Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2791 I won’t let these people go

The leaders are all stupid!

Is this something that humans can do?

If you throw it casually, it can fly nearly half a meter away, and it can still hurt people?

Are your hands like cannons?

Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise my life would have been lost before I saw the enemy die!

Now he doesn't dare to stand on the high ground anymore. These Chinese people the Holy Master wants are all monsters. Even if he has thousands of troops around him, he must be even more careful!

After all, I don't have the extraordinary skills of a Saint Master, but as long as I hide in the crowd and give orders, I will be foolproof, and the credit is my own, and no one can take it away!

"Come on! Don't act like a coward!

There are just these few of them, why should we be afraid when there are so many of us?

After fighting for so long and still not winning, are you trash?

They can no longer hold on anymore. As long as you work harder, they will definitely die!

Now even if the gods come down to earth, they can't be saved!

Your opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune is right in front of you, so what are you waiting for! "

Seeing the people around him shouting and rushing forward as if they were crazy, a hint of a scheming smile appeared on the leader's lips.

But his smile soon disappeared, because those who rushed to the front retreated like a tide!

The leader's eyes widened and he shouted to everyone: "Why are you retreating! Are you stupid? Do you know the consequences of retreating in front of the battle? Charge forward!"

Someone shouted to him: "Brother Zaixian, they are here to help! There are many people!"


Where can these Chinese people get help?

Could it be that people from Chaojing Chinatown came here?

I'm sorry they don't have the courage, right?

After mustering up the courage, the leader finally made up his mind and carefully climbed onto the roof of the off-road vehicle. When he looked ahead, his scalp suddenly went numb!

Hundreds of thugs in black suits rushed over from the opposite road, slashing at the gym alliance members with their knives!

Although the number of people is not as large as that of the gym alliance, they are so powerful!

Nearly a thousand people from the Gym Alliance fought against these two or three Chinese people. They were locked in a stalemate for such a long time, but they still couldn't win.

On the contrary, his side suffered heavy losses and his morale was already low.

Now this group of black suits suddenly joined the battle and dispersed the people in the Gym Alliance in one fell swoop!

"Boss, I'm late!" Li Qi hit a flying knee and knocked out a swordsman who had just climbed onto the front of the car. He stood on the deformed hood and said to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an looked at him and Jin Enzai next to him. Just as he was about to speak, Luo Xiaoman next to him complained:

"Aqi, what are you doing here so quickly!

Lao Chen and I haven’t had enough fights yet!

It's just a bunch of ants, I didn't even use my full strength, I only used 30% to 40%..."

Chen Xin'an looked at his clothes soaked with blood and sweat, and his chest that was rising and falling rapidly, and cursed angrily:

"If you don't brag, you'll die! Get some rest now, we'll have to fight later!"

He originally thought that the hermit would personally come to kill him, but he didn't expect that the hermit never showed up after the fight for so long.

From this point of view, the hermit didn’t come at all!

This old Yinbi is so despicable.

Using these shrimps, soldiers and crabs to consume him to death in the future, while hiding behind and waiting for the result easily, is simply an insult to his strength and status as a warrior!

Since you don't dare to show up, I will force you to show up!

"Mr. Chen!" Yin Huiqiao got out of the car and said to Chen Xin'an: "Can you find a way to get out of here first? That friend's injury requires him to go to the hospital immediately!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Okay! Brother Enzai, let's not fight today and let the brothers escort my brother to the hospital.

Don't worry, I won't let these people in the gym alliance go! "

Jin Enzai nodded, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Follow brother Yanjun's instructions! Brothers, clear the way!"

There has long been a feud between him and the Gym Alliance.

There have been too many conflicts of interest, and they all ended in his failure and concession.

These bastards from the gym alliance are obviously similar in nature to him, but they are borrowed by the official Bai Dao and pretend to be regular soldiers.

Unscrupulously competing for resources with a mixed society person like him, causing him to suffer the consequences again and again!

I have long wanted to clean up the gym alliance, but I was intimidated by the other party's power. I was really not sure of winning, so I never dared to take action.

Now that he has such a strong support, he is confident.

In the past few days, he also began to secretly investigate his brother Yanjun.

I even guessed his real name!

This person turned out to be the enemy of the Holy Master!

If it were anyone else, he would definitely avoid Chen Xin'an.

But Jin Enzai is not an ordinary person, at least he is a little more courageous than ordinary people.

How many enemies in the Eastern Chao, including Da Ying, could make the Saint Master go to such great lengths to personally hunt down and kill thousands of miles away?

If someone doesn't have any real ability, how can he be worthy of being so valued by the Holy Master?

And he has nothing to fear anymore.

Chaojing Yaohan no longer has a foothold for him, and I heard that the current leader Li Guangmin will be re-elected next term.

Then he and the Jin family have no chance to turn around, because there are rumors that Li Guangmin is actually the illegitimate son of the Holy Master!

The entire Chaojing Yaohan will fall into the hands of the Holy Master sooner or later.

If he, Jin Enzai, cannot carve out a niche in Guangtian City, and when Yaohan is completely captured by Li Guangmin and the Holy Master, all the Jin family members will live on the streets and become beggars!

Jin Enzai is not a fool. He obviously wants to keep this helper, so don't worry about his name.

He is his brother Yanjun!

Only by doing your best to help him now can you get corresponding rewards in the future, and even extra surprises!

Of course, this has nothing to do with honesty. The main reason is that the strength shown by Chen Xin'an makes him dare not play tricks, and even has a hint of surrender.

Although they still had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, the people in the gym alliance were retreating steadily in the face of the strong attacks from those in black suits.

This allowed Chen Xin'an and the others to quickly pass through the intersection and get into the car prepared by Jin Enzai.

The leader, Cha Zaixian, was holding a mobile phone and talking to someone. After a while, he waved his hand and shouted to everyone: "Close the team!"

After so much effort and the death of so many people, Chen Xin'an was still not able to survive. He would definitely be punished by the Holy Master after he returned.

But for Cha Zaixian, it was a lot easier.

No need to fight with those Chen Xin'an, it doesn't matter even if you are punished, at least you still have life!

A group of gym alliance disciples also breathed a sigh of relief, but on the surface they still pretended to be aggrieved.

But when they saw the casualties on the ground, their expressions all changed.

Just looking at the blood on the ground, I knew how tragic the battle just now was.

Those two guys actually have such terrifying fighting power!

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, no one would believe that this battle with nearly two hundred casualties was caused by just two Chinese people!

The convoy was speeding down the road, horns blaring constantly, and the vehicles in front of them were moving to both sides to avoid it.

Chen Xin'an couldn't care less about the blood all over her body. She clasped Brother Snake's philtrum with her left thumb and pressed hard on his chest with her right hand.

Luo Qianhe wiped the blood from his head and said to Chen Xin'an with a guilty look on his face: "Senior brother, it was my fault that I failed to protect Brother Snake!"

Yoon Hye Kyo cried and said, "It's all my fault! If he hadn't been trying to protect me, he wouldn't have been stabbed!"

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense, come here and help! I'm going to give him a thirteen-way soul-suppressing needle. If it's any later, he will be dead!"

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