Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2778 I have long disliked this boy.

., update the latest chapters as soon as possible!

Ignoring Cui Dongjian, Wang Jixing directly brought Cai Huashe to Yin Hye Kyo.

"Doctor, please help treat this man's wounds first. His condition is a bit serious!"

Cui Dongjian was unhappy and shouted to Wang Jixing: "Sir, what do you mean?

Everyone is queuing up, how can you get in the queue?

Just because you are a commander, you have privileges, right? "

Hearing him shout this, everyone around him started cheering.

"That's right, this person is your relative. Do you care about him so much?"

"My parents are awesome! If everyone else lines up obediently, I can just jump in line! It's better to find a supporter like a chief!"

"Shut up, everyone! The commander can do whatever he wants. We can't have any objections, otherwise the commander will definitely give us little shoes to wear!"

Wang Jixing turned his head and said through gritted teeth to Cui Dongjian: "Don't forget that his injury was caused by you!

If something happens to him, you know what the consequences will be!

When the time comes, do you think your brothers will fight against those mermaids for your own selfish desires?

Not only them, but also the security guards will not let you go, believe it or not? "

Cui Dongjian looked at Wang Jixing coldly, seemed to hesitate for a while, then stood up with his hands raised, turned around and said: "

Who knows that I am a caring and good citizen? Now that someone is so seriously injured, it won’t take more than a few minutes to let him take a look first! "

Yin Huiqiao put on the mask, glanced at Cai Huashe, took a breath of air, and said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe: "Come over and help!"

Just wait for her words!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe also hurried over to check Cai Huashe's injuries together.

"What was this burned with?" Chen Xin'an asked.

Wang Jixing turned around and glared at Cui Dongjian.

Knowing that revealing the ingredients of those medicines would be of no benefit to him, Cui Dongjian did not say anything directly, he just glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed:

"If you want treatment, give him good treatment and stop talking so much nonsense!"

Chen Xin'an immediately raised his head and scolded him: "Are you an idiot? If we don't understand his injury clearly, how can we prescribe the right medicine?

The prisoner is still so rampant, who do you think he is? "

Cui Dongjian is the boss in the prison, and even the security guards will give him some respect.

Among the prison guards, only Wang Jixing refused to deal with him. Which of the remaining prison guards would not be polite to him?

Now I was scolded by a doctor who came for a physical examination, with a tone of contempt and disdain. How can I bear this?

"Do you really want to die?" He suddenly rushed over and reached out to grab Chen Xin'an's neck!

But at this moment, Luo Qianhe, who was standing nearby, happened to be holding a needle and wanted to inject Cai Huashe. Because Cui Dongjian's arm blocked him, the injection was stuck in Cui Dongjian's arm!

Moreover, Luo Qianhe subconsciously pushed the needle and pushed all the liquid inside into Cui Dongjian's body!

Cui Dongjian hissed coldly, pulled out the needle on his arm, glared at Luo Qianhe and said:

"What the hell did you inject into me?"

Chen Xin'an scolded him: "Are you sick? This is an anti-inflammatory injection for this wounded man. Why did it get stuck on you?"

Cui Dongjian took the needle and wanted to stab Chen Xinan!

Is this what I am willing to do?

It’s not you who pricked me!

But when he heard it was just an anti-inflammatory shot, he felt relieved!

He just raised the needle and wanted to stick it on Chen Xin'an, so that this kid dared to speak rudely to him!

But suddenly he felt dizzy. He quickly held on to the table and dropped the needle on the ground. He gasped and asked Chen Xin'an, "What the hell is this anti-inflammatory injection?"

Chen Xin'an shouted impatiently: "It's not an anti-inflammatory shot, it's something! Go away quickly, don't delay our treatment!"

"You, a doctor, want to die, right? Why are you talking to our elder brother?"

"I've long disliked this kid! Who do you think you are if you dare to talk to our eldest brother?"

"A mere man in a white coat still dares to be arrogant to my elder brother? Do you believe that I will let you lie down and leave Doosan Prison?"

No one noticed that Cui Dongjian seemed to be seriously ill at this time, his eyes were red and his face was starting to turn purple.

The expression on his face seemed to be very irritable, as if he was trying his best to suppress something, his face was ferocious, and he was gritting his teeth.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and winked at Luo Qianhe. The two turned around and began to treat Cai Huashe's wounds.

"Brother Snake, I've made you suffer!" Chen Xin'an whispered to Cai Huashe across a table in his ear.

Cai Huashe's body trembled and she looked at the stranger in front of her in disbelief.

Although the appearance is unfamiliar, the voice is extremely familiar. He is the boss Chen Xin'an!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an held his shoulders and whispered: "Don't get excited, don't show any abnormality. Believe me, I will definitely take you out of here!"

Cai Huashe's eyes were red. He took a deep breath and said vaguely: "Okay!"

Brother Snake's current injury cannot be treated at all based on the existing conditions. Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe only clean the wound to prevent infection.

Apply some more ointment and wrap his entire head with gauze, leaving holes for his eyes, nostrils and mouth.

As soon as they were wrapped up, Cui Dongjian blushed, pushed the person in front of him away, and shouted to Chen Xin'an:

"Are you fucking done? I'm very uncomfortable now, show me first!"

Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe looked at each other with a sneer on their lips.

The medicine is taking effect!

The two continued to check Brother Snake's injuries. Yin Hye Kyo said to Cui Dongjian: "You can go to the internal medicine department first..."

Before she could finish speaking, Cui Dongjian blushed and said with a ferocious smile: "I'm not going anywhere, I'm just looking for you!

Beauty, how have you considered what I just said? "

When Yin Hye Kyo saw him approaching, even though she was across a table, she looked wary and shouted impatiently:

"Go away! Where are the prison guards? Are you just showing up? Just look at me and don't care, right? Then don't blame me for filing a complaint against you!"

Originally, I just wanted to listen to this guy's talk, so that everyone could have fun.

I didn't expect that this guy was not just a talker, but also a man with cheap hands. He actually dared to do it!

The prison guards and security guards also knew that they couldn't do anything and had to make him restrain himself.

A security guard came over, took Cui Dongjian's arm and said, "Okay 11403, sit down and cooperate with the physical examination!"

Unexpectedly, Cui Dongjian just threw his arm, pointed at his nose and cursed: "Get away, leave me alone!"

Depend on! This is a prison, how dare you treat me like this?

The security guard was also stunned. He had a good relationship with Cui Dongjian in the past. After all, this guy was so generous that the brothers outside invited him several times and gave him cigarettes and drinks.

So this guy is lawless in prison, and he turns a blind eye.

I didn't expect this guy to become so arrogant. How dare he point at him and scold him in front of everyone?

The security guard's face turned dark, he pulled out a rubber stick and hit Cui Dongjian directly on his body, and cursed at him:

“I’m giving you face, right?

Don't forget that you are a criminal. Do you think this is your home?

Sit down and don't make me say it a second time! "

Cui Dongjian, who received a stick, stopped his movements, turned around slowly, looked at the security guard with red eyes, and then suddenly kicked the security guard in the stomach and cursed: "Get out!"

You can't do anything to the security guard, even if he is the boss of the prison!

A group of security guards all rushed over. The security guard who was kicked took a step back and became angry. He raised the rubber stick in his hand and slapped Cui Dongjian on the head and face!

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