Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2799 There is more than one spy in the company

The car drove out of Haichao Company. Just as Liu Minyong was about to speak, Xiao Zhang turned to look at him and made an empty line on his lips with his index finger.

This is the code word that the two of them have discussed long ago, and now they have a tacit understanding.

Liu Minyong frowned, but still kept his mouth shut.

While driving the car, Xiao Zhang took out a steel needle from his body and pierced his throat in front of Liu Minyong.

Then he took out a paper bag, held it in one hand, and spat it out!

When he finally finished vomiting, he handed the paper bag to Liu Minyong next to him.

Liu Min looked at him courageously with a look of disgust on his face, wondering what this guy was going to do.

Xiao Zhang pointed to the drawer next to him, which contained tissues.

Liu Minyong looked helpless, you are the uncle, I will serve you, okay?

He held the paper bag with two fingers of his left hand, then opened the drawer with his right hand, pulled out a tissue and handed it to Xiao Zhang.

After wiping his mouth, Xiao Zhang made a gesture with his hand to tie the mouth of the paper bag tightly, and pointed to the hook next to the passenger's side.

The thing you vomited about your feelings is still a treasure. You can't throw it away, you have to hang it next to my head?

Liu Minyong had a dark face and muttered, but he did not dare to disobey Xiao Zhang. He carefully tightened the rope at the mouth of the paper bag and hung it on the hook.

As soon as he turned around, Xiao Zhang had already taken off the watch from his wrist, threw it into the drawer, and signaled Liu Minyong to close the drawer.

Liu Minyong's eyes widened and he looked at Xiao Zhang in disbelief, as if asking him if he really wanted to do this.

Xiao Zhang reached down, threw the watch in the drawer, covered it with sundries, and then closed the drawer.

"Speak quietly and don't shout." Xiao Zhang said in a low voice: "Take this needle and use the method I taught you, spit it out like I just did!"

Liu Minyong smiled and asked, "Old Xiao, what are you doing?"

Xiao Zhang gave him a stern look.

During this time, the two of them became very familiar with each other, and Liu Minyong was no longer as afraid and polite to him as before.

Otherwise I would never call him that.

But Xiao Zhang didn't mind, and just said expressionlessly: "If you don't want to die, just do as I say!"

While talking, he took out a steel needle and handed it to Liu Minyong.

Chen Xin'an once told him some simple acupuncture methods. After ingesting poison by mistake, inducing vomiting immediately can reduce the toxicity.

Therefore, Xiao Zhang will prepare several steel needles on his body in advance to prepare for emergencies.

Although Liu Minyong's face was full of doubts, he still took the steel needle.

Xiao Zhang said to him: "Touch the highest bone of your Adam's apple, and go down an inch..."

Following Xiao Zhang's guidance, Liu Minyong touched his Adam's apple and found the location Xiao Zhang mentioned.

Then he put the steel needle here, and just as he was about to pierce it, a stinging pain came, which frightened him and he quickly let go.

"Old Xiao, you have to tell me what this is for?" Liu Minyong said with a grimace.

"If you have nothing to do, give yourself a shot. Isn't this a disease?

You're a little weird today. It's not our first delivery. Why are you so nervous?

By the way, that watch is a Patek Philippe. Why did you throw it away like trash?

Don't tell me, President Wen is really nice to you!

I think he values ​​you very much!

When he comes back this time, he will definitely reuse you. When you are prosperous, don't forget about me, brother!

By the way, let me discuss something with you. If you don’t want that watch, just give it to me!

It would be so honorable to take that thing out..."

Xiao Zhang looked forward and said coldly: "Liu Minyong, if you want to die faster, take the watch away!"

"Ah?" Liu Minyong was stunned for a moment and asked Xiao Zhang, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Zhang snorted and said: "There is a familiar smell in the coffee, it should be the medicine I took after the last injury.

If you don't want to be controlled by poison, spit it out as soon as possible! "

Liu Minyong's expression changed, and he immediately inserted the steel needle into the acupuncture point he had just found.

Soon a strong feeling of nausea came over me, and my whole chest and abdomen felt like they were boiling, churning constantly.

He grabbed a paper bag and vomited.

After a while, he wiped his mouth with a tissue and tried to open the car window and throw the paper bag out.

Xiao Zhang said to him: "Don't throw it out, hang it up! Now we can't let others know that we induced vomiting."

Only then did Liu Minyong understand why Xiao Zhang hung up the paper bag. It turned out that he had thought so carefully.

As before, he tied the mouth of the paper bag and hung it on the hook.

Now he no longer felt the excitement of being seen off by the president and appreciated just now. He pointed to the drawer and asked Xiao Zhang: "That watch..."

Xiao Zhang said calmly: "I don't know what tricks were done, but I know very well that with Wen Zaixun's insidiousness and cunning, he would not give me a watch for no reason.

At least positioning and monitoring should be installed inside. What other functions it has, I don’t know yet! "

"Then why keep it? Just throw it away!" Liu Minyong opened the drawer and was about to take out the watch.

Xiao Zhang frowned and said: "Don't move! If you throw away the watch now, let them know in advance that we have started to take precautions and they will not let us continue to live!"

Liu Minyong's expression changed and he shouted in surprise: "What should we do?"

Xiao Zhang turned his head sharply and glared at him.

Remembering Xiao Zhang's instructions just now, Liu Minyong shrank his neck and asked in a low voice: "Then what should we do now?"

Xiao Zhang said calmly: "Don't panic, follow my arrangements. Now you just stay quietly. No matter what happens in a while, don't mess up. Just do whatever I ask you to do!"

"Something happened? What happened?" Liu Minyong looked at Xiao Zhang strangely and asked, "Didn't President Wen say that he had made arrangements along the way?

I don’t think he’s lying to us. We’ve come out so far and nothing has happened yet. I don’t think there will be any surprises tonight.

Moreover, we are followed by the company's security guards. If something happens, they will definitely be the first to come. "

Xiao Zhang snorted and asked him, "Have you checked the goods?"

"Ah?" Liu Minyong was stunned for a moment and asked Xiao Zhang, "Didn't you already check it?"

Xiao Zhang nodded and said: "Then let me tell you, this truck has taken various emergency measures such as waterproofing, fireproofing, and anti-collision. Do you think ordinary goods require that group of people to make so many preparations?"

Liu Minyong opened his mouth and said nothing.

After a while, he looked at Xiao Zhang with wide eyes and asked, "So, the truck we are pulling tonight is actually..."

Xiao Zhang nodded and said to him: "The company should not only have Minister Cui as a spy, but there should be others.

So our actions tonight are not completely confidential.

Look, tonight will definitely not be peaceful. Whether we can survive until tomorrow morning is not certain! "

Liu Minyong's face turned pale with fright, and he said to Xiao Zhang in a trembling voice: "O-Old Xiao, don't scare me! Then, call Mr. Chen quickly!"

Xiao Zhang glared at him angrily and cursed: "Do you think I don't want to fight?

But the mobile phones have been confiscated, what should we use to fight?

Do you want to park your car now to make a business call?

I can guarantee that as long as you park your car, the security guards will put you in the back car before you find the public address!

Lao Liu, don't panic, I will find a way to contact my brothers.

But until they arrive, everything is up to us!

Get up. Secretary Xuan said there is something hidden for us in the car. It should be on your butt.

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