Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2793 You said you beat me to the point where I knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Coach, tell me, have those Chinese Kung Fu masters been defeated? How were they defeated?"

A group of children clapped their hands and screamed, looking up at the white training suit with admiration.

It seemed as if he was the hero who defeated the Chinese Kung Fu masters.

The others also looked at him eagerly, expecting him to continue.

The white training suit was a little embarrassed.

I was not there, how could I know what was going on!

But he also knew that now was the best time to officially recruit students. Anyway, no one had been there, so he had the final say on what was going on.

"Needless to say? Those Chinese Kung Fu masters were defeated, otherwise why did all our colleagues come back?

No matter what level of masters they are, they will definitely be defeated as long as they meet our Dongchao warriors!

Especially our Hengyu Dojo, three of the people sent are masters among masters!

Look, the one coming over now is our national-level Tang Shouquan master coach Jin Chengzai!

The one who knocked out the coach of the Chinese martial arts hall with one punch was also him!

Instructor Jin, please come over!

The parents want to know if you have defeated those Chinese Kung Fu masters just now?"

Jin Chengzai's face turned black, and he came over and scolded him: "Dazhi, are you stupid? Don't you know the rules? Who told you to say this?"

Dazhi scratched his head, and whispered in his ear: "Enrollment is tight recently. So many people came today. If you don't seize the opportunity, this month's bonus will be gone again!"

Hearing this, Jin Chengzai's face suddenly eased.

He turned his head, looked at everyone with a smile and said: "Do you want to know what happened to those Chinese Kung Fu masters?"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Yes!"

Jin Chengzai grinned: "They were beaten to death! None of them escaped, they were all beaten to death by the people of our Dongchao Dojo!

I killed one of them myself, and he was the most powerful one!

What a bunch of shitty Chinese Kung Fu masters, in front of the people of our Dongchao Dojo, they are all a bunch of garbage, tiny ants!

It only takes one finger to easily crush them to death!

They are simply unbearable. Hit!

You didn't see how cowardly those Chinese Kung Fu masters looked before they died!

They all knelt on the ground, crying bitterly, kowtowed and begged for mercy, begging us to let them go.

But since they have offended the Holy Master and dared to come to Dongchao, they must pay the price, so they must die!

So to learn Kung Fu, we must learn our native Kung Fu.

Because only our own is the strongest!

And our strongest native Kung Fu is Tang Shou Quan! "

"Yes!" Everyone applauded and shouted.

But at this moment, a voice came from the crowd: "But didn't Tang Shou Quan evolve from Chinese martial arts?"

"Who the hell is talking nonsense?" Jin Chengzai was angry, turned his head and looked at the crowd, gritting his teeth and cursing:

"Tang Shou Quan is Dongchao hand-to-hand combat, which is the treasure of Dongchao traditional kung fu. What does it have to do with Chinese kung fu?"

The man in the crowd said: "But Dongchao hand-to-hand combat is what Dongchao people learned in Shaolin Temple in China!"

Jin Chengzai was furious, blushing and cursing: "This is a rumor! This is slander! Don't believe in such unfounded rumors!"

In fact, Dongchao has no real kung fu history of its own. Even the taekwondo that it is proud of is a fusion of Chinese martial arts and Daying kung fu.

Tang Shou Quan borrowed a lot from Chinese kung fu, which is an internationally indisputable fact.

It's just that Dongchao people don't admit it at all.

Now someone actually brought up this taboo topic of Dongchao martial artists, which is simply a slap in the face.

But that's not the end. The voice in the crowd continued:

"And I heard that the Chinese Kung Fu masters you dealt with before were actually only two people.

Thousands of people from the Dojo Alliance went there, but they didn't get them.

Let alone killing them, it seems that they didn't catch them.

On the contrary, the Dojo Alliance suffered heavy casualties, with hundreds of casualties!"

"Nonsense!" Jin Chengzai shouted angrily.

Dazhi next to him pointed and shouted to him: "There, I heard it, that guy said it!"

The parents all changed their faces, afraid of being affected, and hurriedly dodged to the left and right.

Jin Chengzai rushed to a man wearing a baseball cap and sportswear and shouted at him:

"Who told you to spread rumors and make trouble here? Who are you? What is your purpose? Tell me, or I'll make you look good today!"

The baseball cap raised his head, without any fear or panic on his face, but with a disdainful sneer, he looked at Jin Chengzai and asked:

"Spread rumors? Make trouble? Isn't what I said true?"

Why does this guy look familiar?

Jin Chengzai frowned, and then his face suddenly changed. He took two steps back and shouted, "Chen Xin'an!"

Never dreamed that the target he had dealt with before was standing in front of him at this moment!

The momentum on his body disappeared without a trace in an instant. At this moment, he just wanted to escape!

He participated in the battle in the morning from beginning to end.

But because the distance was far, he had no chance to fight with Chen Xin'an.

But he saw the scene of Chen Xin'an and his companions killing people clearly!

He also knew that with his own strength, he was no match for them!

Now not only Chen Xin'an, but also his powerful companion is here. If he dares to provoke, he will die!

Dazhi beside him did not recognize Chen Xin'an. He just saw Jin Chengzai retreating and asked inexplicably:

“Coach Jin, do you know this person?

Who is Chen Xin'an?

He talks nonsense and insults our Dongchao Kungfu and our gym. We can't let him go!

If you don't object, I will teach them a lesson now. If they don't apologize, I will smash their mouths! "

Jin Chengzai's face turned pale. He backed away and cursed tremblingly: "Idiot, do you want to die? Go call someone quickly, Chen Xin'an is here! He is the person the Holy Master wants to deal with!"

Dazhi's legs went weak and he almost fell to the ground.

Enemy of the Holy Master?

Then wasn't he beaten to death by people from the gym?

Jin Chengzai, who turned around to run, suddenly froze because a hand had been pressed on his shoulder.

Luo Xiaoman, also wearing sportswear and a baseball cap, stood beside him and asked with a grin:

"You just said that the most powerful Chinese warrior was defeated by your own hands, cried bitterly in front of you, and knelt down to beg for mercy?

Why the hell are you more shameless than me?

He can blow better than me!

I am the most powerful one. Why don’t I remember when I knelt in front of you and cried and begged for mercy? "

He had translation headphones, so he could understand what Kim Sung Jae said.

But Jin Sungjae couldn't understand what he said, so he could only stare blankly.

Everyone around them recognized that Luo Xiaoman was speaking Chinese, and they shouted in unison: "Chinese martial artist!

Are they here to avenge the coaches of the Huaxia Martial Arts School? "

Luo Xiaoman wanted to say that I don't know any coaches, but he couldn't bear to gossip with a bunch of people here, so he didn't bother to pay attention.

He grabbed Jin Chengzai's shoulders and turned him around. Just as he was about to ask questions, Jin Chengzai suddenly shouted angrily: "Go to hell!" and punched him in the face!

Luo Xiaoman almost subconsciously raised his foot and kicked Jin Chengzai in the stomach with a bang, sending him flying three meters away!

Everyone looked at Jin Chengzai, who was lying on the ground with his eyes white and foaming at the mouth, and their brains all shut down.

This national-level master of the Hengyu Gym was killed with just one move?

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