Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2770 Don’t forget that he is only one person

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Unexpectedly, Wen Youhuan was unwilling to leave!

It was clearly a must-kill trap set by himself, but he ran away before the person was killed. Isn't this equivalent to admitting defeat and giving in?

Wen Xiuying said to him: "Dad, let's leave here first. These people are enough to deal with Chen Xin'an. There is no need for us to stay here and take risks. Bullets have no eyes. It will be troublesome if you are injured!"

These words really touched Wen Youhuan's heart.

He is a precious life. If he was hit by a stray bullet without knowing it, it would be a loss!

With a sigh, Wen Youhuan said to everyone: "Carry him into the car, let's go! Tell Director Wan that Chen Xin'an must be captured alive!"

Everyone ran over and hurriedly lifted Wen Chengmin from the ground and stuffed him into the back seat of the Yakushi.

Wen Youhuan and Wen Xiuying also got in the car.

The man named Guoxiu started the car and shouted with a walkie-talkie: "Taewuk, open the door!"

The car started and drove to the gate.

Just now, in order to prevent Chen Xinan from being alerted and running away in advance, the brothers outside closed the workshop door after his car came in.

But Guoxiu shouted for a long time, but the door was still closed, with no sign of opening at all.

Guoxiu frowned and shouted with the intercom: "What the hell are the people outside doing? Open the door quickly!"

Just then, there was a loud bang, and the door seemed to be hit by something, making a huge collision sound!

Everyone was startled and turned their heads to look at the door.

With a faint roar, the nearly three-meter-high workshop door made another tremor, and then the door axis fell off, and the whole door fell down!

The people next to him were scared and dodged.

A large loader appeared at the door, and as the throttle increased, black smoke filled the air, and it rushed straight over!

If you are crushed by this thing, you will definitely die!

The loader entered the workshop, running rampant and reckless, and the people below fled in embarrassment, hiding from place to place.

Someone stumbled over and shouted to Wen Youhuan in the Yakushi car:

"Boss Wen, something bad has happened!

Our brothers outside have been touched by someone and can't stand up now!

And the road outside is blocked by cars, we can't go now!"

Wen Youhuan's face changed, and he turned his head through the car window to look at Chen Xinan in the crowd.

As if he felt his gaze, Chen Xinan also turned his head, looked at him through the gap in the crowd, and then put his palm under his neck and shook it a few times.

You're dead!

"Kill him for me!" At this moment, Wen Youhuan didn't care whether he would disobey the order of the Saint Master!

I didn't expect that the planned sure-kill situation would become his dilemma now. He was actually blocked here and couldn't get out!

But so what?

I brought so many people with me, and this is still the territory of his Wen family. I don't believe that the damn Chinese can still turn the tables!

But I have to admit that this guy is really difficult to deal with.

I didn't expect that he also arranged a back-up plan, and he didn't come to negotiate alone.

Moreover, the people he arranged were also very strong. When each of them appeared, they suppressed the whole scene!

Fortunately, the other side was not large in number, and it seemed that there were only these three people.

Otherwise, if there were more people, and they were all so powerful, Wen Youhuan would also panic!

There was Li Qi's suppression above his head, and Luo Xiaoman was driving a loader and rushing around below.

Those gunmen and thugs were all stunned at this time.

Chen Xinan also took the opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of those people from the gym alliance and strode towards Yakushi!

"Stop him!" Director Wan reacted, saw Chen Xinan's intention, and shouted to his men around him.

A group of people rushed over, raised their sticks, and smashed Chen Xinan's head!

Chen Xinan suddenly accelerated and suddenly rushed into the arms of the person in front of him!

Before the other party could react, he had already grasped the right hand holding the stick, and with a swing of his arm, he threw the other party's body up!

The people around him didn't seem to expect that this guy would be so strong!

A man weighing 140 to 150 kilograms was grabbed by his wrist and thrown around. Many people were thrown out before they could react!

With a click, the unlucky guy's right shoulder was dislocated.

As soon as Chen Xin'an let go, his body flew out!

Director Wan was quick-witted and hugged the other party with both hands, but was knocked back seven or eight steps by the terrifying force and sat on the ground!

Chen Xin'an grabbed the stick in the hand of the unlucky guy, and with a bang, he knocked the thugs in front of him away, and continued to stride forward and rushed towards Yakeshi!

The people around wanted to stop him, but he knocked them all out with one stick each!

None of the people who were knocked down could stand up. All of them rolled their eyes and fell to the ground twitching.

This powerful fighting power scared everyone around, and for a moment no one dared to come up to stop him!

Director Wan put the man down, without checking his injuries, and just stared at Chen Xinan and shouted to everyone:

"Don't let him go any further!

What are you idiots afraid of?

Don't forget that he is only one person, and we have so many!

No need to fight him head-on, surround him and kill him!"

When everyone heard this, although they were a little hesitant, they did not dare to disobey the order. They all shouted with courage and rushed towards Chen Xinan again!

Chen Xin'an, who was too lazy to waste time on these miscellaneous fish, pointed his long stick forward and shouted: "Whoever stands in my way will die!"

With the roar, he rushed forward quickly!

The person he pointed at couldn't help but feel fear in his heart, and subconsciously stepped aside, Chen Xin'an had already flashed past him!

What a speed!

This is the common thought in everyone's mind.

By the time everyone reacted, Chen Xin'an had already rushed seven or eight meters away, and it was already too late to catch up!


Chen Xin'an jumped on the front of Yakushi's car, squatted on the hood, and grinned at Wen Youhuan in the car.

Moon Yoo-hwan was so frightened that he shouted to the driver Guo Xiu in front of him: "Kill him!"

Guoxiu immediately put the car into gear and stepped on the accelerator.

Just when he was about to release the handbrake, Chen Xin'an suddenly thrust his right hand forward!

With a pop, the stick penetrated the windshield in front, then pierced Guo Xiu's chest, and penetrated a section from behind the seat back, connecting Guo Xiu and the seat together!

"Ah!" Guoxiu let out a shrill scream and leaned on his seat unable to move.

Moon Yoo-hwan and Moon Soo-young were so frightened that they slumped in their seats, dumbfounded, and their brains shut down!

Am I mistaken, that is bulletproof glass!

This guy held a wooden stick and casually penetrated a bulletproof glass like it was tofu!

I knew that this person had some tricks. After all, it was the Holy Master who personally came from Da Ying to Dongchao to name the person he wanted to arrest!

But after seeing Chen Xin'an take action with his own eyes, Wen Youhuan realized that this person was much more powerful than he imagined!

Now he finally regretted that he had to make this trip tonight.

Isn't it just negotiation? It's enough to let his daughter come on his behalf!

You have nothing to do, why are you here to join in the fun?

It's not that his daughter is unimportant, it's just that compared to his life, it's worth sacrificing.

Xinghai Group can survive without anyone, but not Moon You-hwan without him!

Chen Xin'an calmly jumped out of the car, walked to the back seat, opened the door, grabbed Wen Youhuan's hair, and pulled him out of the car!

Then he kicked Wen Youhuan down in front of everyone, stepped on Wen Youhuan's head with his right foot, and said coldly to the people around him:

"Whoever dares to move will have his head crushed with my kick!"

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