Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2765 This person will definitely die tomorrow

., update the latest chapters as soon as possible!

Speaking of which, the Mitsuda Xinghai literary family can only be regarded as the level of the Chinese family, and of course does not have the heritage of the Chinese family.

The real Dongchao Zaibatsu are large group companies, and the executives inside are all wealthy people.

The entire group company is like a giant money-attracting beast, constantly constricting Dongchao's economy.

Those who control these giants adopt a turn-taking management style.

No matter who becomes the chairman, he will safeguard the interests of the entire group.

Only in this way can the entire group develop stably without intrigues and disintegration.

Of course, the larger the group, the harder it is to control.

After all, people are selfish and self-interested, greed is uncontrollable, and the desire for power is getting more and more expanded.

In this way, disagreements and even fights will inevitably occur. Such internal friction is very common.

Kim Eun-jae was a victim of this internal strife.

Moreover, the Jin family did not want to see him, and other families also rejected him. As a last resort, he had to leave Chaojing Yaohan and go to Guangtian City to establish his own family.

This is why he dared to fight against the Wen family.

After all, he was from Chaojing Yaohan, so he really didn't pay attention to the small Xinghai Group.

Chen Xin'an is not interested in this kind of power struggle, but the Wen family, the weakest of the eight chaebols, can cover the sky with one hand in Guangtian City.

It is said that the tide chaebols in the Middle East can interfere in national affairs, so it must be true.

It is absolutely true that there is even a consortium behind the election of the chief executive!

Chen Xin'an looked at Jin Enzai and asked: "Brother Enzai, will you help Yuandun Group deliver this?"

He gestured with his hand as if he were holding a spear.

Then he said with a smile: "Just ask casually, if it's not convenient for you to say, don't say it!"

Jin Enzai waved his hand and said: "There is no secret between you and me that cannot be told!

Yes, I did give them a batch of goods, but those bastards from Xinghai Group stole one third of it!

I didn’t expect those bastards to use my goods to kill me! "

Taking a deep breath, Jin Enzai suppressed his anger and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Yuandun Group has automobile, shipbuilding, tourism and other businesses.

It conflicts with Xinghai Group's business and is also a competitor.

The two sides have been fighting for several years, and no one has been able to bring down the other.

However, some time ago, Xinghai Group snatched a large international order from Yuandun Group, and the method was very shady.

Basically, they lower their prices so that they don’t make money, just to get customer resources.

How could Yuandun Group suffer this loss? If they wanted to get some goods from outside, they would directly level Xinghai!

It's just that the news leaked out and Xinghai was on guard. The ship was robbed by Xinghai's people as soon as it arrived.

I took people to snatch two-thirds of it back, and the other third was taken away.

I went to find Moon Youhuan to settle the score, but I didn't expect that he would set me up and put me in the first prison! "

Having said this, Jin Enzai gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "From that day on, I swore an oath that there would be two people who must be killed if I stay in Guangtian City.

The first one is Xinghae Moon Yoo-hwan, and the second one is Choi Dong-gun!

So brother Yanjun, if you rob the prison tomorrow, I will also ask you to do me a favor.

If you see a guy named Choi Dong Gun, tell me his whereabouts!

When the time comes, I will kill him with my own hands! "

"Cui Dongjian? Brother Dongjian? 11403?" Chen Xin'an was surprised.

Jin Enzai was also stunned, frowned and asked him: "Brother Yanjun, do you know this person?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said coldly: "I don't know him! But this person will definitely die tomorrow!

He was very unfriendly to my brother who was imprisoned in Doosan Prison, and he was already on my death list! "

"Okay! That's great!" Jin Enzai clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "This guy who is hated by people and ghosts finally has someone to deal with him!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "He has been in Doosan Prison for several years, right? Why did he still offend you?"

Jin Enzai snorted and said: "This bastard used to be a senior executive of Jiner Dongji Group, but he was kicked out of the group after he failed in the struggle for power.

Later, like me, he started his own business.

It's just that this bastard only cares about money, not morality, and will do anything for money!

He has always been jealous of my cooperation with Yuandun Group.

When my batch of goods came to Dongchao, he deliberately spread the news.

Not only did the Wen family have sex with me, but I was also targeted by the police!

This kind of garbage, even if I don't deal with him, someone will kill him sooner or later!

But this kid is really capable. Even if he goes to jail, he can still make everyone around him his.

Even though he is in prison, he is living a happy life just like on vacation.

In addition to not being able to come out casually, he did not delay contacting the outside at all.

What his gang of boys outside do is controlled remotely by him from inside. "

Chen Xin'an suddenly understood and nodded.

Li Qi had already returned, nodded to Chen Xin'an and said, "It's done, the Wen family has indeed arranged a lot of nails nearby!"

Next to him, Zheng Jaejoong handed a black bag to Jin Eunjae.

Jin Enzai opened it and took a look. The strong smell of blood made him nauseous. What was inside the bag turned out to be a bloody severed hand!

These were obviously freshly cut.

Jin Enzai just frowned, snorted coldly and said to Zheng Zaizhong: "Find an opportunity and throw this bag into Wenjia's private residence in Seongnamdong!"

"Okay, I'll go there later!" Zheng Zaizhong nodded in response.

Looking back, Jin Enzai said to Chen Xin'an: "That's Moon Youhuan's home!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and wrote down the name.

The phone in his pocket rang. Chen Xin'an picked it up and took a look at it. He stood up and said to Jin Enzai:

"Okay, Brother Enzai, I'm going back. Wait for my notification tomorrow."

Jin Enzai also stood up, patted his chest with his right hand, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Yanjun, Jin Enzai will be your lifelong friend!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and whispered in his ear: "If I'm still in Guangtian City tomorrow night, I will tell you my real name! Okay, I'm leaving!"

"Brother Qi, remember to call me when you have time!" Zheng Zaizhong looked at Li Qi with admiration and said.

I went out with this person, and the other person's skills immediately suppressed him!

If it weren't for someone else's intervention, I would never have imagined that a remote control device was actually installed under my seat.

It's like your life is in the hands of others at any time!

Not only could he be accidentally blown to death at any time, but no one in the car could escape!

And the way he found those hidden nails and the means to deal with those hidden nails, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to learn them even if he studied for three to five years!

Li Qi smiled slightly, nodded without saying anything, turned around and walked out with Chen Xin'an.

After going downstairs, a boy next to him handed over a car key and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Yanjun, the boss said that the thunder carriage needs to be repaired and I will give you another one!"

The car was right next to it. It was still a black Thunder Horse, but it was obviously a new car that had just been bought.

The previous car was indeed damaged in the battle just now, and its lights were broken.

Chen Xin'an was not polite and signaled Li Qi to take the car keys, and the two got in the car together.

Driving through the intersection, Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi to stop by the roadside, picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.

An eerie and unfamiliar voice came from over there: "Chen Xin'an? Let's talk!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to the mobile phone: "Wen Youhuan, right? Tell me where to exchange!"

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