Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2777 Don’t forget your own identity

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With Cai Huashe's current injury, flushing his face with water will only make his injury worse!

Of course Cai Huashe didn't want to, so she turned around and walked out.

The two security guards quickly rushed out of the rubber sticks and were about to hit Cai Huashe!

"Do you want to rebel? Just do whatever I ask you to do. Don't force me to do it, you know?"

"If you don't rinse it off, it will be seen by those doctors later, and it will cause trouble for me again, right?"

Cai Huashe, who was seriously injured, could not withstand the beatings of these two people and fell directly to the ground!

At this moment, a sharp shout came from behind: "Stop! What are you doing!"

Wang Jixing walked over quickly, glared at the two security guards and cursed: "He is like this and you still attack him, do you want to beat him to death?

Aren't you going to take him back to the dormitory? Why are you bringing him here? "

Why is this guy so haunted today?

"Sir, we just want to clean his wounds and we will send him back in a while!"

"You don't need to worry about this little thing, sir? Just the two of us can handle it. Sir, you should go back and continue having breakfast!"

Wang Jixing came over and helped Cai Huashe up from the ground, glared at the two security guards and said:

"Is this how you treat wounds?

Come to the toilet to treat the wound. How do you want to deal with it?

His injuries require him to go to the infirmary!

But there’s no need, the medical team has arrived and they can take him back just in time for the doctors from the medical team to check him out! "

"I don't think that's necessary?" A security guard stopped him and said, "He's not suitable to appear in front of those doctors like this!"

"Yes, what the captain means is to let him go to the dark room today and not let him take part in the physical examination!"

Wang Jixing snorted coldly and said, "Do you have the final say?

All members take part in the physical examination, and they have to look at the roster!

Besides, don’t you know what the physical examination is for this time?

If the company behind you is held accountable, do you want us, the prison authorities, to shoulder this responsibility for you?

You think beautifully!

He has to take a physical examination. If you want to stop him, let Park Yunho come to me! "

Although the two security guards were a little reluctant, there was nothing they could do.

Even though they are the main force in guarding the prisoners, they are prison guards and their superiors, and they dare not offend them at all.

And Wang Jixing is right. This physical examination is very important to Xinghai Group, and all members must participate.

The Chinese man in front of him is also a felon specially appointed by the company. At least he cannot be allowed to die before getting the most important information.

Therefore, they did not dare to make any independent decisions and could only watch Wang Jixing take the person away.

The medical team has arrived and the scene has been arranged.

The prisoners were all lined up and ready for the physical examination.

Chen Xin'an glanced around the whole place, not looking where Brother Snake was. He was looking for Wang Jixing.

With so many prisoners, it is not easy to find Brother Snake.

But as long as he can get in touch with Wang Jixing, he can quickly find his target.

But after looking around, Wang Jixing was nowhere to be found.

Could it be that this guy has been transferred to another class?

Luo Qianhe glanced at Chen Xin'an curiously, but saw him shaking his head slightly. Knowing that his senior brother really reminded him not to worry, he calmed down and started to make preparations.

This is not the first physical examination. The process is the same, so everyone is very familiar with it.

"Beauty, take off your mask and let me see your face?" Cui Dongjian sat in front of Yin Hye Kyo and looked at her frivolously.

Everyone around burst out laughing.

Yin Hye Kyo ignored him and just said coldly: "Put your arms down and take your blood pressure!"

Cui Dongjian stretched out his right hand and placed it on the table in front of him.

Just when Yin Hye Kyo was helping him roll up her cuffs, he suddenly leaned forward, raised his arm, directly touched Yin Hye Kyo's face, and took off her mask!

Yin Hye Kyo exclaimed, and her upper body instinctively ducked back.

But people around her still saw her appearance!

"Boss, it's really the beautiful doctor from last year!"

"When I do self-service at night this year, all I can think about is her!"

"Brother, I didn't get to kiss her last year. Please help me realize my wish this year!"

The security guard rushed over and shouted at everyone: "What the hell are you doing! Be honest, do you want to die?"

I just yelled twice, and when I saw those people who kept repeating it shut their mouths and looked like teachers, the security guard ignored me.

Cui Dongjian was sitting on a chair, looking across a table at Yin Hye Kyo, whose face turned pale with fright, and said:

"Beauty, it seems that all my brothers know you? Don't be afraid, as long as I'm here, they won't dare to do anything to you!

How about being my girlfriend, I'm single now! "

Yoon Hye Kyo looked at Cui Dong Gun and was so angry that she was speechless!

This guy is so bold. He dares to molest women so unscrupulously in prison. The key is that no one in the prison is in charge!

The management of private prisons has always been very chaotic. In other places, although the prisoners may talk a lot, none of them dare to take action.

Because the prison guards will beat him until he doubts his life!

But in Doosan Prison, those prison guards are just like decorations.

The security guard only gave her a token scolding, and it seemed that as long as she was not pressed to the ground, the prison authorities ignored her and even laughed to watch the fun!

This made all the doctors who came for the physical examination frightened and felt that their own safety was not guaranteed.

Therefore, every time I go to a private prison for a physical examination, I have to sweat a lot.

Once you come out, you will feel relieved, as if you have come back from hell!

Cui Dongjian looked at Yin Hye Kyo's performance, his face became even more proud, and he said with a smile:

“Don’t think that I’m cheating on you just because I’m in prison!

Believe it or not, it only takes one day for me to know where your home is and who is there?

How about we make a bet on whether you can receive a rose when you go home tonight?

If you receive it, how about you come to visit the prison tomorrow and be my girlfriend? "

Before Yin Hye Kyo could speak, Wang Jixing's voice came from behind: "Cui Dongjian, do you think we are dead?

Don't forget that you are a prisoner now, how dare you pick up girls here?

If you continue to be lawless like this, I will put you in a dark room right now! "

Wang Jixing had already walked over with Cai Huashe and jumped in line in front of everyone!

Chen Xin'an raised her head and glanced at him, then looked at Cui Dongjian opposite.

He knew Wang Jixing's intention for saying this name in public. He knew that in prison, people rarely call people by their names, and usually call them by their numbers.

What Wang Jixing meant was to tell Chen Xin'an that this guy was the second target!

Chen Xin'an turned her head and looked at the man next to Wang Jixing who was covered in blood.

When she recognized him, she was shocked, but she immediately held down Luo Qianhe's arm next to him!

Luo Qianhe, who had not recognized him at first, his eyes widened at this moment, and he wanted to scream, but he felt his senior brother's power and immediately closed his mouth.

No one thought that after not seeing each other for a month, Brother Snake would be destroyed like this!

The two of them wore makeup and deliberately suppressed it, so they didn't show any abnormal expressions or actions.

Cui Dongjian glanced at Wang Jixing with disdain and said lazily: "Sir, can't we chat during the physical examination?

You look at the sky and the earth, can you still control what my mouth says?

A beautiful doctor is willing to chat with me. Are you jealous?

Are you also interested in this beauty? "

"Don't talk nonsense here!" Wang Jixing blushed and said to Cui Dongjian:

"I tell you this is a prison and you are a prisoner undergoing rehabilitation!

Don't forget who you are! "

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