Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2764 The Eight Great Chaebols

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Being able to become a boss-level figure who dares to fight against the Moon family, Kim Eun-jae is certainly not a fool.

He had already seen the other party's purpose from Chen Xin'an's plan!

Chen Xin'an didn't want to hide it from him, and nodded with a serious expression.

A very critical point in tomorrow's prison robbery plan is to prevent the riot squad from coming to Doosan Prison for support.

And the only ones who can stop these people are Jin Enzai and his brothers.

Of course, he didn't want Kim Eun-jae to have a fight with the riot squad.

I just want them to stop the riot squad and prevent them from entering the prison.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an had to take Brother Snake out of Doosan Prison within the time it took the riot squad to get rid of the entanglement.

The length of this time depends on how Jin Eunzai and the others use to hold back the riot squad.

The longer it takes, the better it will be for Chen Xin'an.

But no matter how long it takes, Kim Eun-jae's people cannot directly fight with the riot squad, otherwise they will be looking for death!

After thinking for a moment, Jin Enzai nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "No problem, leave this matter to me!

Tomorrow I will send a few more capable brothers to go to Doosan Prison with you to help you! "

"No need!" Chen Xin'an immediately waved her hand and said to him, "There will be trouble if there are too many people!"

He turned his head and whispered a few words to Li Qi beside him, who nodded and stood up.

Chen Xin'an said to Jin Enzai: "Brother Enzai, send a few people to follow my brother out for a tour now. They must be able to communicate in Chinese!"

"That's just right, Zai Zhong knows it!" Jin Enzai didn't ask what he was going for, pointed at Zai Zhong and said to Li Qi:

"His name is Zheng Zaizhong. He used to do business with Chinese people and he can speak Chinese. If you have any orders, just ask him to do it!"

Li Diding nodded and said to Zheng Zaizhong: "Let's go, there must be nails planted by the Wen family nearby. I'll teach you how to pull out the nails!"

The room had been cleaned and the bloody carpet had been replaced with new ones.

The younger brothers all withdrew, leaving only Chen Xin'an and Jin Enzai in the room.

Looking around, Jin Enzai sighed and said: "I have lived here for almost ten years, but I have to leave after all. I am really reluctant to leave!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an looking at him with a puzzled expression, Jin Enzai shook his head and smiled: "Even if the nails are pulled out, this place is already being targeted by the Wen family!

This place will no longer be safe and I will definitely not be able to come here.

Fortunately, I have other hiding places, but this is the place where I have the most affection and where I spend the most money.

But these are all external things that I can let go of.

Brother, if it weren't for tomorrow, I could give this house to you! "

This is not just talk.

I have saved him several times, so what does giving him a house mean?

He, Kim Eun-jae, is not that stingy.

As long as there is nothing to do with the Wen family, this house can be lived in, and it is quite comfortable.

But robbing the Doosan Prison would be a slap in the face of the Wen family, and the gap would be raised.

With the Wen family's ability, it is not difficult to find out the truth of the matter.

This is tantamount to enmity with the Wen family, and it is also unsafe here.

But for Chen Xin'an, that's not what she was thinking about.

If Brother Snake can be taken away smoothly this time, even if it is inconvenient for him to come to Dongchao in the future, someone from the brothers will come over.

This line cannot be broken, otherwise it will affect the Red Hood.

There will be people who will stay when they come to Dongchao in the future, and Sister Hua will also need a hiding place there.

This is a good choice.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Jin Enzai: "If you really want to sell it, then I will sell it.

Don’t worry, I don’t live there, I have friends who come over to stay for a few days from time to time! "

"Brother, what you said is obvious!" Jin Enzai said with a smile: "If you want it, I will give it to you!

The fingerprint lock can be replaced tomorrow. I will change it to a key-based one. I will have someone send the key to you then! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said with a smile: "We have an old saying in China, brothers will settle accounts clearly!"

Jin Enzai said with a straight face: "Don't tell me this, you are not in China now, but in Dongchao!

Besides, do you know how much this house would cost if it were put up for sale?

Housing prices in Dongchao are more expensive than those in China. With the decoration here, this house will cost at least 2 billion Chaozhou dollars!

You, a doctor, can never afford such a house in your lifetime!

Brother, I don't mean to look down on you.

I just want to tell you that between us brothers, money is nothing, feelings are the most real! "

Chen Xin'an took out an international bank card and said to Jin Enzai: "Then I will give you 2.5 billion.

There is no need to refuse. Although I am not a Dongchao chaebol, I still have this little money.

There are no houses in Dongchao that I can't afford.

Give me your account number and I can transfer the money to you now. Just give me the key after the formalities are completed. I'm not in a hurry. "

Jin Enzai and everyone were dumbfounded.

I used to think that Brother Yanjun had high medical skills and good skills, but he was an ordinary person after all.

I can still feel a bit condescending in front of him because I am wealthy.

I never expected that he was the one with the deepest pockets!

Billions are given as soon as you say, without any hesitation!

And people say it is not the Dongchao Zaibatsu, but they do not say it is inferior to the Dongchao Zaibatsu!

How rich this guy must be to have such confidence!

In an instant, Jin Enzai felt that all his sense of superiority in front of the other party was gone!

He is richer than me, younger than me, better at fighting than me, and even saved his life several times!

Jin Enzai doesn't know what kind of attitude he should use to face this person now!

"Mr. Yanjun, who are you?" Jin Enzai asked Chen Xin'an cautiously.

Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at him and said, "Why did you change your name to sir? Am I not your brother?"

"Don't you dare!" Jin Enzai was ashamed and smiled awkwardly at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands, looked at him seriously and said, "Brother Enzai, let's not use such vulgar eyes to interact with each other!

Whoever has more money is the boss?

If I have more money, why don’t you dare to be a true friend with me?

That kind of purchased friendship is what I despise the most!

How we talked before, we will talk now.

If you feel awkward, let’s stop contacting each other after buying a house! "

"That's not what I meant!" Jin Enzai said quickly, glanced at Chen Xin'an, took a deep breath and said:

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much! Brother Yanjun, I'll take the money, and I'll send you the contract for the house as soon as possible.

Even if you return to China in the future, don’t forget that Dong Chao still has a good friend named Jin Enzai!

I won’t hide it from you, I am actually from Chaojing Yaohanjin family.

Hey, it’s useless to say that, I am me, Kim Eun-jae, and it has nothing to do with Yao-han! "

Chen Xin'an asked with some confusion: "What is Chaojing Yaohan?"

Jin Enzai's eyes widened, he looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "You don't know about the Eight Great Chaebols of Dongchao, do you?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head. He only knew about the Wen family, and he really didn't know much about the rest.

Because he didn't interact with others, Chen Xin'an didn't have the desire to gossip, so he didn't deliberately collect information.

Jin Enzai slapped his head and said to Chen Xin'an in a state of laughter and tears: "I'm really convinced by you, don't you know the eight major chaebols in Dongchao?

Mitsuda Hoshikai Bunka is just one of them, and he is considered the weakest one.

The other seven companies are Dongchao Yuandun Group, Jiner Dongji Group, BG Group, Jiafu Group, Dachang Group, SKY Group, and Chaojing Yaowei Group, which is known as the largest chaebol in Dongchao!

The former head was Kim Eun-joo, and the current chairman of the group is Lee Kwang-min! "

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