Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2784 This is my responsibility

The leading prison guard was like a tiger descending from the mountain!

Those prisoners were simply vulnerable in front of him. They wanted to join forces to deal with him, but they were knocked to the ground before they could even see his face!

Before Brother Zhihao could react, the other party had broken through the heavy encirclement and stood in front of him!

Chen Xinan looked at Brother Zhihao in front of him and asked coldly: "I heard that you want to see me? I came here by myself without anyone leading me! What do you want to say to me?"

Brother Zhihao stretched his neck and swallowed his saliva, but his right hand quietly reached behind his back, and then suddenly loosened forward, gritted his teeth and said: "I told you to die!"

This guy is quite good at fighting.

But so what?

Which of us criminals is not a vicious and cruel person?

It's not a competition with you. Taking advantage of your unpreparedness and killing you is our goal!

You dare to get so close to me, you are really looking for death!

But with a snap, his wrist was grabbed.

The terrifying thing is that the man in front of him didn't even look down, as if he just grabbed his knife-holding hand accurately by feeling! Brother Zhihao used all his strength, but couldn't make the knife move forward! Just as he was about to speak, he heard a snap, and his wrist was broken! Brother Zhihao opened his mouth wide and was about to scream, but the other party didn't stop at all, grabbed his arm, and parted it, and there was another crisp snap, and the whole arm was broken! This time, Brother Zhihao's face was in pain and he couldn't scream. He just held his broken arm and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief. The next second, Chen Xin'an slapped Brother Zhihao on the head, making him kneel on his knees involuntarily, and then twisted his head to make him face the prisoners. "Whoever dares to take another step forward will end up worse than him!" Hearing this, all the prisoners were frightened and their faces changed drastically, and they subconsciously took a step back! "Warden, are you okay?" Wang Jixing rushed over and helped up his boss who was swollen like a pig's head.

Han Jinzai shouted to him with surprise on his face: "Wang Jixing, you came just in time!

This time, I want to thank you!"

The subordinates beside him also stood up and looked at Wang Jixing with an embarrassed face.

He never dreamed that he would be saved by him one day.

You know, he often said bad things about Wang Jixing in front of the warden!

He knew that Wang Jixing was a Chinese. Although he was born in Dongchao and became a Dongchao person, he still retained the blood of the Chinese.

This is also why he couldn't stand Wang Jixing.

Wang Jixing ignored him and just said to Han Jinzai: "Warden, I rushed here when I knew something happened here!

I'm looking for Choi Dong-gun. If he's not here, he will definitely go to the ammunition depot!

Warden, we have to go there quickly, otherwise there will be more trouble!"

Han Jinzai nodded, looked at the prisoners in front of him, and asked in a low voice with some fear: "But so many people are blocking the door..."

Chen Xinan grabbed Zhihao's broken arm and said to him: "Get up, go! Let these people get out of the way. If you dare to play tricks, I will tear off your arm!

If you go to the hospital like this, this arm can still be connected.

If I tear it off, this arm will be useless and can only be fed to dogs!"

Zhihao was so scared that he trembled all over, but he still listened to Chen Xinan and stood up honestly.

"Get out!" Zhihao shouted heartbreakingly. His arm was so painful that he could hardly bear it!

But he was more afraid that Chen Xinan would really tear his arm off. You know, the connection between his arm and body now depends on a piece of skin!

A group of prisoners were frightened, and they dared not stop the prison guards, and they all moved to the left and right.

Han Jinzai stared at Chen Xin'an's back with wide eyes. After looking for a long time, he couldn't recognize who this person was. He lowered his voice and said to Wang Jixing: "Axing, who is this? Why can't I recognize him?"

There were only a dozen prison guards in total. He should know them all. Why did he feel strange now?

The subordinates were also a little strange. He couldn't recognize these two people either. Just as he was about to speed up his pace to catch up and see their faces, Wang Jixing suddenly shouted: "There are shots outside!"

There were indeed gunshots outside the corridor window!

Generally, when dealing with small-scale riots in prisons, no shooting will be done.

At most, various non-lethal weapons will be used.

Once the shooting is done, it means that the criminals have reached a point where they can't be controlled at all!

All means cannot suppress the situation, and the only way left is to shoot.

With the sound of gunfire, a large number of prisoners fled everywhere, some rushed into the service building, and some rushed into the office building.

But as they had agreed long ago, not many people ran back to the dormitory supervisor's building.

It seems that everyone really hates that place!

"Let's go quickly, I'll take you to the safe archive room!" Wang Jixing said to Han Jinzai.

Han Jinzai nodded. Now the safest place in the whole prison is the archive room.

As long as the door is locked from the inside, the security there is not inferior to the ammunition depot.

The archive room is at the end of this floor. Wang Jixing supported Han Jinzai and ran to the door quickly.

The subordinate came over and quickly entered the password, opened the door of the archive room, and then went in with Han Jinzai!

"Axing, you come in too!" Just before closing the door, Han Jinzai grabbed Wang Jixing's arm.

Wang Jixing shook his head and said: "Warden, I can't go in! I have to stop Cui Dongjian from opening the ammunition depot, otherwise our prison will suffer even greater losses!

And I can't let Cui Dongjian escape, otherwise our brothers will die in vain! "

Han Jinzai took a deep breath, patted Wang Jixing on the shoulder and said: "Axing, when this matter is over, I will personally ask for credit for you!"

Wang Jixing smiled slightly and said to Han Jinzai: "Warden, I am not doing this for any reward.

I'm a police officer, this is my job!

Okay, you stay here, when everything is over, I will come over and inform you! "

After closing the door of the archives room, Wang Jixing said to Chen Xin'an: "Let's go to the third floor. Cui Dongjian must be there!"


The thick iron door bounced open, and the ammunition depot had been opened!

Cui Dongjian grinned and laughed.

With these things, what else is he afraid of?

It's great that you have guns, so do I!

The worst case scenario is a fight, since I have a lot of people anyway!

He strode into the iron gate, and then the smile froze on his face!

After a long while, he turned around and kicked the security guard who opened the door!

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why is there another door?

Open it to me! "

The security guard held his head in his hands and cried, "There are two doors in the first place!

This is where everyone usually lines up to get their guns! "

Cui Dongjian grabbed his hair and dragged him to the big iron door on the inner floor. He gritted his teeth and said, "Then open the door for me!"

The security guard cried and said: "The key is in the warden's office, I don't have it!

The guns are issued every morning and collected at night. The door is locked the rest of the time and the key is hung in the warden's office! "

Cui Dongjian was so angry that he kicked a football in the security guard's face and cursed: "Why the hell didn't you tell me earlier!"

The security guard was kicked all over his face, the back of his head hit the iron door hard, his eyes rolled, and he passed out!

A prisoner came over and asked him: "Brother, should I take someone to the warden's office to find the key? Zhihao and the others should also catch the warden!"

Cui Dongjian said with a gloomy face: "It's too late! Shots were fired outside. Even if the riot squad didn't come, the prison would still take heavy action!

They have so many guns that the few we have are simply not enough. We must get them immediately!

Ah Yuan, open the door for me! "

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