Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2767 I have nothing to talk about with you

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The two of them looked at each other through the door, and there seemed to be something invisible growing and spreading in their eyes.

Wen Chengmin nodded to Liu Jiyan and showed a smile.

Then a wireless headset covered his ears.

As the music sounded, a black hood covered his head, and his eyes were pitch black.

Luo Xiaoman, who was carrying a backpack, came over, took Wen Chengmin's arm, and left the room with Chen Xin'an.

Lancang Old Shipyard, Chen Xin'an only passed by it when he came to Lancang Pier before, and did not go in.

This is a company owned by the Xinghai Group. It is not considered abandoned now, it is just taking on some small jobs.

Really big orders have to be done on new ships twenty miles away.

There are not many orders, so there is no night shift.

When it gets dark, there are only two gatekeepers left here and no one else.

Even the janitor is gone now, and the entire old shipyard looks eerie and empty.

Chen Xin'an drove the car into the large workshop. He and Wen Chengmin were the only ones in the car. Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman had already got out of the car.

The headlights in the workshop were on, bright and clear.

Parked in the open space was a Yakushi limited edition business car. This was indeed Moon Yoo-hwan's special car.


With a sound of brakes, the black Hyundai stopped.

Chen Xin'an drove this car after returning and did not drive the Thunder Horse over.

He was afraid that the Wen family would find out his relationship with Jin Eunzai through the license plate, so it was better to be cautious.

When Chen Xin'an got out of the car, Wen Xiuying, who came with Wen Youhuan, said angrily: "Chen Xin'an, where is my brother?"

Chen Xin'an tilted his head and looked at her and asked, "Where is my friend?"

Wen Xiuying snorted and said, "You don't know how to look up!"

Because this workshop is a shipbuilding place, it has a large space and a high ceiling, at least twenty or thirty meters.

Chen Xin'an raised his head and saw a person hanging in the air!

His face darkened, he opened the back door, grabbed Wen Chengmin's hair and pulled him out, and then kicked him in the stomach!

After being kicked, Wen Chengmin's body flew up, hit the car body hard, and fell to the ground with a pop!

Before he could scream, Chen Xin'an had already grabbed his hair and lifted him up. He held his arm with one hand and was about to break it off when Wen Xiuying cursed loudly:

"You bastard! Stop, don't hurt my brother!"

At the same time, a cold light flashed, and a flying knife shot Chen Xin'an in the throat!

Chen Xin'an didn't even dodge, he just raised his hand and grabbed the flying knife as fast as he could!

The next second, the tip of the knife was pressed against Wen Chengmin's neck, and blood was already seeping out from the wound!

"Don't mess around!" Someone yelled from inside the Yakshi business car. Wen Youhuan, who was wearing a gray windbreaker, got out of the car, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Don't be impulsive, otherwise it will be bad for everyone!"

Chen Xin'an put a knife against Wen Chengmin's neck, turned to look at Wen Youhuan and said:

"Put him down, or I'll kill your son and then save my friend!

Then I will kill your family. You can try to see if so many people can stop me and protect your life! "

Wen Xiuying gritted her teeth and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Chen, don't be so arrogant!

We have invited experts, don’t think that you are qualified to talk to us like this just because you know how to do it! "

Chen Xin'an snorted with disdain, held the throwing knife in his hand and said: "A clown who throws throwing knives in the circus can be considered a master?

This kind of stuff is not even suitable for my shoes!

You two, father and daughter, are so stupid. You don't really think this kind of thing can protect you, do you?

I don't want to listen to your nonsense. Let him go, or I will make this kid lose one of his fingers! "

"How dare you!" Wen Xiuying shouted angrily.

Wen Youhuan waved his hand towards her, raised his head and waved upward.

There is also a second floor here, about three stories above the ground.

Someone was standing on the iron shelf on the second floor, holding the lift controller in his hand.

With the sound of the Karala chain twisting, the man hanging in the air slowly landed.

Then he moved sideways. When he reached the railing, he was pulled over by someone on the second floor and unlocked his chain.

Wen Youhuan shrugged his shoulders and said to Chen Xin'an: "Well, now you see it, right? Can we have a good talk?"

Chen Xin'an snorted, looked at Wen Youhuan sideways and said, "I have nothing to talk about with you!

Release my people, and I will release your son!

We each go our separate ways, and we will still be enemies when we meet again! "

"Hahaha!" Wen Youhuan laughed, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "You have the guts!"

He picked up the phone and put it to his ear, and the younger brother's report came from inside: "There is no support, he did come alone!"

"Got it!" Wen Youhuan said, hung up the phone and gave Chen Xin'an a thumbs up.

"I know you, Chen Xin'an, are not a coward, but I didn't expect you to be so bold!

Come to see me alone and want to save your friend from my hands, Wen Youhuan?

Chen Xin'an, are you afraid of death? "

Chen Xin'an raised the corners of her mouth with a sarcastic smile, looked at Wen Youhuan and said:

"I won't come if I'm afraid of death!

What's more, you still want to kill me with your skills?

Who gave you the courage?

The so-called master that was invited? "

Wen Xiuying was so arrogant towards Chen Xin'an, she was so angry that she almost exploded!

She pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Chen, don't be so arrogant!

How do you know, we only have this few experts! "

"Okay!" Wen Youhuan glared at his daughter.

But he also knew very well that his daughter's temper was similar to that of a tomboy, and she could never hide things in her heart!

He smiled slightly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Of course these people can't trap you, Chen Xin'an, but what if it's these?"

As he waved, there was a burst of shouting and a large group of people suddenly came running over!

Looking at those dark heads, there are at least four to five hundred of them!

Not only that, a large group of people also appeared on the iron shelf passage on the second floor.

Unlike the thugs below who were armed with various machetes and sticks, the people on the second floor were all armed with guns!

There were all kinds of long guns and pistols, and all of them were pointed at Chen Xin'an without exception!

Wen Youhuan's face showed a proud and evil smile.

He clapped his hands and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I wonder if these people have enough to deal with you?"

Wen Xiuying also had a smile on her face, glanced disdainfully at the bald man walking next to her and said:

"Brother Changhao, to deal with such a fool, why would you need a holy master to come to Dongchao himself?

There is no need to mobilize troops and rush over from Chaojing!

Now that you have come to our Wen family’s territory, let our Wen family handle it! "

Brother Changhao next to him shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "I don't know why Master values ​​this guy so much!

In my eyes, he is just a Chinese guy who knows a little bit about boxing and kicking!

His strength is only average, I am sure to defeat him!

But since it is the decision of the Holy Master, we as disciples cannot question it.

Anyway, what the Holy Master wants is a living person, so I just need to keep him alive tonight, and I will take him to the Holy Master tomorrow! "

Wen Xiuying glanced at him charmingly and said, "I'll do whatever you want, brother Changho!"

Wen Youhuan watched his daughter flirting with this man and didn't care. Instead, he smiled and turned to Chen Xin'an and said:

"Chen Xin'an, you should never, never, never mess with our Wen family!

This is the same as your unlucky friend.

You have also seen with your own eyes that as long as you offend my Wen family, there will be no good end!

Now if you let my son go honestly, I will give you a chance to beg for mercy.

Tomorrow I will beg for mercy in front of the Holy Master on your behalf. Maybe the Holy Master will be merciful and spare your life!

But you have to remember that I saved your life, so you have to stay by my side and work hard for me, remember? "

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