Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2798 This is the coffee brewed by the president himself

In the No. 3 warehouse of Haichao Company, Xiao Zhang was doing the last inspection before departure.

Liu Minyong on the side turned around, facing away from the people around him, and whispered to him:

“That’s enough, no need to check anymore!

It’s not your first delivery, why are you taking it so seriously!

After installing a fireproof layer and several layers of tarpaulin, I gained hundreds of kilograms of extra weight. If it exceeds the standard, it will be troublesome to go into the city! "

Xiao Zhang glanced at him without saying anything. Liu Minyong was used to it and shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Okay, you know it yourself, I won't tell you anymore.

What the heck, it’s okay to set off in the morning. When we arrive in Chaojing, we’ll have lunch.

We have to leave in the middle of the night and go to Zeshen Port in the early morning. Whether there is anyone to unload the cargo is a problem.

I watched a football match with them last night until eleven o'clock, and I was woken up less than two hours after I slept.

Let me tell you first, I will go to bed after getting in the car, and you can just drive by yourself.

Don't call me if you're sleepy, because I won't be able to get up.

If that doesn't work, you can stop on the side of the road and take a nap before leaving. Anyway, as long as you can get to Chaojingze Shenzhen and Hong Kong tomorrow! "

"Kwanghyun, Minyong!" Moon Jae-hun, dressed in a suit, walked over, followed by Jung Tae-woo, Minister Kang Eun-bin, who had just been promoted to replace Minister Choi, and secretary Hyun Chang-min.

"President Wen! Vice President Ding! Minister Jiang! Secretary Xuan!" Liu Minyong became more energetic and quickly bowed to everyone.

Xiao Zhang stood nearby and looked at everyone quietly.

Moon Jae-hun glanced behind him, and Xuan Chang-min immediately picked up the bag he was carrying, handed it to Xiao Zhang and said:

“This is the coffee that President Wen personally brewed for you!

Authentic Island Calazo costs over a million Tide dollars per pound!

Knowing that you are working hard driving in the middle of the night, the boss has made coffee for you to refresh you! "

"Thank you so much, President!" Liu Minyong hurriedly took the coffee with both hands and said exaggeratedly:

“Wow, it’s really hot, and I can already smell the fragrance!

I'm not willing to drink this, so I'll keep it in the car..."

Moon Jae-hun frowned and said to him: "Drink it now, drink it all in one breath!"

"How can I give it up!" Liu Minyong said with a grateful look on his face:

"The president personally brewed it, and it is still such a precious material, how could I be willing to waste it!

Even if you want to drink it, you should take it in small sips and savor it slowly! "

Xiao Zhang, who was next to him, had already taken the coffee, raised his neck and drank it in one go!

Liu Minyong called out, "Guangxian, why..."

Ding Taiyou interrupted Liu Minyong and said: "Ayong, you have to learn from Guangxian!

Just do whatever the president tells you to do, don’t talk too much nonsense!

Although Guangxian can't speak, he is much more steady and obedient than you! "

"Yes!" Liu Minyong blushed and hurriedly bowed and nodded.

Seeing that Xiao Zhang had finished drinking the coffee, he quickly picked up the cup and drank it in big gulps.

Soon both glasses were empty, and Wen Zaixun nodded with a satisfied smile.

He stretched out his hand and handed it to Xiao Zhang.

Although Xiao Zhang didn't understand what he was going to do, he obediently stretched out his right hand and held it with his.

At this moment, Wen Zaixun flicked his wrist, and a shiny watch slipped from his wrist and landed on Xiao Zhang's wrist!

Wen Zaixun smiled and let go of Xiao Zhang's right hand, tightened and buckled his watch chain for him, and said:

“This watch is my favorite, it’s from Patek Philippe, it’s not expensive, only over 200 million yuan.

Now I give it to you.

I know you are a punctual person, and this watch can help you keep time!

Are you all ready?

Then let’s go now!

