Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2787 We have no way out

No wonder this gun looked familiar, it turned out to be the one I had just used!

Only then did Cui Dongjian realize that he had fallen into a trap!

The prison guard probably picked up the gun he had emptied just now and deliberately placed it in front of him.

Then when he stupidly picked it up and pointed it at the prison guard with an empty gun, the other person took out another gun and shot him!

But now that I understand this, it’s obviously too late!

Cui Dongjian fell heavily to the ground, already feeling the god of death waving to him.

He was a little unwilling, but there was nothing he could do.

Brother Snake walked up to him expressionlessly and squatted down, then inserted his finger into the bullet hole in his chest and dug in hard.

Cui Dongjian, who was already on the verge of death, was struck by severe pain again, and he let out a cry like crying.

"What are you doing!" The two security guards wanted to rush over and pull Brother Snake away, but Wang Jixing reached out to stop them and shook his head.

In the past, security guards would not necessarily obey the orders of this Chinese prison guard.

But today is different. As long as you are not blind, you can see that this Chinese prison guard will definitely be reused by the warden in the future.

After all, he saved the warden and personally killed Cui Dongjian, whom the Moon family had been looking for a reason for but had too many scruples to kill but couldn't!

Cui Dongjian didn't expect that he would have to endure such tremendous pain before dying. He couldn't die happily even if he wanted to!

He watched helplessly as 16859 put its entire hand into his chest, seemingly grabbing the heart that was still beating slightly.

Huge panic suddenly enveloped him. At the moment of death, he felt that he had never been so afraid of a person, nor had he been so afraid of death!

A strange cry came out of his mouth, as if he was trying to drive away the person in front of him, as if the other person was a devil from hell who came to seek his life.

But no one could understand him.

Brother Snake squatted beside him with an expressionless face, digging hard at the bullet hole with his fingers, digging bigger and bigger until his entire palm was inserted into Cui Dongjian's chest!

But when he touched the heart, he found that it was no longer beating.

A foul smell came, and Cui Dongjian's pants were already soaked.

This guy wasn't in pain, he was scared to death!

Wang Jixing came over and grabbed Brother Snake's arm with his hand.

In the eyes of the two security guards, Wang Jixing controlled 16859, but in fact they just helped him up.

"Mr. Chen asked us to deal with Cui Dongjian, so hurry up and meet him!" Wang Jixing whispered in Brother Snake's ear.

Brother Snake stood up and wiped his blood-stained right hand casually on his body a few times.

The two security guards were about to come over to help, but when they saw this scene, they were so sick that they wanted to vomit.

Wang Jixing said to them: "Don't worry about it here, you go quickly

The two security guards responded, turned around and left.

It's so bloody here that they'll want to vomit if they stay there for a second longer!

The two of them soon joined Chen Xin'an. All the prisoners here had been settled, and they were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands.

A Yuan's face was pale and he also squatted on the ground.

I heard Wang Jixing say to Chen Xin'an: "Cui Dongjian is dead!"

There was no sadness or anger on A Yuan's face. Instead, there was a sense of relief, but there was no surprise at all.

Chen Xin'an looked at Ah She, checked his body, and whispered: "Next, you just need to follow me, and I will take you out!"

Brother Snake wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and nodded.

A Yuan's voice came from behind: "You help me escape, and I'll help you escape!"

"What?" Chen Xin'an turned back and glanced at him.

A Yuan didn't say anything, but suddenly rushed towards the security guard next to him, punched him on the temple, and took away his gun!

"If you resist, you will die. If you don't resist, you will die! Brother Dongjian is already waiting for us outside. If we go out, we will have glory and wealth!

There will never be a good end if you stay, and you will never leave this hellish place in your life!

It's a brother, just rush out with me! "

Following several gunshots, the three security guards fell to the ground!

After all, security guards are not prison guards, and not everyone is equipped with a gun.

But A Yuan specifically attacked the armed security guards and killed three of them in an instant!

"Get the gun!" A Yuan shouted loudly.

Only then did a group of prisoners react and hurriedly got up to grab the gun from the fallen security guard.

This sudden scene made Wang Jixing a little panicked.

He took out his gun and immediately aimed at A Yuan, but Chen Xin'an held down the gun and shook his head at him.

Wang Jixing reacted immediately and shouted: "Don't shoot, don't hurt innocent people, retreat!"

A group of security guards immediately followed Wang Jixing, running back with Chen Xin'an and Brother Snake in between, and went down the stairs.

The open space downstairs has become much calmer. After all, the prison guards opened fire and killed some prisoners. Shocked by the death, the prisoners were all frightened and squatted on the ground one by one.

But before the security guards could handcuff all the prisoners, a group of people came down from upstairs.

Security captain Shi Zhengmin came over angrily, raised his arm and slapped a security guard hard on the face!

"What are you doing in a hurry! Useless things! A few prisoners have scared you to such a degree, why are you a prison security guard? Go home and go fishing!"

The beaten security guard covered his face and did not dare to say a word.

Shi Zhengmin saw Snake in the crowd and yelled, "16859, who told you to run around?

You are the focus of attention, don't you know?

Hurry up and get over here, I'll deal with you when I get back!"

He separated the crowd and strode towards Snake.

Wang Jixing wanted to stop him, but Chen Xin'an shook his head at him and pulled Snake aside.

Behind him, A Yuan had already rushed out with a group of prisoners.

Shi Zhengmin put one hand on his waist, pointed at the prisoners with his right hand and shouted, "All of you raise your hands and surrender!

You scum, garbage!

If anyone dares to make trouble again, don't blame me..."


A gunshot interrupted his words. Looking at the bullet hole on his shoulder, Shi Zhengmin showed an incredible expression on his face, but he didn't feel any pain.

A Yuan rushed over, strangled him, put the muzzle of the gun on his head, and yelled to the crowd, "There is no way back, rush out!"

There was a loud gunshot behind him, and a group of security guards were knocked over in an instant!

The prisoners who had been controlled stood up again after the gunshots, and the entire playground in front of the building was in chaos!

The prison guards standing on the high ground were a little panicked. The current situation was different from before. The enemy and us were mixed, and they could no longer fire!

The prisoners originally had an absolute advantage in numbers, and now many of them have grabbed guns.

They didn't care about the enemy and us, as long as they blocked the way, they would shoot recklessly.

For a moment, the scene was completely out of control, gunshots continued to ring, and the prisoners began to attack the prison gate!

At this moment, in a small car at the door of a convenience store on Hechuan Road, Jin Enzai looked at the watch on his wrist, took the walkie-talkie and said: "Okay, retreat!"

The riot captain, who was so angry that smoke came out of his head and was on the verge of collapse, took out a pistol and pressed it against the forehead of the guy who claimed to be the producer in front of him!

"Hurry up and make way, or I'll shoot you! If you delay the work, I'll make sure your entire crew is in trouble!" The producer picked up the intercom calmly, heard the order coming from it, nodded and said, "Okay, then go ahead!"

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