Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2769 You are on the verge of death

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Dong Chao's plastic surgery is world-famous.

From the beginning, Wen Youhuan had no intention of exchanging the real Cai Huashe for his son.

How could his family give in to others?

So he found someone who looked similar to the Chinese prisoner and was proficient in Chinese to impersonate him.

He also knew that what was fake was fake, but he couldn't reveal the truth from the beginning.

So he hung the man up and put him on the second floor to keep him at a distance from Chen Xin'an so that Chen Xin'an could not see clearly.

But I didn't expect that Chen Xin'an was so vigilant. He was on guard from the beginning, and half of his plan was ruined.

Fortunately, my son was finally rescued!

But Chen Xin'an's arrogance made him furious, and he waved his hand and let his men rush over!

Everyone from the Gym Alliance is here tonight, in order to subdue Chen Xin'an and save his life if possible. After all, he is the person named by the Holy Master!

"Dad!" Moon Chengmin walked up to Moon Jae-hun and shouted with an aggrieved look.


A hard slap hit his face, and Wen Youhuan cursed with a livid face:

"Useless things!

The Wen family has been disgraced by you, this good-for-nothing!

Get out of here!

You are not allowed to go out for three months after you return! "

Wen Xiuying curled her lips and said: "Third brother, don't think that dad and I care about you so much!

If you weren't from the Wen family, even if you died outside and stunk, my father and I wouldn't have given you a second glance!

Just like your shameless mother, she always embarrasses the Wen family!

Really, any mother will have her own son, they are all trash! "

Wen Youhuan glared at his daughter with a gloomy face, but didn't say anything, just sighed heavily.

Wen Chengmin lowered his head, with finger marks still on his face, but compared to the pain on his face, the chill and pain in his heart were even worse.

The three siblings have not been close to each other since childhood.

Because Wen Youhuan had three wives, the eldest brother Wen Zaixun was born to the eldest wife. When Wen Zaixun was two years old, he fell ill and died. Wen Youhuan married another one that year.

This second wife also gave birth to a daughter, Wen Xiuying.

Later, Wen Youhuan had a mistress outside and a son, Wen Chengmin.

It's just that this mistress is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She actually used Wen Youhuan's money to support her and also supported a pretty boy himself.

After being discovered by Wen Youhuan, he was driven out of Guangtian City. The pretty boy was also missing, and he might have been killed.

Three-year-old Wen Chengmin was confirmed to be Wen Youhuan's biological son after a paternity test, and he was brought to Wen's house.

It's just that the kind of family relationship of father being kind and son being filial, brother being respectful to younger brother has never appeared.

His brother and sister had disliked him and each other since they were young, and fights were commonplace.

When they grow up and become sensible, they don't know how to fight, but they are not close to each other either.

The eldest brother and the second sister have been fighting openly and secretly for the family business.

On the contrary, Wen Chengmin knew that he did not have the ability to take charge of the entire Xinghai Group, so he lost his ambition.

So he has always behaved as a playboy and not very motivated.

In fact, I just wanted to tell my eldest brother and second sister.

It doesn't matter which one of you is in charge, I won't fight, as long as it ensures that I can eat well and have enough food and clothing for the rest of my life.

Just such a show of weakness made the eldest brother and second sister look down on him even more, thinking that he was a waste!

You have to fight for it whether it succeeds or not, and you won’t regret it if you fail.

Only in this way can we be worthy of the Wen family's brand name and continue the Wen family's blood!

He has already given in before going to the battlefield. This is not worthy of being a member of the Wen family. He is just a loser!

"What are you doing standing still? Get out of the car!" Wen Xiuying cursed angrily at Wen Chengmin.

Wen Chengmin clenched his fists and turned around with a dull expression, wanting to get into the Yakushi business car.

At this moment, he suddenly shouted and fell to the ground!

"What's wrong with you, you loser?" Wen Xiuying looked at him and shouted angrily. She ran over and turned him over with her feet. When she saw what he looked like now, her face changed drastically and she screamed in surprise!

"Dad, come and see what's wrong with him?"

Wen Youhuan also turned around and saw Wen Chengmin on the ground, his whole body twisted in an exaggerated way and convulsing constantly.

There was blood coming from the nostrils and mouth, and the whole face was as red as a cooked eggplant!

"There is a needle here!" Wen Xiuying pointed at the bottom of Wen Chengmin's neck and said to Wen Youhuan: "I'll pull it out for him!"

"Don't move!" Wen Youhuan shouted, shaking his head at Wen Xiuying.

He knew that there was a kind of acupuncture in China. A small silver needle could save someone's life, or it could kill someone!

But only those who know acupuncture can do it. Others will pull out the needles randomly, which will cause paralysis in mild cases and death in severe cases!

That damn Chen Xin'an, when did she stick a needle in her son's neck?

Wen Youhuan felt a chill in his heart. Such an opponent was really hard to guard against!

He glared at the battlefield not far away and shouted loudly: "Chen Xin'an, you are on the verge of death. Stop making unnecessary resistance and surrender!"

Loud laughter came from the crowd. At this time, Chen Xin'an's voice was still full of energy: "Old man, just wait for me. After I finish dealing with these rubbish, I will go find you!"

Wen Youhuan gritted his teeth angrily and said bitterly: "You forced me! Get out of my way!"

The group of people besieging Chen Xin'an all dispersed in all directions. Wen Youhuan gestured towards the second floor and shouted sternly: "Hit me! Remember, don't hit your head!"

Anyway, what the Holy Master wants is a living person. As long as he is still breathing, it is not considered a violation of the Holy Master's order.

Mainly because his son is like this now, Wen Youhuan is not in the mood to spend time with Chen Xin'an here.

Use the fastest way to knock him down and force him to save his son. This is the most important thing to do now.

Following his order, gunfire rang out in the workshop!

But the bullets hit the gunmen on the second floor!

For a moment, ghosts cried and wolves howled, and everyone raised their heads and looked at the high roof.

Between those steel-framed ceilings, a figure was like an ape, constantly shuttling back and forth.

He held a charge in his hand and kept firing at the people on the second floor!

The gunman on the second floor was caught off guard. Only after several people fell down did he remember to fight back, raised his gun and kept pulling the trigger.

It's just that compared to the opponent's precise bursts of fire, their marksmanship is really terrible!

Bullets kept spattering sparks on the steel frame, but the opponent's guns kept firing, and people kept falling.

Chen Xin'an grinned, and with Li Qi's support, there was no need to worry about the shooter!

He jumped up and rushed towards Wen Youhuan quickly!

Just then, a group of people wearing white training uniforms rushed over and blocked him!

This group of people was attacking Chen Xin'an just now.

It was obvious that they were the masters of the Gym Alliance.

In fact, his personal combat power is incomparable to Chen Xin'an, and he is no match for him at all.

But with hundreds of people standing together, the fighting power is quite impressive!

Judging from the boxing and kicking skills, the strength of these people in the gym alliance is stronger than that of the Great Japanese Demon Ninja!

A member of the gym alliance shouted loudly: "We must trap Chen Xin'an, Ashin, you take someone to escort Mr. Wen and leave first!"

"Okay!" Someone outside the crowd responded, and then shouted loudly: "Guoxiu, let Mr. Wen get in the car, you drive immediately and notify the brothers outside to pick up!"

The current situation has changed, and I didn't expect that the other party would also provide support.

As a result, tonight's plan may not work.

The existence of Mr. Wen is the biggest hidden danger, so as long as he leaves, tonight's plan will be more than half successful.

It’s just that the third young master has been rescued!

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