Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2766 He is indeed the one who dares to provoke the Holy Master

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As Li said when he got up just now, Moon Sung Min asked Yoo Ji Yeon to make a call for him.

It's no accident. This call was made to his father, Wen Youhuan.

Chen Xin'an had already expected that the Wen family would definitely call him tonight, either Wen Youhuan or Wen Zaixun.

He had met Wen Youhuan once and heard his voice once, so he immediately recognized that the person who called him was Wen Youhuan himself!

It would be better if we could exchange, it would save a lot of things tomorrow, but Chen Xin'an also knew that the Wen family would not be so well-behaved.

But despite this, Chen Xin'an still didn't give up this little opportunity.

After all, this is the best way to ensure Brother Snake's personal safety.

So he didn't give Wen Youhuan a chance to talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

Wen Youhuan took a deep breath and said coldly: "You are indeed someone who dares to provoke the Holy Master, you are so courageous!

In this case, come to Lancang Scrap Shipyard, your Chinese brother will be waiting for you there! "

Chen Xin'an hung up the phone directly, and then dialed another number.

When the call was connected, Chen Xin'an said to the phone: "Brother Enzai, I want to take away the gun that the gunman left there just now. Do you still have bullets?

Also, have you sent that batch of goods to Yuandun Company?

How many things do you have at your disposal now?

No, don’t worry, that one is enough. Is there a clip of bullets? enough!

I'll go back and get it now! "

After driving downstairs again, the boy in front of the door said: "Mr. Yanjun, there is no need to go up, the boss has already come down in person!"

Sure enough, Jin Enzai hurriedly walked out of the elevator holding a backpack and said to Chen Xin'an:

"It's no small matter to be able to use this thing! I'll go there with you! The brothers I chose are all able to help..."

"No!" Chen Xin'an quickly waved her hand and refused: "You can't be with me tonight and be discovered by people from Xinghai, otherwise you will be in big trouble in the future!

I'll just take care of it myself, and you can just prepare for tomorrow. "

"But..." Jin Enzai was still a little worried.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "I accept my intention. But there is no need for you to show up now.

After I rescue the people, I may need Brother Enzai to cover for me and let me leave Dongchao safely! "

"Okay!" Jin Enzai nodded vigorously, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Anyway, remember, no matter who I face, I, Jin Enzai, am not afraid!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, took the backpack, handed it to Li Qi and said, "I'll drive!"

"Okay!" Li Qi picked up his backpack and got into the car with Chen Xin'an.

Sitting in the car, Li Qi opened his backpack, took out the gun inside, and began to skillfully inspect the firearm.

"It's a little bison made in Weisu. It has a magazine capacity of 65 rounds. There are still fifty rounds left.

Patrol Eagle has specially conducted disassembly and assembly training on this gun, so I am fairly familiar with it. "

He removed the magazine, pulled the trigger, listened to the sound of the machine spring, then raised the gun and aimed at the gun's crosshairs. He repeated this cycle several times and said to Chen Xin'an: "No problem!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Isn't it a bit too forced to use this kind of gun as a sniper?"

Li Diding nodded and said: "Of course it's not as good as a real sniper, or even as good as a single-shot AK, but conditions are limited, so I just need to get as close to them as possible."

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "What I'm afraid of is that you will be counterattacked!"

Li Qi grinned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't worry, boss, unless there are professional snipers in the opponent's camp and standard snipers.

It was also able to evade my terrain inspection within three hundred meters.

Otherwise no one can snipe me.

It is estimated that Xinghai Group does not have such a person, otherwise they would have killed Yuan Dun long ago! "

This is true.

Chen Xin'an naturally knew where Li Qi's confidence came from.

It's not that the Wen family can't afford such help, it's just that they haven't met any opponents in this area, so they won't make preparations in this area.

And Liu Jiyan called the Moon family tonight and invited people here now?

Then the Wen family is really too powerful, right?

The car returned to the apartment, and Chen Xin'an began to remove the disguise from his face and put on the mask Konoha prepared for him.

He and Luo Qianhe would not appear in the apartment as they were disguised by Yin Hye Kyo.

Just go to the hospital tomorrow and let Yin Hye Kyo re-disguise the two of them.

After packing everything, he asked Li Qi to stay in the car and went upstairs.

Seeing Chen Xin'an come back, Luo Xiaoman, who was lying on the sofa, sat up. Chen Xin'an said to him: "Get ready, Wen Youhuan is waiting!"

Luo Xiaoman suddenly became energetic and gave Chen Xin'an a thumbs up: "It must be Lao Chen, good things will happen as soon as he comes back!"

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes and ignored him.

This guy was really depressed. When he heard that there was going to be a battle, he was extremely excited.

Wang Hao also stood up and seemed to want to follow. Chen Xin'an said to him: "Brother Hao, it is very dangerous tonight and we cannot let you go."

Luo Qianhe walked out of the room and said to Wang Hao: "Brother Hao, I still have work to do here, and we have to do a lot of things tonight.

Both you and Elaine need to help! "

Wang Hao did not insist, nodded and said: "Okay! Just ask me to do whatever you want!"

Chen Xin'an pushed open the door of the bedroom next to her, and Wen Chengmin, who was lying on the bed, immediately sat up.

Liu Zhiyan, who seemed to be feeding him water next to him, also quickly stepped aside, both of them looking a little unnatural.

Chen Xin'an ignored this, directly pulled Wen Chengmin up and said: "Let's go!"

Liu Zhiyan quickly grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and asked in surprise: "It's so late, where do you want to take him?"

Chen Xin'an didn't speak, just lowered his head and looked at Liu Zhiyan's hand holding his arm.

As if he realized his recklessness, Liu Zhiyan let go of his hand as if he was electrocuted, and stood beside him with a pale face. Nono said:

"I, I just want to remind you that the kitchen has made a midnight snack and I want to give it to you..."

Wen Chengmin stood up in front of Liu Zhiyan and said to Chen Xin'an: "She is just an innocent girl, you can't be so cruel to her.

No matter where you go, I will just go with you. There is no need to embarrass a girl! "

When this playboy was still sympathetic, Chen Xin'an glanced at him, then at Liu Zhiyan, snorted and said: "Your father wants to exchange hostages, I will take you to see him!"

Wen Chengmin breathed a sigh of relief, turned to Liu Jiyan and said: "Don't worry, my dad is here to save me!

You, don’t be afraid, when I go back, I will let them let you go!

This matter has nothing to do with you. I'll say hello to you at the company! "

Liu Zhiyan nodded, not daring to look into Chen Xin'an's eyes and lowered his head.

Wen Chengmin followed Chen Xin'an and left, saying as he walked: "I begged her to make the call for me, don't embarrass her!

I didn’t expect that she was still an employee of my company. I didn’t even notice this girl before!

By the way, when your friend comes back, let Zhiyan go. She is a good girl and innocent! "

"There's so much nonsense!" Chen Xin'an grabbed Wen Chengmin and pulled him out of the room.

After they all went out, Wen Chengmin couldn't help but turn his head and glance, and happened to meet Liu Jiyeon's eyes standing in the bedroom.

Looking at those worried eyes, Wen Chengmin felt a warm current in his heart.

As a self-proclaimed prodigal in love, he was concerned about a girl for the first time.

Chen Xin'an happened to see this scene, frowned, and glanced thoughtfully at Liu Zhiyan in the room, but said nothing.

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