Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2785 I’m going to kill your sect

All the people inside retreated, leaving a large open space.

A Yuan took off his coat and wore only a vest, revealing his strong muscles.

He took a few steps back, then suddenly accelerated and ran forward. With a loud bang, he hit the iron door hard!

Everyone felt their feet shaking, as if the whole building was shaking.

But the iron door was very strong, it was just dented and not opened.

Cui Dongjian was behind and said to A Yuan expressionlessly: "Crash again!"

Ordinary people cannot bear such a powerful force and will definitely be injured.

Maybe a few bones will be broken.

A Yuan's face was also a little blue, and he was obviously feeling uncomfortable.

But after hearing Cui Dongjian's order, he didn't say anything. He just took a few steps back, rushed forward again, and then jumped into the air!


This time the movement is even bigger!

A large piece of the iron door was dented. Although it still hadn't been knocked open, the door frame was obviously a little loose.

However, A-Yuan's head was bleeding and a hole was broken by a raised spot on the door.

Cui Dongjian didn't even look at it, his face remained expressionless, and he said calmly: "Continue!"

A Yuan stood up unsteadily, wiped the blood on his face that blocked his eyes with his hands, took a deep breath, and prepared to hit the door again.

At this moment, gunfire rang out from behind and a lot of screams came.

Everyone turned around, their expressions changed drastically!

Prison guards and security guards have already rushed over!

"Stop them!" Cui Dongjian shouted to everyone with a gloomy face.

These idiots asked them to hold off the security guards outside, but unexpectedly they broke in anyway.

In fact, he also knew that once he placed his target in the ammunition depot, the prison authorities would come to intervene at all costs.

Because no one is stupid. Once you control the ammunition depot, it is equivalent to controlling the balance of victory, and the situation will be one-sided!

Upon hearing Cui Dongjian's order, the prisoners turned around, shouted and rushed towards the security guards!

Cui Dongjian looked at Ah Yuan and said to him: "Don't be distracted and keep banging on the door!"

A Yuan, who was originally obedient to him, seemed not to hear him this time. He just turned his head and looked outside.

Cui Dongjian frowned and shouted at him: "Why are you still stupid? Don't you listen to what I said?"

But A Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, rushed towards him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him aside!

"Damn you!" Cui Dongjian was furious and yelled at A Yuan.

Just when he was about to kick him, there was a crashing sound behind him!

The window glass in the corridor was knocked open, and a black figure jumped in from the outside with a rope!

Before everyone could react, they were knocked away one after another, and one person stood in front of Cui Dongjian like a ghost!

Cui Dongjian was startled and thought someone from the riot squad was coming!

But the man in front of him was only wearing the clothes of a prison guard, and he had a completely unfamiliar face. He didn't look like someone from the riot squad, and he didn't have the equipment of others, because he was using only his bare hands!

"You're looking for death!" Cui Dongjian yelled, took out the gun in his hand, and pointed it at the man's head.

This gun was just snatched from the security guard. It didn't have many bullets in it, so Cui Dongjian used it for self-defense and didn't use it on the two security guards to save waste.

Now he finally drew his gun and shot directly at the prison guard who fell from the sky!

This guy is pretending to be a flying hero, but he actually used such a stupid method to come directly in front of him. Isn't this a proper death?

But as the gunfire rang out, Cui Dongjian felt his eyes blurred. The man seemed to tilt his head, but it did not affect his progress!

what happened? Missed? Or did you hide away?

Cui Dongjian's eyes almost popped out of his head, he couldn't believe what he saw!

He yelled and fired three shots at the intruder!

This time he saw it clearly. When the gunfire sounded, the opponent's upper body swayed from side to side, and he really dodged all the bullets!

The bullets had been emptied, and the pistol was just a piece of scrap metal in his hand, but the opponent had already rushed forward. Cui Dongjian yelled: "Ah Yuan!"

The tall man rushed over like a mad cow and bumped into the opponent!

But the earth-shaking collision scene did not appear. When Cui Dongjian saw what was in front of him clearly, his breathing seemed to have stopped!

The other party only used one hand and pressed it on A Yuan's shoulder.

My feet slid back two meters on the ground, as if they were rooted, motionless!

No matter how hard A Yuan exerted all his strength, he could not take another step forward!

"Baji's supporter?" Chen Xin'an tilted her head and looked at the man in front of her, and said coldly: "Chinese?"

A Yuan was shocked and said nothing. He twisted his body, shook off Chen Xin'an's palm, and rushed towards Chen Xin'an again!

He opened and closed his arms widely, and slapped Chen Xin'an like a windmill. Wherever the wind passed by, he was full of power!

Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes, suddenly rushed into the opponent's middle, and punched the opponent in the chest!

This scene was like a chopstick that suddenly rushed into the rapidly rotating fan and stopped the fan blades in an instant!

A Yuan's whole body stiffened, as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points, and then he curled up into a ball in discomfort, tears streaming down his face!

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said: "Eighth level Great Pigua! You are still learning real ancient Chinese martial arts!

Where can the Baji Sect teach a disciple like you? When I return to China, I must take over his sect! "

A Yuan, who had never spoken before, suddenly shouted angrily: "Don't insult my sect!

I am not good at studying, I am not kind to others, and I have brought disgrace on Bajiquan, which has nothing to do with my master!

If you can, kill me. If you want to touch my brother today, just step over my body! "

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and kicked him in the stomach. The moment he bent over in pain, he swept his leg again and kicked A Yuan hard in the face.

Even though A Yuan was tall and strong, he still couldn't bear the kick. He tilted his head and fell to his knees heavily!

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and scolded: "I learned Chinese Kung Fu and worked as a lackey of Dongchao. You are really giving your master a face!"

Let’s not talk about martial ethics. You don’t even have the basic distinction between good and evil. Where do you have the nerve to pretend to be tough here? "

A Yuan was ashamed and flushed.

Of course he knew that Chen Xin'an's sarcasm was not unfounded. He knew Cui Dongjian's character better than anyone else.

Such a scumbag, in the past, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to protect him. Even if he looked at him twice, he might not be able to help but hit him!

But whenever he thinks of the fact that Cui Dongjian saved his life, he always feels that he has unfulfilled favors.

So he did whatever Cui Dongjian asked him to do, and never complained at all.

Because he knew that if it weren't for this person, he would have died long ago!

No matter what kind of scum the other person is, just because of a good deed back then, he has to protect him.

Even if it was just a random act of kindness by Cui Dongjian, for him, it was a gift of renewal!

A Yuanqiang stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, walked up to Cui Dongjian again, blocked him with his body, looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"No matter what you say or what you do, if you want to kill brother, just step on my body!"

Chen Xin'an's face darkened, and she glanced at A Yuan, and found a trace of begging in his eyes!

However, he immediately narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly: "You should regard China's chivalrous man as a foolish loyalist. You deserve to die!"

As he said that, he suddenly punched A Yuan hard in the heart!

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