not during this period of time!

But I can guarantee that these videos will not be disclosed online for the time being.

We are all adults, so there is no need to talk nonsense.

I can't trust you, so this video is just a way to manipulate you!

How you handle it in the future is entirely up to you. I think Officer Kong is a smart man and should know what to do!

Okay, I won’t delay Officer Kong from carrying out his mission.

Please do as you please! "

Kong Zhenjing's face looked ugly, but he was helpless.

If others can prevent him from even getting a gun, he will definitely not be able to take advantage if he really robs him.

Now I can only follow what others say, keep the handle in their hands, and just be honest and not provoke them.

This trouble was all caused by his precious brother!

It seems that she was usually too kind to him, too indulgent, and allowed him to do too many lawless things in his own name, so he became more and more domineering!

It seems that he should be disciplined and disciplined in the future.

My parents died young, and I doted on him too much!

Kong Zhenjing turned around with a gloomy face and said to Kong Jae-feng: "Why are you still standing there? Go home!

During these two days on the weekend, just stay at home and you can’t go anywhere!

And you guys, if I know who brought him out again, don’t blame me for being rude! "

His eyes swept around, making everyone around him lower their heads in guilt.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Kong Zaifeng didn't expect that his brother, who was fearless, would be so weak today. He wanted to say something, but Kong Zhenjing kicked him in the leg!

This kick staggered him, and you could feel it from the force. My brother was really angry now.

He was trembling in his heart, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he turned and walked towards the door.

Years of experience told him that when his brother is angry, he must not force himself on him, otherwise he will be beaten!

As soon as Kong Zaifeng left, all the other friends followed him.

After a while, the other party's group of people left. Kong Zhenjing also glanced at Chen Xin'an, turned around and left without saying anything.

Unexpectedly, the final result turned out to be like this. Ping Hengjun stood at the table stupidly and did not react for a long time.

Chen Xin'an sat in his original position and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Are you full? If not, continue!"

Only then did Ping Hengjun react and said to him: "Brother Yanjun, I really admire you more and more!

Let's leave quickly, I'm afraid they will come back to retaliate against us later..."

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Don't worry, even if you go to them now, those guys won't dare to do anything to you!

There's no need to leave in a hurry, I have to wait for someone, he should be here soon! "

Ping Hengjun was stunned for a moment and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Yanjun also invited someone over?

Then I'll ask the waiter to prepare another set of tableware and bring it over, and add a few dishes..."

"No need!" Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Just chat and leave!"

Ping Hengjun nodded, and as soon as he sat down, a voice came from next to him: "Great, you guys haven't left yet!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Ping Hengjun turned his head and asked curiously: "Jixing, why are you back?"

He turned around with his eyes widened, looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and asked, "Brother Yanjun, is he the person you are waiting for? Have you known each other before?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "We just met! But I know he will definitely come back to us!"

Wang Jixing also looked at Chen Xin'an with a strange look on his face and asked, "Mr. Yanjun, why did you guess that I would come back?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Because you are very interested in me! Even if you don't come back to me, you will still ask your friends about me."

Wang Jixing did not hide it and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'm just a little strange, how can Mr. Yanjun know the flying needle technique? I have never seen it in Dongchao for so many years..."

Chen Xin'an smiled and asked, "Have you seen it in China?"

"I have never been to China!" Wang Jixing shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "I was born in Dongchao and have never been to China!"

Ping Hengjun on the side said: "So Xiaoxing is the strangest foreigner I have ever seen.

Both his parents are Chinese, and he himself speaks fluent Chinese.

But he has never been to China!

He is a true descendant of China. "

Wang Jixing looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "My father knows the flying needle technique and forced me to practice it since I was a child.

But I can fly needles through glass, but I can't use this trick on human acupuncture points like Mr. Chen! "

Outsiders watch the excitement, while insiders watch the door.

Wang Jixing knew very well how extraordinary Chen Xin'an's move was!

It's nothing if a flying needle penetrates glass, or even a steel needle penetrates tempered glass.

Anyone who has practiced hard qigong can do it.

But when the minute needle enters the acupuncture point, it is not hard qigong, but the legendary dark energy!

Even my father can't do this!

"Is your father a Chinese special policeman?" Chen Xin'an frowned and asked Wang Jixing.

In China, flying needle technique is indeed a required subject for some SWAT teams.

Wang Jixing shook his head and said: "I don't know, my father never said what he did before!

But I did see a set of green brochures in his drawer. "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "If I have a chance to meet your father, he will definitely have a lot of stories!"

Wang Jixing smiled, sighed and said to Chen Xin'an: "It may not be easy. He has been paralyzed for many years!

I can only lie in bed every day and be taken care of by my mother..."

Ping Hengjun on the side also sighed and said: "It seems that when Xiaoxing was admitted to college, Uncle Wang lay down. He must have been excited..."

Wang Jixing's face showed a guilty look.

This matter has always been the last thing in his mind to mention. He got the admission notice from Chaojing University, but his father was paralyzed because of his excitement!

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked Wang Jixing: "Paralysis caused by mood swings?

Is it a cerebral hemorrhage? "

"No!" Wang Jixing shook his head and said: "The doctor said there is no problem with the brain, it should be neurological disease.

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