Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2792 One person can beat ten of them

At Guangtian Hospital, Director Yin Zhihuan and doctors from various departments were already waiting downstairs.

Chen Xinan's car stopped directly at the entrance of the hall. Several doctors worked together to carefully put Brother Snake on a stretcher and ran to the examination room.

"Brother..." Luo Qianhe stood at the door of the car, looking at Chen Xinan, who was already soaked with sweat.

The thrilling acupuncture in the car just now consumed more of Chen Xinan's mind than the battle at the crossroads!

The vehicle was driving at high speed, and there were occasional turns and brakes. For ordinary people, it was impossible to hold a glass of water steadily.

The 13th Soul-Calming Needle requires the acupuncturist to have both hands as steady as a rock, and not a single mistake can be made, because as long as there is a slight deviation, it will be death!

Fortunately, the acupuncture was successful, Brother Snake's life was saved, and everyone was relieved.

Chen Xinan got out of the car, stretched his body, and said to Luo Qianhe: "Don't worry, I'm fine! Did you see that Brother Snake should have taken medicine this morning!"

Luo Qianhe nodded and whispered: "Not just him, all the prisoners should have taken medicine. Are those people crazy?"

Knowing that today is the physical examination day, they still give the prisoners medicine. Are they afraid that others can't find out?

Chen Xinan sneered and said: "It's not all bad. At least it can make Brother Snake survive the pain of six needles and save his life!

And if those people hadn't taken the medicine, we might not be able to bring Brother Snake out so smoothly today!"

Luo Qianhe looked at Chen Xinan and asked: "Brother, what should we do next?"

Chen Xinan took a deep breath and said: "Find a boat to send Brother Snake and Brother Hao away from here as soon as possible..."

"But those goods..." Luo Qianhe frowned.

Chen Xinan said without hesitation: "Ensure the safety of people first, and find a way to get the goods back later."

Luo Qianhe nodded.

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi also got off the car from the rear convoy and walked over with Jin Enzai.

Chen Xinan said to everyone: "The hermit has arrived in Guangtian City and knows our current location.

During this period, everyone should be careful.

Dove, you stay in the hospital and take care of Brother Snake and Lao Han at all times.

Qi, you continue to contact Lao Xiao. I estimate that he will also have a big mission in the next two days. You assist him in secret.

Brother Enzai, some of my friends live in Jindu Building. The Saint Master may attack them. What can you do?"

Jin Enzai thought for a while and grinned: "I just happen to have a filming project to invest in, and the filming location is nearby.

During this period, I asked the director to shoot every day to make the scene bigger.

No matter how arrogant the Saint Master is, they dare not mess around!"

Chen Xinan nodded. This method is good.

No matter how arrogant the hermit is, no matter how powerful he is, he dare not break into the hospital and dare not be on the news.

Jindu Building is a prosperous area in the city center. Any movement will attract the attention of countless people.

If the hermit wants to use Yilian'er's gang of women to threaten Chen Xin'an, once it is revealed, his reputation will be ruined.

People of his status are watched for every move, so they naturally dare not act rashly. This is also the reason why he has never dared to show up.

"What about me? What should I do?" Luo Xiaoman's eyes were as big as copper bells, and he looked at Chen Xin'an with dissatisfaction and asked:

"Old Chen, you can't forget your old love just because you have a new love! Everyone has work to do, but I'm idle? Then I won't do it!"

Chen Xin'an rolled his eyes at him unhappily, snorted and said, "Who said you are idle?

Come with me, do something!"

"What is it?" Luo Xiaoman said with his eyes wide open: "Let me make it clear first, I won't go if it's not difficult!"

Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Kick the gym!"

Dongchao Guangtian Hengyu Dojo.

Four disciples in white training clothes are boxing one move after another, shouting hi, and standing next to them are more than a dozen visiting parents with some children who want to learn boxing.

A parent said to his companion: "My son wants to go to the Huaxia Martial Arts School on Dazhong Road. After all, the price is much cheaper, and the class time is half as long as here..."

The companion curled his lips and said: "Cheap goods are not good! What good children can Huaxia Martial Arts School teach?

Have you seen that there are basically no students there!

My friend said that he has been sent there for two years, and he has learned nothing except horse stance and somersaults every day!"

The people around also nodded in agreement and persuaded: "Even if you want to enroll your children in dance classes, don't send them to Huaxia Martial Arts School. They are just a bunch of liars who cheat money!"

"My friend said that Huaxia Kung Fu is all good-looking but useless. It's the same whether you practice it or not!"

"The day before yesterday, I saw the coach of Huaxia Martial Arts School I was beaten in the supermarket, and even my nose was broken!

I didn't dare to say a word, and I didn't dare to admit it even when I called the police, and I left in disgrace!

You said that the coach and master are so cowardly, what can our children learn if we send them there? "

A man in a white training suit who was doing boxing stopped, nodded and said to everyone:

"You are right!

I am not afraid to tell you that the coach whose nose was broken was beaten by our instructor Jin from Hengyu Dojo.

He knocked the guy down with a Dongchao Tangshou Fist.

He had to lie down for 20 minutes before he could stand up!

There is no reason, I just don't like him!

He has no real skills, but he dares to come to Dongchao to cheat money. Should this kind of person be beaten?"

Everyone shouted excitedly: "He should be beaten!"

The white training uniform nodded with satisfaction, sneered and said to everyone: "We Dongchao have our own kung fu.

Not just Taekwondo, but also our Dongchao Tang Shouquan!

It is no exaggeration to say that compared to Chinese martial arts, our Tang Shou Quan is completely different!

It can be said that after practicing our Dongchao Tang Shouquan, you can beat ten Chinese warriors by yourself!

Let me tell you another secret! "

He looked around, lowered his voice and said, "Have you seen all the coaches who came back just now?

Do you know what they went to do?

Recently, we have a group of Chinese kung fu masters coming to Guangtian City. You know, right? "

Seeing that some of the people were shaking their heads and others were pretending to understand but nodding, he curled his lips in white practice clothes and said:

“You are not in this circle, so it’s natural that you don’t know.

But I can tell you that just now they were going to deal with those Chinese Kung Fu masters! "

One parent raised his hand and said, "I know about this. It seems that people from the Taekwondo gym next door also went. By the way, people from the Kendo gym also went!"

Someone in the crowd asked: "Wow, how come everyone from all the gyms in Guangtian City has passed there?

No wonder I saw so many cars with gym logos on them when I came here! "

"How many Chinese Kung Fu masters are there?

There is no news on TV about any martial arts exchange performances recently, right?

If so many Chinese warriors come to Dongchao, they must be reported, right? "

"It must be quite a lot, otherwise we wouldn't be so mobilized!"

"Listen!" the white training uniform shouted and said to everyone: "Do you know the strength level of those Chinese Kung Fu masters?

Let me tell you, they once offended the Holy Master in Daying.

Then we fled to Dongchao.

In order to hunt them down, the Holy Master went out of the mountains, crossed the ocean, and came to Dongchao! "

"Wow!" Everyone's eyes widened and they exclaimed.

They don't know the level of Chinese Kung Fu masters, but who hasn't heard of the name of the Holy Master?

The person who can make the Saint Master travel across the ocean to hunt down is definitely not an ordinary person!

So it is only natural that the gym sends many people to deal with them!

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