Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2801 Then beat me to death

Gunshots rang out from behind, and the security team was already at war with the other party!

This is in the Chaojing circle. Once a shot is fired, the case will be huge.

It's just that tonight, the police in Guangtian City are very busy. Even if a passing driver calls the police, the police station can't allocate many people to check here.

In fact, this is also the result of Moon Jae-hun's own cleverness.

I originally thought that the news of tonight's delivery would definitely be irrepressible, so I would take this opportunity to impress the guys in Guangtian City.

So he had already planned not to let the police get involved. He would let people cause trouble tonight and find a lot of work for the police.

But unexpectedly, the people in Guangtian City made little movement, but Chaojing did not hesitate to leave the city and attack him on the way.

Moreover, the opponent's firepower is no weaker than that of his people, and they are even slightly suppressed by his people!

Xiao Zhang didn't seem to see the battle outside and kept increasing the accelerator.

At the intersection a hundred meters away from the fire scene, Xiao Zhang turned to the left and drove the truck away from Binhai Avenue.

"Mr. Xiao, what are you doing? Go back quickly!" Liu Minyong's expression changed and he said to Xiao Zhang

"Have you forgotten what they told us? We must not deviate from the established route under any circumstances, otherwise we will be in big trouble!"

This route was finalized after many revisions.

Although it is not the closest, because the road is wide and flat, it is easier for the escort to play its role, and the safety factor is the highest.

When they arrived, Moon Jae-hoon also repeatedly warned them to follow the prescribed route, otherwise the security team would attack them both!

Xiao Zhang has now deviated from the established route. In Liu Minyong's view, he is seeking death!

Xiao Zhang snorted coldly and said, "It's over when we go back! If the other party knows our route, they will definitely take strict precautions. There are traps waiting for us ahead.

Since Moon Jae-hoon uses me, he believes that I can deliver the goods.

As for how it is delivered, I have the final say! "

Liu Minyong said anxiously, "But the road we are taking now will pass through several villages. It is too dangerous..."


Xiao Zhang grinned and said in a deep voice, "It's just something that's very dangerous. If it's not dangerous, I won't leave!"

Liu Minyong looked confused. He couldn't figure out what Xiao Zhang wanted to do!

In fact, Xiao Zhang's meaning is very simple, that is, to avoid all highway surveillance!

The original route was monitored from beginning to end, and any situation could be seen by checking the road surveillance after Moon Jae-hoon passed by.

Now this road is actually monitored, but in the countryside of the western suburbs of Chaojing, there is no monitoring.

That was the best time for Xiao Zhang to complete his plan.

Glancing at the rearview mirror, Xiao Zhang said to Liu Minyong, "I'm catching up. You know what to say!"

From behind, two cars came quickly, as if they were racing, and quickly approached the truck.

It seemed that others were still fighting, and only these two vehicles escaped the enemy and caught up.

When one of the cars was driving alongside the truck, the passenger window fell down and a hand was stretched out, and that hand also held a gun, with the muzzle pointed at Xiao Zhang.

The truck slowed down and stopped on the side of the road.

A person got out of the passenger seat of the car, and he was the squad leader of the security department.

He held the gun in his right hand and said to Xiao Zhang, "Turn around and go back to the original route!"

Xiao Zhang made no move and just looked at him coldly.

The squad leader looked gloomy and shouted to the car behind him, "Cai Joong-ki!"

A man got out of the back seat, Cai Zhongji, the squad leader of the transportation class.

He frowned and asked Xiao Zhang, "Liu Guangxian, Liu Minyong, what are you doing!

Have you forgotten what the company told you?

Hurry back now, it’s still not too late!

If you ask above, I will explain it to you! "

Monitor Bian said to Cai Zhongji with a sullen face, "Squad monitor Cai

, you are here to testify that they left the original route with unknown motives.

I'll shoot them later and you can keep driving. That's why we brought you here! "

Cai Zhongji anxiously shouted "Ryu Kwang-hyun!"

Liu Minyong quickly said, "The original route has been exposed! If we go further, our entire army will be wiped out, and our goods will be lost. Can you afford such a responsibility?"

Cai Zhongji was stunned for a moment, turned to monitor Bian and said, "Squad monitor Bian, Guangxian and Minyong are right, they did this because they had no choice but to do so.

You saw what happened just now, we were indeed ambushed!

No one knows how many ambushes are ahead. If we continue on the original route, something big will happen! "

He didn't deal with Xiao Zhang and Liu Minyong before.

But ever since these two men helped the driver class and the security department to fight hard and gained the upper hand, causing all the brothers in the driver class to vent their anger that had been suppressed in their hearts for a long time, his impression of these two people had changed.

Now he also admires Liu Guangxian. His driving skills may not be much better than his, but he is bold and careful, and dares to fight hard. This is something that no one else has, and even he feels inferior to him. .??.

So of course he would speak for Xiao Zhang.

Monitor Bian looked at him with squinted eyes and said coldly, "Cai Zhongji, don't forget what you were told when you came here!

If you dare to disobey the orders above, can you bear the consequences? "

Cai Zhongji said with a smile, "Rules are dead, people are alive.

Plans can never keep up with changes!

Now that you have seen this situation, it is natural for us to re-plan the route..."


The squad leader turned his gun and pointed it at Cai Zhongji's head. He stared at him and cursed.

"Cai Zhongji, I don't want to talk so much nonsense to you!

Tell your people to turn around and go back to me quickly, otherwise don't blame me for turning against you and beating you bastards to death! "

Cai Zhongji's face turned green and white, and suddenly he grabbed the muzzle of the squad leader's gun with a snap, put it on his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Then shoot me!"

Monitor Bian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't dare to shoot anymore.

He gritted his teeth and cursed at Cai Zhongji, "Cai Zhongji, do you even know what you are doing?"

Cai Zhongji's face was ashen and he cursed, "Of course I know what I'm doing!

Byun Xiuzhe, I really don’t think you know what you are doing, right?

What does it say above?

At all costs, escort the truck to Zeshen Port!

You want to drive and beat us to death? Well, beat us drivers to death, then drive to Zeshen Port yourself! "

The squad leader looked a little embarrassed and said with a dark face, "I just want you to return to the original route..."

"What the hell!" Cai Zhongji scolded angrily, "They have already dug a hole, and you still let us continue to jump into it. Byun Xiuzhe, what are your intentions?

Are you the spy who revealed the information and forced us into the trap? "

"Don't talk nonsense!" Byun Xiuzhe panicked and cursed at Cai Zhongji, "Do you know what you are talking about!"

Cai Zhongji scolded without showing any signs of weakness, "Then do you know what you are doing?

Bian Xiuzhe, I call you monitor Bian to respect you.

Don't think I'm just afraid of you!

We are both at the same level, we are equal, what qualifications do you have to yell at me? "

Bian Xiuzhe quickly said, "Lao Cai, I'm not targeting you, I'm just following the instructions above..."

Liu Minyong said from the side, "The instructions given to us from above are to deliver the goods safely to Zeshen Port.

Since we have chosen to complete this task, we believe that we have this ability.

If we stay the same when things happen and follow the old rules, what's the difference between sending us and sending others?

If something goes wrong with the goods, can you afford it? "

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