Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2768 If you don’t enter the tiger’s den, how can you catch the tiger’s cubs?

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The people around were densely packed, and the Wen family ambushed hundreds of people here, surrounding Chen Xin'an.

But there was no fear on Chen Xin'an's face. She just looked at Wen Youhuan coldly and asked teasingly:

"Mr. Wen, tell me, if we fight, will I die first or your son?"

Wen Youhuan's face darkened. Although he was usually very strict with his third son, after all, he was his own flesh and blood, so naturally he felt very distressed.

Chen Xin'an squinted at Wen Youhuan and cursed: "I have no intention of letting go of that bullshit Saint Master. What does Wen Youhuan of the Xinghai Group mean to me?

You ask me to work hard for you, are you worthy?

No matter who you are, as long as you hurt my friends and attack me, Chen Xin'an, you will definitely not end well.

This is what I, Chen Xin'an, said, you'd better remember it clearly! "

While speaking, he raised his hand and slapped Wen Chengmin hard on the head!

Wen Chengmin screamed, feeling as if there was a mountain on his head. He couldn't bear it at all and fell to his knees on the ground!

"Stop!" Wen Youhuan and Wen Xiuying shouted at the same time.

She looked at Chen Xin'an as if she wanted to eat him alive.

Wen Youhuan gritted his teeth, his face gloomy as if it was going to rain, he looked at Chen Xinan coldly and said:

"Okay, it is indeed a dragon crossing the river!

You are the first person in Guangtian City who dares to speak to me, Wen Youhuan, in this tone!

Stop talking nonsense, the person you want is here, let my son go, and I will let your friend go! "

Chen Xin'an narrowed her eyes and sneered coldly: "Do you think I'm an idiot?

Let my friend go first. When we are safe, your son will be fine too! "

Wen Xiuying said angrily: "How do we know whether you will break your promise?"

Chen Xin'an looked at her sideways and said, "Then you can only take a gamble!

If my friends and I can't leave safely, we'll have to fight to the death.

I can guarantee that the result will not be what you want! "

The Wen family's father and daughter looked at each other and saw anger and deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

Wen Youhuan turned his head, waved his arm towards the second floor, and shouted: "Let them go!"

Soon, several thugs escorted Brother Snake down the stairs and walked towards Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an looked at Brother Snake and asked him, "Brother Snake, are you okay?"

At this moment, Brother Snake's hair was disheveled, his face was covered with blood, his body was dirty, and he was staggering when he walked.

It was obvious that he had been severely tortured.

He shook his head in a hoarse voice and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine. I won't die from this little injury!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Okay, I'll take you out!

You can stop and let him come over on his own! "

The people who were escorting Brother Snake all stopped, and Brother Snake staggered and almost fell.

Chen Xin'an quickly stepped forward to support him, patted Wen Chengmin's neck with the other hand, and said in a deep voice: "Make way, let's go!"

Moon Yoohuan waved his arms, and those around him made way.

Chen Xin'an took Brother Snake and Wen Chengmin to the Hyundai car. Brother Snake grabbed Wen Chengmin's arm and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'll stop him, Xin'an, you drive!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an turned around and walked towards the driver's seat.

The moment he let go of Wen Chengmin and turned around, Brother Snake suddenly pushed Wen Chengmin aside!

At the same time, he flipped his right hand, and there was a foot-long sharp knife in his palm, which stabbed Chen Xin'an hard in the back.

At this moment, there was a sneer on the corner of Brother Snake's mouth. In his opinion, the guy in front of him was already dead!

But then his smile froze on his face. Chen Xin'an in front of him seemed to have eyes behind his back. He suddenly twisted his upper body to the side to avoid the knife!

Then the opponent turned around and hit his elbow, and his right elbow hit his chest hard.

With a crisp click, "Brother Snake" spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted to Wen Chengmin: "Run!"

Without saying a word, Wen Chengmin rushed towards his father and sister.

Chen Xin'an turned around and wanted to catch Wen Chengmin, but "Brother Snake" endured the pain and rushed towards him, trying to hug him!

Without letting him touch his clothes, Chen Xin'an turned around and kicked him sideways again, sending him flying up and falling two meters away!

After just such a delay, Moon Chengmin was already surrounded by a group of thugs!

"Brother Snake" spurted blood from his mouth, his sternum was broken, and his internal organs had been pierced!

But there was still a look of confusion and reluctance on his face, and he shouted to Chen Xin'an while lying on the ground, "How do you know I'm fake?"

Chen Xin'an said solemnly: "You look very similar to Brother Snake, maybe it was done deliberately. You have a similar figure, and you are also deliberately imitating his voice.

Unfortunately, I overlooked one thing: he never called me by my name. "

Brother Fake Snake's expression darkened, he really didn't expect this.

Chen Xin'an said coldly: "Actually, even if you don't rely on this, you can't deceive me!

All disguises cannot be 100% identical.

As long as you look carefully, there will be flaws.

As luck would have it, I am an expert in this field!

You will be unlucky if you meet me! "

Brother Fake Snake was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground!

"Chen Xin'an, you are dead!" Wen Youhuan was in a good mood when he saw his son walking over under the protection of everyone, and said with a sinister smile:

"Let's see what qualifications you have to be arrogant in front of me now!

As long as I give the order, you will be beaten into a sieve!

If you don't want to die, I'll give you another chance!

Kneel down, swear allegiance to me, drink this thing, and I will spare your life! "

He took a blue vial filled with liquid from Wen Xiuying's hand next to him.

These things are just like the two blue bottles that Shen Nanzhu and Jin Eunzai gave him!

Wen Xiuying also burst out laughing, looking at Chen Xin'an with a mocking look on her face and said:

"You are so stupid!

How can we, the Wen family, negotiate for you?

This is Guangtian City, the world of our Wen family!

We have always been the only ones bullying others, no one dared to threaten the Wen family!

Do you really think we will bring the person you want and give it to you?

Although that kind of ant is not worth mentioning at all to us writers.

But since he has offended the Wen family, his life can only be in the hands of our Wen family!

What qualifications do you have to negotiate with our Wen family?

If you really dare to come here, you are simply seeking death! "

People around him also looked at Chen Xin'an and laughed loudly.

Now the overall situation has been decided, and the third young master has returned to the big boss safely.

This Chinese man has been surrounded by everyone and can hardly fly!

As long as the big boss gives an order, he will instantly become a dead man!

This is tantamount to asking for death. I really don’t understand such intelligence. How can I have the courage to go against the Wen family?

At this moment, Chen Xin'an raised his head, looked at Wen Youhuan's face full of sarcasm, and said coldly: "Actually, I have known for a long time that you will not negotiate honestly!"

Wen Youhuan was stunned for a moment, and then said with a cold scoff: "You know how dare you come here? Are you tired of living?"

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and said, "How could I see you if I didn't come?

If I don't see you, how can I catch you?

There is an old saying in China: If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs.

Haven't you heard of it? "

Everyone around him fell silent and looked at Chen Xin'an as if he were a fool.

Wen Youhuan also widened his eyes, looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and asked:

"What did you say?

You want to catch me?

You came here to negotiate with me single-handedly, and you still want to catch me?

Are you stupid?

Can’t you see how many people I brought with me?

Die! "

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