Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2758 Go and rescue him quickly

Wang Zhiyong on the bed had his head shaved and only had a pair of boxer briefs on his body.

Chen Xin'an began to acupuncture him, while Luo Qianhe taught the woman a new massage technique.

You must know that Luo Qianhe's massage method is a true master level, comparable to the pulse-cutting technique.

Chen Xin'an said to the woman: "There are one hundred and eight injections in total. If I have time in three days, I will come over and do it again.

If you can't come over, come and give Brother Yong the injection.

After taking the needle, I will mark the acupuncture points on Brother Yong’s body.

At that time, you can just place the needle according to the point.

Now you can watch my technique of acupuncture and try to learn as much as possible.

I know you have the foundation in this area, and Brother Yong will also teach you how to use the needle.

Don't worry and do it boldly. With Brother Yong's current situation, there is no way it can get any worse.

So as long as you take the shot, you will definitely get surprises. "

The woman who was still a little nervous felt much more relaxed after hearing Chen Xin'an's words.

While she was learning Luo Qianhe's massage techniques, she watched Chen Xin'an perform the acupuncture.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe looked at each other, both a little surprised.

The woman is a very smart woman, she has a foundation in medical skills, and she does not have the arrogance and pretentiousness of young people. She studies very seriously and gets started quickly.

If she were twenty or thirty years younger, brothers Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe would really want to accept her as their apprentice!

After the injection was finished, Chen Xin'an said to the woman: "Today is the first time to give him an injection, so the injection will start in ten minutes.

Inject the needle later, preferably twenty minutes or half an hour later.

Don't worry that Brother Yong will feel pain and discomfort, this is a good thing for him.

During the nerve repair process, all perceptions are beneficial! "

"I understand, Mr. Chen!" The woman nodded respectfully in response.

Luo Qianhe smiled and said to the woman: "I heard from Brother Yong that you were once Hai Qilin's nurse?"

The woman widened her eyes and glanced at Wang Zhiyong, who was suffering pain on the bed, but still opened his eyes with understanding, looked at her, and smiled faintly.

"Zhiyong tells you all this, he really treats you as his own family!

Yes, I used to be Hai Qilin's medical soldier.

When Zhiyong and I fell in love, we were punished!

It was precisely because of this that I was demobilized early.

I just didn’t expect that Zhiyong would still find me and be with me..."

It seemed that she was reminded of those days when she was young. A peaceful smile appeared on the woman's fair face.

Chen Xin'an asked with some confusion: "Why do you want Xiaoxing to be a policeman?"

Luo Qianhe also nodded and said: "Yes, with your background, Xiaoxing should be allowed to join the army!"

"Impossible!" The woman shook her head and said to the two brothers: "Joining the Dongchao army is equivalent to fighting for the Dongchao.

Once there is a fight with China, he will have to face his compatriots!

Although this is just an illusion, neither Zhiyong nor I would do such a thing! "

Luo Qianhe nodded and said, "So you took the next step and let Xiaoxing become a policeman, right?"

The woman glanced at Wang Zhiyong and saw that he was speechless, but his eyes were gentle. Knowing that he didn't mind what she had to say, she shook her head and said to the two of them:

“Actually, I want to find out the whereabouts of something.

Through smuggling, China has lost many things overseas.

Some of Zhiyong's former comrades also live abroad, but even though they have left Hai Qilin, they still carry the mission of the year on their backs.

Everyone is looking for those treasures that originally belonged to China, consciously or unconsciously.

Letting Xiaoxing become a Dongchao policeman is also to facilitate this matter.

Another reason is that in Dongchao, Chinese people are generally discriminated against.

Even if they are bullied, officials rarely stand up for them.

Xiaoxing becomes a police officer and will be able to speak for her compatriots when they meet Chinese people.

Reduce some unjust, false and erroneous cases.

This is our original intention. "

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe were in awe.

Some people’s patriotism is deeply rooted in their bones.

Even in the face of adversity, they have never weakened in any way. This is their greatness!

Ten minutes later, Chen Xin'an started to take the needle.

The woman was talking to Wang Zhiyong beside him, preventing him from falling asleep.

Wang Zhiyong is indeed a tough guy. He followed Chen Xin'an's instructions in advance and stayed awake throughout the whole process.

He closed his lips tightly and lay motionless on the bed, saying nothing.

When the last silver needle lifted, a human-shaped sweat mark appeared on the sheets under him!

Seeing his flushed face, Luo Qianhe immediately asked the woman to bring an iron basin.

With a sound, Wang Zhiyong spit out a few mouthfuls of smelly blood, and his face gradually turned rosy.

After wiping herself, changing the sheets, and dressing Wang Zhiyong, Chen Xin'an said to the woman: "Aunt Yiqin..."

The woman waved her hands and said: "My name is Wu Yiqin, since you are worthy of brother Zhiyong, please call me sister-in-law!

I want to thank you today, but before that, I apologize to both of you! "

She stood up straight and bowed deeply to Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe.

At first, she thought these two people had bad intentions when they came to the house, and she was very wary.

But now, she has seen that he is the true inheritor of ancient Chinese medicine.

He is also a very capable person, and he really comes here to treat his man.

This made her feel ashamed of her previous attitude.

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "Sister-in-law, this is too unreasonable. Brother Yong needs to rest for two or three days before he can do the second acupuncture.

After you get familiar with it, do it to him every other day.

Keep an eye on his physical condition at all times. The phone numbers of our brothers and sisters will be left with you now. If anything happens, call us immediately.

Let’s take a look at the situation in half a year before deciding on the next step! "

Luo Qianhe said to Wu Yiqin: "Brother Yong has many old injuries, and they cannot be recovered through surgery, so he can only take medicine.

I'll call home later. I have a pharmacy in China. I have all these medicines in my store. From now on, they will be airlifted to you every month. "

"Thank you so much!" Wu Yiqin's eyes turned red with excitement. She remembered something and immediately walked to the bedside, opened the cabinet, and took out a bank card from inside.

Knowing what she was going to do, Chen Xin'an held her hand and said, "Sister-in-law, this is inappropriate!

I know you don't want to owe a favor, but my junior brother and I are really not short of this little money.

These medicines are given to you by our brothers, and they will take effect for a year.

In the future, if Brother Yong’s health condition is not convenient for us to come over at the moment, we will send him to Guangtian Hospital and directly contact the director Yin Zhihuan, who is a friend of my junior brother and I. "

"But Mr. Chen, I can't..." Wu Yiqin held the bank card, her arms were shaking with excitement and her eyes were red.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her: "Sister-in-law, don't forget that we came here today to ask Xiaoxing for help.

This is the reward you give me, it's enough! "

Wu Yiqin reacted immediately, walked to the door and called: "Xiao Xing, come in!"

Wang Jixing walked in, holding a piece of paper in his hand.

He handed the paper to Chen Xin'an and said to him: "Mr. Chen, this is the defense map of Doosan Prison. Next to it is the schedule for today and tomorrow."

Chen Xin'an took the paper, glanced at it, handed it to Luo Qianhe who was beside him, turned to Wang Jixing and asked, "Xiao Xing, how do you know Brother Snake?"

"Are you talking about Cai Huashe, prisoner number 16859?

If he is your friend, get him out quickly, he is dying! "

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