Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2779 We must escape from this place

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The prisoners around were all dumbfounded. They couldn't understand. Brother seemed to be very irritable today!

In the past, there was a tacit understanding between everyone and the security guards, and everyone kept a certain amount of face.

After all, we are here to guard prisoners, so we can't fight against the enemy all day long. That would not be good for everyone.

Therefore, although the relationship between the two parties is not very harmonious, they do not often get involved.

But today, the eldest brother seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit and had a hard time with the security guard!

Everyone stood aside blankly, watching the security guard beat the elder brother with a stick, and did not dare to intervene.

At this moment, Cui Dongjian staggered two steps and threw his upper body on the table. The security guard caught up and continued to beat him.

But suddenly, Cui Dongjian grabbed the scissors that Chen Xin'an had used to cut gauze on the table, swung his backhand, and stabbed the security guard in the forehead!

"How dare you hit me?

I'll kill you!

A small security guard dares to attack me. Who gave you the courage?

Go to hell, you bastard! "

Everyone fell silent and stared at this scene blankly.

The security guard was kicked away by Cui Dongjian, and blood spurted out from the blood hole on his neck!

He covered his wound with one hand, and reached for the gun at his waist with the other hand.

But after only taking out half of it, he lost all his strength and collapsed!

The alarm bell rang suddenly, and the prison guards and security guards all reacted, pulled out their guns, and shouted at everyone: "Everyone squat down with your hands on your head!"

Luo Qianhe picked up a bag from under the seat and placed it on the table. There were many bottles clattering inside.

He took out two pills and gave them to Cai Huashe and Yin Huiqiao.

"What is this?" Yin Hye Kyo looked at the thing in her hand strangely.

Cai Huashe didn't hesitate at all and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Seeing that neither Chen Xin'an nor Luo Qianhe had any intention of explaining, Yin Huiqiao had no choice but to put the pill into her mouth.

A spicy and slightly smelly smell rushed up, and Yin Hye Kyo opened her mouth to vomit, but when she glanced at Cai Huashe, who was swallowing a big gulp in front of her, she suppressed her nausea and swallowed it hard!

Seeing the security guards rushing over, Cui Dongjian, who was furious, took the scissors in his hand and stabbed one of the security guards in the chest!

When he wanted to pull it out, he was kicked by a security guard next to him.

He let go of the scissors, staggered back two steps, and leaned on the table!

Facing the security guards rushing over, he picked up all the useful things around him and smashed them hard!

The security guards were wary of the panicked doctors, so they did not fire.

This also gave Cui Dongjian the opportunity to fight stubbornly.

He grabbed the bag Luo Qianhe placed on the table and swung it hard on the head of the security guard in front of him!

Unexpectedly, the contents in the bag were all glass vials, and he smashed the security guard's head to pieces.

The bag also broke and a lot of liquid flowed out!

A pungent smell came and quickly dissipated in the air.

Cui Dongjian threw away the bag in his hand and jumped on the table.

The doctors behind them screamed in fright and hid one after another.

Amidst the piercing alarm bells, a group of security guards rushed over and surrounded Cui Dongjian.

But they didn't dare to overly stimulate this crazy guy, because those doctors were all his hostages!

So not only did they not dare to shoot, they were even hesitant to take action and did not dare to let go.

A group of security guards finally blocked Cui Dongjian.

But at this moment, there was a doctor in front of him, and a broken medicine bottle was pressed around his neck!

The security guards didn't dare to attack him. If something happened to the doctor of the medical team in the prison, the prison would probably be shut down!

No one dares to take such responsibility.

But many security guards couldn't bear it any longer. Their inner impulses made them want to shoot right now. No matter whether the hostages would die or not, they would kill the guy who dared to cause trouble first!

As soon as this idea came up, the security guards themselves were shocked. They didn't understand why they were so irritable and impulsive now, and they seemed to be unable to control themselves.

In fact, it's not just them, the criminals are also ready to take action.

A security guard couldn't get to the front and completely lost his patience. He used a rubber stick to whip the criminal who was watching the fun in front of him, and cursed:

"Get out of my way! Don't get in the way here!"

The beaten criminal felt no pain on his body, but his anger rose uncontrollably!

Thinking of the various bullying and torture these security guards usually subjected to people like him, his face began to become ferocious!

Seeing him like this, the security guard became even more angry. He hit him on the head with a stick and yelled:

"What are you looking at! Do you want to rebel? Squat on the ground for me, or I will beat you to death!"

Blood streamed from the criminal's forehead.

But the other party seemed to feel no pain at all, instead he was furious.

With a strange cry, he grabbed the security guard's right hand, and then slammed his forehead against the security guard's face!

The security guard screamed and fell to the ground on his back.

The criminal shouted: "Kill them! Save brother, rush out!"

It was like a stone was suddenly thrown into the calm lake, causing a big splash!

The whole restaurant seemed to explode, and everyone shouted all kinds of things!

The prisoners seemed to be going crazy and rushed towards the prison guards and security guards!

The security guards at the front couldn't control it after all. Although they didn't fire, they no longer cared about the life and death of the hostages and pounced on Cui Dongjian.

Unexpectedly, these guys didn't even consider the hostages, and Cui Dongjian was also angry.

He wanted to stab the hostage directly through the neck, but a steel needle flew from nowhere and pierced his right hand.

The broken bottle fell to the ground. Cui Dongjian pulled out the steel needle and stabbed it directly into the eye of a security guard who rushed over!

At this time, he no longer had the energy to pay attention to the unfortunate doctor. Cui Dongjian roared and rushed towards the security guards!

It's just that there were too many people on the other side, and they only stood in the way for less than ten seconds before they were hit hard on the head and face. Their heads were bruised and bleeding, and they couldn't straighten their backs!

Just as they were about to capture the troublemaker, a group of security guards rushed over.

But at this moment, there was a sudden stinging pain behind him. The security guard on the perimeter turned around and was shocked!

All the prisoners went crazy and rushed towards them!

The current situation is no longer Cui Dongjian making trouble, but all the prisoners rioting!

Before a security guard could react, a fork was stabbed into his nostril!

While he screamed loudly, the gun was snatched away from him, and with a clicking sound, the bullet hit his companion next to him!

The security guard didn't even scream, his head tilted to the ground, and he was no longer breathing!

The other party even tried to snatch his gun away. Fortunately, he had a safety rope tied to his body. The guy tried to grab it several times but failed!

The security guard also reacted and immediately reached out to grab the gun!

The two fell to the ground and struggled with each other.

No one came to help because all the security guards were entangled by the criminals and had nothing to do!

There was a big melee in the entire dining hall!

Cui Dongjian stood on the table and shouted to everyone: "Kill them all! Let's rush out!"

No matter how good the prison is, it is still a prison, and it is better to be free outside.

I had never thought about escaping from prison before. After all, this was not easy, and if I failed, the consequences would be disastrous.

But today I don’t know why, but I feel like escaping is no big deal.

This damn place has never been so disgusting.

He doesn't want to stay here any longer!

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