Don't worry, someone will follow you, and I've already dealt with a lot of trouble.

Before eight o'clock tomorrow morning, this truck must be delivered to Warehouse No. 6 of Zeshen Port Terminal.

A man named Gu Xiangguo will explain to you.

You can contact him at this phone number, but you can only call him after you arrive at Zeshen Port Terminal.

And you can only call after seven o'clock, otherwise he won't answer.

Remember, the goods must be there even if the people are not there!

When you come back, I will personally celebrate your success, give you a week-long vacation, and give you a bonus of at least 30 million! "

Liu Minyong stared at this scene with wide eyes, not hiding the envy in his eyes.

Ding Taiyou scolded with a straight face: "Why, are you still not satisfied? Why don't you thank President Wen?"

Liu Minyong's face flushed with excitement, and he kept bowing to Moon Jae-hun and said, "Thank you, Chairman, for your cultivation. We will definitely deliver the goods safely and complete the task successfully!"

Xiao Zhang also bowed slightly to express his gratitude.

Moon Jae-hoon smiled and nodded, and said to the two of them: "Then we wish you a safe journey! Let's go!"

Xiao Zhang immediately turned around and got into the car. Liu Minyong wanted to say a few polite words, but Wen Zaixun no longer looked at him. He just watched Xiao Zhang get into the car and waved to him.

Liu Minyong quickly got into the passenger seat and waved vigorously to the people outside.

The truck started and slowly drove away from the warehouse, but everyone in Wen Zaixun still watched the car leave without turning around.

After a while, Ding Taiyou whispered to Moon Jae-hun: "President, the escort team is also on its way.

The twelve people are all selected masters, and everything has been arranged along the way! "

Minister Jiang said with a puzzled look: "I don't understand, why don't people just follow their car?

Although Liu Guangxian's technology is indeed very good, it has also passed our tests at all levels.

But after all, they are new here, and the goods in this car are so valuable. Can the president really trust the two of them to send them to Chaojing alone? "

Wen Zaixun smiled slightly and said calmly: "There is an old saying in China: Don't use people you doubt, don't trust people you employ!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, no longer paying attention to the people around him.

Minister Jiang looked at Moon Jae-hun's back with admiration and said, "The president is still so broad-minded. I really feel inferior to him!"

Ding Taiyou made a gesture to Xuan Changmin and asked him to go back by himself. He put his arm on Minister Jiang's shoulders, pulled him away and whispered:

"Old Jiang, don't be so naive!

Do you think the president is really relieved?

Even if he doesn't worry about people, he doesn't trust those treasures either!

Do you think the president really has that much time to make coffee for his two drivers?

There is something added in there, and only the president has the antidote!

Do you think the president is really so generous as to give his favorite Patek Philippe to a young driver?

There are trackers in that watch, and there are micro bombs.

If those two people dare to have two minds, they will definitely die!

Lao Jiang, learn more, the president has many tricks! "

Minister Jiang was stunned when he heard this, and then felt chills all over his body!

Ding Taiyou patted his shoulder again and said, "Don't worry, this method will never be used on you.

You have been loyal to Haichao Company for so many years, and you still have some trust in the president!

However, you need to do this task in the company. It was specially assigned to you by the president! "

Minister Jiang quickly said: "Please give instructions from the Vice President, I will try my best to complete it!"

Ding Taiyou nodded and said to him: "You have to go to Liu Minyong's hometown and investigate all his relationships!"

Minister Jiang said with a puzzled look on his face: "Haven't we already investigated it? Why still..."

Ding Taiyou interrupted him and said: "What the president means is that we already know that Liu Minyong has a sister, who is also from our Xinghai Group.

But we have never found out Liu Guangxian’s family relationship.

What the president means is to find a way to find Liu Guangxian’s relatives and arrange for them to come to our company!

In this way, Guangxian will have no worries and can work harder for the company! "

"I understand!" Minister Jiang nodded thoughtfully, took a deep breath and said, "I will investigate it myself!"

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