Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2786 Don’t make the same mistake again and again

The huge body weighing more than 200 kilograms was sent flying by this punch, hit the wall heavily, and fell to the ground.

When an external master meets a top master with the fourth level of internal strength, the outcome is just a matter of one move.

It was Chen Xin'an who didn't kill him, otherwise this punch would have broken A Yuan's heart!

Cui Dongjian looked at Ah Yuan who was lying on the ground with bleeding from his mouth and nose, and spat and cursed:

"Useless thing! Is he dead? If not, get up quickly and stop him!"

Chen Xin'an raised her feet and walked towards Cui Dongjian. Her feet tightened, but A Yuan crawled over from the ground and hugged his legs!

Ignoring the blood stains on the corner of his mouth, A Yuan shouted to Cui Dongjian: "Let's go!"

Cui Dongjian didn't care what to say at this moment, turned around and ran away!

Chen Xin'an lowered her head and looked at A Yuan with squinted eyes, and said coldly: "Let go!"

A Yuan looked like he was dead, closed his eyes, shook his head and said, "Just beat me to death!"

A trace of anger appeared on Chen Xin'an's face, but looking at Cui Dongjian's back, he curled up the corner of his mouth and showed a sneer, as if he was no longer in a hurry to chase after him.

At this time, Cui Dongjian was like a lost dog, running desperately in the corridor.

Without the gun, it would be a little difficult to escape from prison.

The only thing that can be done now is to take human lives!

Control the group of inmates as soon as possible and encourage everyone to fight against the prison guards and security guards. I don’t believe that those guys really dare to shoot without restraint and kill everyone!

Only in this way can you escape.

As soon as I turned the corner of the corridor, someone shouted from beside me: "11403!"

The voice was hoarse and terrifying, as if it was shouted by an evil spirit crawling out of hell. It was creepy.

He turned his head and found a man standing not far away, holding a stick in his hand and looking at him coldly.

"Haha!" Cui Dongjian smiled, stared at the man and said, "16859, you called me? Are you... specially waiting for me here?"

After looking around, he found that he and he were the only two people nearby. Cui Dongjian felt relieved and said with a sneer:

"I was just worried about how to take you out, but I didn't expect you to come to the door yourself first!

You have to know that whether I can turn over after I go out or not depends on you!

What are you doing with a stick?

Are you waiting here to seek revenge from me?

Come on, I'm standing here, come and hit me! "

Cui Dongjian clasped his hands in front of his chest, raised his eyebrows, and looked at Cai Huashe with contempt.

After coughing twice, Brother Snake walked forward with his stick in hand, his eyes fixed on Cui Dongjian, his face expressionless.

For this person, the hatred in his heart was no less than that of Moon Jae-hun.

Moon Jae-hoon robbed him of his goods and put him in jail.

This hell-like life is caused by this bastard in front of me.

Brother Snake didn't know either. The two of them had no grudges at all, but this guy started torturing him in different ways, destroying him, and making his life worse than death from the first day he entered Doosan Prison!

So Brother Snake had already made a vow that as long as he could leave here alive, he would kill this bastard!

Now, the time for revenge has come!

With a whoosh, the stick in Brother Snake's hand hit Cui Dongjian hard on the head!

Cui Dongjian violently twisted his body to the side, and quickly got close to Brother Snake. He struck hard with his right fist and hit Brother Snake in the face!

He was born as a thug and has experienced many battles.

He has also learned kung fu, and his practical experience is not average.

Brother Snake raised his head to avoid the punch and wanted to pull away and pick up the stick, but Cui Dongjian didn't give him this chance. He grabbed the stick with his left hand and hit Brother Snake hard on the chin with his right elbow!

Brother Snake's head tilted back uncontrollably, and his right hand subconsciously let go of the stick, only to be snatched away by the opponent.

His combat experience is far less than that of Cui Dongjian. What's more terrible is that the injuries on his body are too serious, and he is only supported by the courage of revenge.

In this state, he is no match for Cui Dongjian!

Cui Dongjian shook the stick in his hand and sneered at Brother Snake: "Idiot! You want to take revenge on me? Do you have the strength?

Hurry up and tell me where you hid that batch of goods, and I'll give you a treat.

Otherwise I will make it impossible for you to die even if you want to!

You know, what I hate the most are you Chinese people!

Trash like you should not exist in this world and should all die!

You should be lucky that there is something about you that can attract me.

Otherwise, your miserable life would have died in my hands long ago! "

He walked towards Brother Snake step by step, then picked up the stick in his hand and hit Brother Snake hard with a bang!

"Tell me where those things are!

Otherwise I will beat you to death like this!

Don't challenge my patience, I tell you, I'm very angry now!

So if you dare to lie to me, the consequences will be disastrous! "

Every time he said a word, he would hit Brother Snake with a stick.

In order not to affect Brother Snake's speech, he cleverly avoided the key position.

So now, although Brother Snake is in unbearable pain all over his body, his life is not in danger and he cannot even faint!

Just when Brother Snake's legs were sore and he couldn't even stand still, he suddenly let out a roar, opened his arms, rushed towards Cui Dongjian, and hugged him tightly!

Cui Dongjian never imagined that this guy would fight back like this after being beaten like this. He had no time to dodge and was caught in the arms!

The next second, Cui Dongjian let out a shrill scream!

Brother Snake bit his left ear firmly, twisted his head, and actually bit it off and pulled it off!

The severe pain made Cui Dongjian throw away the stick in his hand and wanted to cover his wound with both hands, but Brother Snake hugged him so tightly that he couldn't lift his arms at all.

In desperation, he raised his right leg and hit it hard, hitting Brother Snake right between his legs.

Brother Snake groaned, his body bent down, and his arms relaxed involuntarily.

Cui Dongjian took two steps back and touched his wound with his hand. His hand was covered with blood!

Brother Snake looked at him coldly, but there was a crunching sound in his mouth.

Then with a pop, he spat out the chewed ears on the ground, grinned with his bloody mouth, and looked at Cui Dongjian and laughed silently.

Cui Dongjian gritted his teeth and roared angrily: "I'll kill you!"

He clenched his fists and rushed towards Brother Snake. At this moment, a person shouted not far away: "Don't move, raise your hands!"

Wang Jixing and two prison guards were standing not far away!

Cui Dongyan shook his body, strangled Brother Snake's neck with his right hand, turned his body behind Brother Snake, and shouted to Wang Jixing: "Don't come over, or I'll kill him!"

Wang Jixing pointed his pistol at him and said in a deep voice: "Don't act recklessly, don't be impulsive! Let him go, don't make the same mistake again and again!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Cui Dongjian tightened his right hand. Brother Snake's face was almost purple and he couldn't breathe.

"Throw the gun on the ground, hurry up!" Cui Dongjian gritted his teeth and shouted: "I don't have the patience, the worst is that we will all die together!"

Wang Jixing threw the gun in his hand to the ground, then waved to the two security guards behind him, who also put away their guns.

I didn’t expect this guy to be quite happy!

A sneer appeared on Cui Dongjian's lips. These prison guards are so stupid!

With a gun, do I still have to be afraid of you?

He held Brother Snake hostage and walked forward, approaching the gun on the ground.

Seeing the opportunity, he pushed Brother Snake, bent down to pick up the gun, aimed at Wang Jixing, and sneered: "Idiot! Go to hell!"

With three bang bang bang shots, the scene fell silent.

Cui Dongjian lowered his head in disbelief, watching the blood on his chest gradually seep into the prison uniform, and then looked at the gun in his hand.

No bullets?

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