Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2800 I will take you back intact

Under the seat, there was actually a gun!

Liu Minyong said to Xiao Zhang in surprise, "Old Xiao, look, there is a gun!

It seems that President Wen is pretty good to us, and he even prepared some self-defense items for us! "

Xiao Zhang sneered coldly and said with mocking eyes, "If I'm not mistaken, there should be only two bullets in the magazine, right?"

Liu Minyong immediately removed the magazine and took a look, widened his eyes and said, "It's true! How did you know?"

Xiao Zhang squinted his eyes and said, "This is not for us to defend ourselves, but for us to commit suicide!"

"Ah?" Liu Minyong looked in disbelief.

Xiao Zhang curled his lips and said, "If the things behind cannot be delivered safely, they will be destroyed.

It must not fall into the hands of others!

Because this is not only a treasure, but also a bomb that can destroy the entire Xinghai Group!

So we can't stay in this world, because we are the fuse of the bomb! "

Liu Minyong was stunned and couldn't say a word.

"But..." Liu Minyong seemed to want to say something else, but there was a loud bang in front of him. A truck was hit from the waist, and the car rolled over and slid on the road for more than ten meters!

Seeing that the truck was about to hit Xiao Zhang's car, Xiao Zhang turned the steering wheel sharply to the left!

Because the turn was so sharp, the right wheel of the car even tilted up!

However, as Xiao Zhang controlled the direction, the car rolled back and bypassed the truck.

Turning around, he saw two people covered in blood crawling out of the cab of the truck. They waved vigorously at Xiao Zhang, telling him to hurry up and get there!

It seems that this is a camouflage vehicle prepared by Haichao Company to confuse the enemy and cover the real delivery vehicle.

Not far from the overturned truck, a container truck stopped on the side of the road, emitting white smoke. Seeing Xiao Zhang's car passing by, the container truck tried to start to block it, but it could no longer start!

Two trucks rushed over from behind, and the drivers stretched out their arms and waved forward at Xiao Zhang.

Walk! don't want

Stay here.

Haichao Company not only assigned security guards to the two of them, but also prepared several camouflage vehicles, all of which looked similar to the main vehicle, so that the enemy could not tell which one was the real delivery vehicle.

Xiao Zhang stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of the accident area.

Several camouflaged cars were escorting him all the way, sandwiching Xiao Zhang's car in the middle.

If there is a traffic policeman watching, he will definitely be shocked, because the license plates of these cars are exactly the same, and they are fake cars at first glance.

Liu Minyong's face turned pale. He had already sensed that the danger was coming and the enemy had begun to take action!

It seems that Xiao Zhang is right. There must be more than one spy in the company, Minister Cui, otherwise he would not know the delivery route and lay an ambush on this road.

In fact, it is not surprising. Haichao Company also has many spies placed in other companies. Otherwise, it would not have obtained the information and directly robbed other people's goods.

Therefore, other companies can also buy people in Haichao Company. As long as the money they give is enough to impress people, and as long as they hide it well, this windfall will not be in vain.

However, the enemy is very calm. After the collision at the previous intersection, there was no movement for nearly an hour, and the convoy moved very calmly.

We have arrived at the eastern suburbs of Guangtian City, and walking ahead is the Binhai Avenue.

This road is the fastest and best way to Chaojing. Xiao Zhang has followed the car many times in the past few days and is very familiar with it.

The two of them were not idle when they were not on missions. They followed the company's transportation team to make deliveries.

I walked all the roads in the Chaojing circle, often going out in the morning and coming back at night, just to get familiar with the terrain.

Liu Minyong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, there was no danger. As long as we get on the coastal road, we can run away."

In almost three hours, you can reach Chaojing. If you go faster, you can reach Chaojing in two hours.

We should be able to reach Zeshen Port before dawn! "

Xiao Zhang shook his head and said to him in a deep voice, "Don't be happy so early!

The person who really wants to attack us is not in Guangtian City, but in Chaojing!

Whether we can successfully reach Chaojing is still unknown! "

Liu Minyong's eyes widened and he looked at Xiao Zhang in disbelief and said, "People from Chaojing are attacking us? Is it impossible?"

Xiao Zhang snorted and said, "This cargo is a hot potato, and not many people in Guangtian City dare to eat it.

Only people from Chaojing have such courage and appetite.

Liu Minyong, tonight is not going to be so easy, so you'd better wake up.

Once we fight, I won't care about you! "

Liu Minyong panicked when he heard this, looked at Xiao Zhang with a pale face and said, "Mr. Xiao, don't say that, I'm scared!"

I came to Haichao Company to help you. You can't just leave me alone if something happens! "

Xiao Zhang turned his head and looked at him with a smile and said, "Don't worry, as long as you don't take the initiative to commit suicide and obey my arrangements honestly, I will take you back intact!"

"Absolutely!" Liu Minyong nodded hurriedly.

On the Binhai Avenue, Xiao Zhang also saw the bodyguards prepared by Haichao Company for him.

Including the truck that was knocked over before, there were three disguised vehicles in total.

There were about seven or eight small cars of various kinds behind, and each car was full of people.

Those should be the Tide Security Team.

This kind of battle is the highest standard of delivery Xiao Zhang has ever seen since entering Haichao Company.

This shows how much Moon Jae-hun attaches great importance to this truck.

Liu Minyong also saw the escort vehicles that had been hidden in the dark in the city, and now they have appeared.

This battle also made him feel relieved a lot. He grinned and said to Chen Xin'an, "With this level of escort, just send a few

Just a driver is enough, there is no need for us at all!

Unless the other party sends a large force over, some small fish and shrimps can be dealt with in minutes! "

Xiao Zhang didn't speak, just stared ahead, suddenly braked, and put some distance between himself and the truck in front.

Liu Minyong said to Xiao Zhang with a strange look on his face, "What are you doing? Follow me! Otherwise it will be dangerous if you are left alone!"

But at this moment, a tanker truck approaching from the front suddenly veered sideways. The car lost control instantly and rolled sideways on the road and fell to the ground, directly hitting the truck in front.

Fortunately, the other party's speed was not very fast, giving the truck driver a chance to react.

The driver slammed on the brakes, forcing the truck to stop more than ten meters away from the tanker.

Xiao Zhang turned the steering wheel to the left, and the car turned around on the highway, preparing to drive back.

Not to mention that Liu Minyong was a little confused, the guards who were following him poked their heads out strangely, waved to Xiao Zhang, and signaled him to continue moving forward.

"You..." Liu Minyong wanted to say something to Xiao Zhang, but there was a bang and an explosion in front of him!

The oil tanker fell to the ground, the oil in the tank spilled out, and the road was covered with black liquid. When it encountered flames, it burned directly!

The two trucks, which were originally thought to have escaped the collision, were instantly surrounded by flames.

Even the security convoy behind was frightened by the raging fire and backed away. They all imitated Xiao Zhang's actions and turned around and drove back!

At the same time, several cars with their roofs covered in fireproof materials rushed out of the flames.

Several truck drivers were too close to the center of the flames and had no time to turn around. They wanted to abandon their vehicles and escape. After running a few steps, they were hit by those small cars and flew away!

Those cars were parked in the middle of the fire. Some people in fire-fighting suits got out of the cars, quickly came to the back of the trucks, violently opened the cars, waved to the people in the cars, and quickly got in!

Soon, the cars started up again, rushed out of the fire scene, and chased Xiao Zhang!

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