Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2797 Something’s not quite right tonight

The screams resounded throughout the overpass at midnight, making passers-by so terrified that they turned around and dodge from afar.

Chen Xin'an lowered his head, looked at the gunman who was lying on the ground holding his legs and wailing, and said coldly:

“If you want to be a tough guy, you must have a strong backbone!

You are lucky to have met us.

My brother has a knack for checking whether others are tough.

Let him play with you! "

There was a look of fear in the gunman's eyes, but he still gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an:

“You Chinese bastards, don’t be proud!

The Holy Master has sent the most powerful killers from Dongchao to deal with you.

You and everyone around you must die, no one can escape!

If you offend the Holy Master, there is no place for you in this world. Just wait to be crushed to ashes! "

"Fuck you, uncle!" Luo Xiaoman stomped on the gunman's right thigh!

With a crack of bones and a crack of bones, the gunman's body bounced up as if it were loaded with springs, and then fell heavily to the ground.

He opened his mouth to scream, but Luo Xiaoman punched him in the chin!


The gunman spat out blood and spit out half of his tongue.

A whimpering sound came from his mouth, and the severe pain had made him almost crazy.

But he was still groping around on the ground, seemingly trying to pick up the gun he had dropped.

Luo Xiaoman grabbed his right hand and twisted it back. Then while lifting it, he kicked his right shoulder hard!

The arm was severed, but Luo Xiaoman did not let go. Instead, he held his severed arm and kept rotating it so that the bone groove was completely separated and the fracture continued to rub.

The unbearable pain made the gunman lose control and hit his head hard on the ground, and soon his face was covered with blood.

Luo Xiaoman let go of his right arm, which was only connected by a layer of skin, and then forcibly pulled out his left hand that was tightly pressed under him.

The gunman's face showed an expression of despair. At this moment, he no longer dared to speak harshly.

Now he has finally seen how ruthless these Chinese people are. No matter how much he respects the Holy Master in his heart, he can only betray him now. He can no longer hold on!

But at this moment, the siren sounded again!

Police lights flashed from far to near.

Gunmen have never loved the police so much as they do today!

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi, "Let's go!"

"Old Chen, this kid can't hold it anymore..." Luo Xiaoman was a little unwilling.

Li Qi took his arm and said, "Brother Man, we can't face the police. Let's go first. There are plenty of opportunities!

Even if we don't care about them, they will come to us! "

Luo Xiaoman nodded helplessly and got into the car together.

Although the car body was riddled with holes, the engine was fine and the car could still be driven.

Li Qi turned around and left under the overpass.

The gunmen were seriously injured and had only half a life left. They could not get out of bed for months.

Sitting in the car, Chen Xin'an frowned.

Luo Xiaoman said to him: "Old Chen, what's wrong with you? Are you a little unwilling? How about we go back..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said to the two of them: "Do you feel that something is wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Xiaoman looked confused.

Li Qi also glanced at Chen Xin'an in the rearview mirror, not understanding what he was talking about.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "It seems that the police came very quickly tonight, as if they were well prepared.

As soon as it was settled here, it appeared over there!

Did they plan it? "

After hearing what he said, Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi also fell silent.

After staying in Dongchao for so long, I don’t know how many battles have been fought on the streets, but it is true that only tonight, the police are the most efficient.

If the previous attack on Kim Eun-jae was a coincidence, what about this time?

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Don't you think those people are idle?

If you want to watch the excitement, just stand there and watch from a distance. Why don't you call the police?

If it weren't for these meddlesome people, we would have found out the whereabouts of the hermit tonight! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "It's not like the police were called by the masses."

"Why?" Luo Xiaoman looked puzzled.

Chen Xin'an explained: "Who dares to offend the Holy Master?

People who eat melons don’t dare, and neither do the police.

To deal with us tonight, the hermit will definitely call the police. "

Luo Xiaoman pointed outside and said, "But the police are still here. Who told them?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "So, I feel that someone is still watching us! Once we find that we are in danger, call the police immediately."

Luo Xiaoman widened his eyes and asked, "You mean, someone is helping us? Is it Sister Hua?"

Chen Xin'an immediately waved her hand and said: "It's not her! She's not helping us, otherwise she wouldn't call the police, because we can't be caught by the police now."

As he was talking, police lights flashed behind him, and Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, the police car is following, what should I do?"

We cannot deal with the police as harshly as we deal with the gunmen.

Otherwise, we really won’t be able to gain a foothold in Dongchao in the future. The official means of arresting people are overwhelming.

Chen Xin'an frowned and thought quickly.

There were obvious bullet holes in the car. Once the police asked, they couldn't explain it at all.

Although everyone now has a temporary identity, without investigation, once the police carefully examines the identity of the criminal, the identity will be exposed.

"Stay steady first and try to cooperate as much as possible. Once you find something is wrong, just take action and knock them unconscious. Don't hurt anyone!"

"Okay!" Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman nodded together.

The police car behind was getting closer and closer, and the three of them were secretly observing the situation of the police car.

What's a little tricky is that it's not a police car, but there are two more behind it.

But it's not surprising. If you want to catch Chen Xin'an, it's impossible without a few more!

Li Qi started to use the gas, but if it didn't work, he ran away and got rid of the police.

But Chen Xin'an suddenly said to him: "Let go of the accelerator, keep to the right and drive slowly!"

Li Qi was stunned for a moment. Although he was confused, he still followed Chen Xin'an's instructions, turned on the light to the right and slowed down.

Sure enough, the policeman behind did not change his direction or speed, and passed directly without changing the direction or speed of the car. The people inside did not even look outside.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief and the car continued to move forward.

Soon I saw many people gathering on the street, and a police car parked on the side of the road.

The police were pointing their guns at several young men with dyed hair, asking them to squat down with their heads in their hands.

The remaining two police cars were also seen one after another. Unexpectedly, Guangtian City was quite lively tonight.

Not only were they fighting, there were also many young drunkards who were too drunk to sleep and were causing trouble in the streets.

The police are here to arrest people like them.

Luo Xiaoman breathed a long sigh of relief, punched Chen Xin'an on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Stop frowning! It's just a false alarm, they are not here to find us!"

Chen Xin'an's eyes were cold, he shook his head slightly, and murmured: "Something's wrong! Something's still very wrong!"

Luo Xiaoman smiled and said: "I think you are scared, aren't you? You are so suspicious here!

Don't worry, even if they really come to see us, can't they run away if they can't fight?

Aqi's driving skills are a little worse than mine, so I'll drive when the time comes! "

Li Qi scratched his head helplessly, smiled and said nothing.

Chen Xin'an suddenly widened his eyes, as if he thought of something, and said to Li Qi: "Aqi, contact Lao Xiao immediately and see if you can get in touch!"

Luo Xiaoman frowned and asked: "What time is it? Why are you contacting Lao Xiao so late? Didn't I tell you last time? Try not to call him, so as not to reveal your secret!"

Chen Xin'an listened to the busy signal coming from Li Qi's cell phone, took a deep breath and said, "If I predict it well, Lao Xiao will sell the goods tonight!"

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