Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2759 I just want to rob prison

After hearing Wang Jixing's words, Chen Xin'an's face turned gloomy and she clenched her fists.

He knew that Brother Snake's situation in prison must be bad, but now it seems that Brother Snake's situation is even worse than he imagined!

Wang Jixing continued to say to Chen Xin'an: "There are a total of 328 prisoners in Doosan Prison.

Among them are 133 foreign prisoners.

There are only fifteen Chinese people.

I noticed it from the first day he was brought in.

There, the Chinese are at the bottom and are bullied by all the prisoners. Even the prison guards will not show favoritism to them!

There is a person with prison number 11403. Others call him Brother Dongjian, and he is the least likely to deal with Brother Snake.

In Doosan Prison, he is the number one prison bully.

On the first night, he was hung up and tortured all night long!

Now 16859 needs help from others even when venturing out, all thanks to this person.

It may not take more than a month. Even if your friend is not beaten to death by 11403, he will die of illness because his injuries are too serious and he cannot receive timely treatment!

This is nothing at all in Doosan Prison.

The prison authorities only need to write a report and ask the hospital to issue a death certificate, and then they can bury the person without any responsibility at all! "

Looking at Chen Xin'an's gloomy expression, Wang Jixing whispered: "I didn't know the relationship between this person and Mr. Chen before.

Now that I know it, I will take more care of him in the future.

At least he won't let 11403 bully him casually anymore. "

Chen Xin'an nodded slightly.

Wang Jixing continued: “But this is not the solution.

Doosan Prison is a model prison that is semi-private and semi-public.

Prison guards are only symbolic official figures inside.

Those who are really in charge are the security teams.

The major shareholder behind Doosan Prison is Xinghai Group.

All private prisons must have public prison guards, people like me.

They say they are managers, but they don’t actually have much power. "

Luo Qianhe frowned and asked, "Is that 11403 from the Xinghai Group?"

"No!" Wang Jixing shook his head and said, "On the contrary, he has a grudge against the Wen family.

Originally, the purpose of being imprisoned in Doosan Prison was to deal with him, or even get rid of him, but he did not expect that after three years of imprisonment, he would become the boss of Doosan Prison, and even the Wen family could not do anything about it.

This guy escaped from prison several times, but each time he was caught and his sentence got longer and longer.

Xinghai Group once sent its own people to Doosan Prison just to deal with him, but he killed them all! "

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe looked at each other and said nothing.

Wu Yiqin frowned and said, "I heard that in Dongchao's private prison, as long as you are not a serious criminal, you can buy off your sentence by spending money?"

Wang Jixing nodded and said: "There is such an operation, but it is not suitable for Mr. Chen's friends.

Anyone who is imprisoned for offending the Wen family will not be treated like this! "

Wu Yiqin looked at Chen Xin'an with a worried look and asked: "If this is the case, how can Mr. Chen save his friend?

Do you want to..."

Her eyes widened and she looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an nodded vigorously and said to Wu Yiqin: "I just want to rob the prison!"

Facing this family, Chen Xin'an didn't want to hide her plan.

Because he knew that this family would never betray him.

And if he wants to get Wang Jixing's help, he must be honest with him first.

"No!" Wang Jixing's expression changed.

He shook his head violently and said to Chen Xin'an: "There are a total of twelve prison guards and forty-five security guards in Doosan Prison.

They are equipped with K5 pistols and KRB short assault rifles.

If a large-scale prisoner riot or prison breakout occurs, within fifteen minutes, a riot team of 100 people will appear in the prison and block all exits!

Unless Mr. Chen has enough manpower to act together, there is no way to bring people out!

Mr. Chen, how many people do you have going to Doosan Prison? "

Chen Xin'an pointed at Luo Qianhe and said, "Actually, there are only two of us."

Wang Jixing's eyes almost popped out!

After looking at Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe, he cried out: "With just you two, it's like a prison robbery?

This is simply a way to die!

I can't watch you do this! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Wang Jixing: "As long as you plan well, you can do it!

Although there are only two of us in prison, there are some people helping outside.

Xiaoxing, I want to make a plan to kill two birds with one stone, and I need your help! "

Wang Jixing looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Mr. Chen, you are doing your best to treat my father. No matter what you do, I will help you!

But I can't watch you die in vain! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "I will not die in vain, and no one in Dongchao is qualified to save my life!

I have to rescue my friend, tomorrow! "

Luo Qianhe took out two small bottles from his body, handed them to Wang Jixing and said:

"Xiao Xing, you can find a way to mix the contents in this into the breakfast of the prison guards and security guards.

Don’t worry, it’s not poison, but it will give everyone diarrhea! "

"This is easy!" Wang Jixing nodded, took the bottle, and said to the two of them: "Tomorrow's morning shift, I happen to be leading the team to help with the cooking!

But if you want to rob the prison based on this alone, isn't it a bit hasty? "

"Of course not!" Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "Don't forget, tomorrow is the physical examination day at Doosan Prison!

My junior brother and I will continue to enter Doosan Prison as doctors.

When the time comes, we will create a chaos and make the prison riot, and we will look for opportunities! "

Wang Jixing frowned and said: "But once the prisoners start to make trouble, the security guards will intervene immediately and let everyone go back to their cells!

I can’t guarantee that all prison guards and security guards will win the bid. Some people don’t eat breakfast at all..."

Wu Yiqin shook her head and said to him: "Silly boy, what Mr. Chen and Mr. Luo want to deal with is not the prison guards and security guards, what they want to take advantage of is 11403!"

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe looked at each other and smiled.

This woman is really a smart person, and it will be much easier if she explains everything.

Chen Xin'an looked at Wang Jixing and said, "Xiao Xing, I will find an opportunity to get rid of this Dong Jian brother!

However, in everyone's eyes, this guy can only be beaten to death by you!

So after you receive my signal tomorrow, don’t hesitate and shoot him! "

Wang Jixing was dumbfounded, looked at Chen Xin'an with a puzzled face and said, "Mr. Chen, why?

I've never killed anyone, I'm afraid I won't be able to do it! "

Wu Yiqin looked at Wang Jixing with a solemn expression and said: "Xiaoxing, if you want to leave Doosan Prison and become a combat policeman, you must follow Mr. Chen's arrangements!

If you help Xinghai Group get rid of this thorn in its side, it is equivalent to making a great contribution!

This is your chance to get away from the prison guards! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "That's not enough! You are so anxious. When you are chasing me, you must first reveal my identity and then shoot me."

"Ah?" Even Wu Yiqin was stunned. Together with Wang Zhiyong on the bed, the whole family shouted: "This won't work, it's absolutely impossible!"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at Wang Jixing and said:

“Follow the plan, don’t hesitate!

Let’s plan for tomorrow step by step, there will be no mistakes.

Now I also need some prison guard uniforms, which will be useful when I take people out! "

Wang Jixing scratched his head and said, "These are all numbered. It's hard to do. Let me try!"

Suddenly a voice came from the door: "I can prepare. The uniforms of prison guards in all prisons are the same, just with different numbers.

Chen Xin'an told me how many sets I needed, and I prepared them! "

While talking, Ping Hengjun walked in with his mobile phone.

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