Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2802 He can do it if he has a car

The surrounding area became quiet, everyone looked at each other, and no one said a word.

After a while, the car driver stuck his head out and said to Bian Xiuzhe, "Monitor, call! It's from the company!"

Bian Xiuzhe quickly turned around to answer the phone and said, "Vice President, it's me... Yes, it's not far from Intersection 168 of Binhai Avenue... Okay, I understand!"

After hanging up the phone, Bian Xiuzhe looked a little embarrassed and said to Xiao Zhang, "Guangxian, the vice president said..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Zhang had already kicked the accelerator and the car started slowly.

Liu Minyong hurried to the passenger door, opened the door and got in the car.

The truck emitted a cloud of black smoke and roared forward.

Bian Xiuzhe's face was embarrassed and gloomy. He snorted heavily and said to everyone around him, "Get in the car and follow him!"

Cai Zhongji curled his lips, snorted in a low voice, and got into the car.

This new road is naturally not as spacious as the Coastal Avenue, it is just the most common one-way street.

However, there are very few vehicles and it seems to be flowing smoothly.

The car was running in the night, getting closer and closer to Chaojing.

Liu Minyong looked very nervous, because he could see that there were only those two cars behind, and the security team did not catch up!

It is said that Bian Xiuzhe has already contacted the company, and as long as the security team gets rid of those people, they will follow as quickly as possible.

But we haven't seen them appear yet. We can only say that the battle was really fierce and they were fighting for their lives, and the security team probably had the upper hand.

This also shows that the other party is determined to get this truck of goods!

"Why haven't Mr. Chen and the others come yet!" Liu Minyong said nervously to Xiao Zhang

"Why do I get more uneasy the closer I get to Chaojing?

Mr. Chen is not here, I feel unsure! "

Xiao Zhang cursed with a dark face, "I can't even make a call, how could they know where I am?"

All cell phones have been confiscated, and all outside contact has been cut off. Even if they have internal contact with the company, they can only

Can rely on walkie-talkies.

It happened that Xiao Zhang was known to be mute in the company, and Liu Minyong never took the initiative to use the walkie-talkie under Xiao Zhang's instruction, so this thing was basically just a decoration for them.

If the news cannot be passed on, Chen Xin'an cannot know his exact location.

After all, Chen Xin'an is not a god. It is impossible for him to predict the situation and appear in time every time.

Seeing Liu Minyong's helpless look, Xiao Zhang comforted him and said, "Don't worry, I have told them that the shipment will be in these two days.

Such a big movement in Guangtian City tonight could not be hidden from the police, nor from An Geer.

If they know that we have left Haichao Company, they will definitely come to help us! "

Liu Minyong didn't feel relaxed at all, and said with a grimace, "But you also said that you didn't call at all. Mr. Chen is not a god, how could he know that we are here!"

Xiao Zhang took a deep breath, stared straight ahead and said, "So the most important thing we have to do is rely on ourselves!"

In the lobby on the first floor of Jindu Building in Guangtian City, a man in black walked in quickly and said to Chen Xin'an who was standing in front of the reception desk, "Mr. Yanjun, we found it!"

He took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and said to Chen Xin'an, "These are photos of the accident at the East Ring Road intersection.

These are live photos of the Esplanade. "

Chen Xin'an took the phone, looked at the photo carefully, and said to the man in black, "Map!"

The man in black immediately took out the Dongchao map he had just prepared and spread it flat on the reception desk.

Chen Xin'an took a pen and marked the lines on the map. He looked carefully at the car in the photo and said to Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman beside him, "It must be Lao Xiao. He is on a mission!"

"Is it this time?" Luo Xiaoman asked with wide eyes.

Chen Xin'an shook her phone and said, "It's already such a big commotion, isn't it?


Li Qi lowered his head and looked at the map and said, "Boss, let's go to Binhai Avenue now?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head, drew a line with a pen, and said to everyone, "Take the fork marked 168.

Lao Xiao is not that stupid. He knows there is a pit but still jumps into it!

And he will definitely not send the goods to Chaojing. This road has less surveillance and is the best route!

We start from here and go straight along the 235 road!

I should be able to catch up with Lao Xiao in about two hours! "

Luo Xiaoman said worriedly, "I'm afraid that Lao Xiao won't last two hours..."

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "If there is no car, he will definitely not be able to survive!

But as long as he's in the driver's seat, he sure can! "

Of course, everyone was very relieved about Xiao Zhang's driving skills, and they were slightly relieved when Chen Xin'an said this.

The man in black stepped forward and said to Chen Xin'an, "Mr. Yanjun, the boss asked me to tell you something. Yaohan's Flying Star Team is here!"

"What flying star team?" Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment.

The man in black took a deep breath and said, "Yao Welding Group's private security team.

He is very powerful and can fight against the regular army!

The captain was once a retired special instructor from the Dongchao Anti-Terrorism Brigade.

Some of our brothers were once members of the Flying Stars!

For specific matters, please call the boss when you have time and he will tell you! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked, "Where is your boss now?"

The man in black said, "We're already going to the Marina Avenue! He said he was going to intercept the Flying Stars in front.

The boss used to be in charge of this area, and he had some friendship with the big brothers from the Flying Stars.

The boss said that this matter was very complicated and he wanted to find out more about it! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, then you stay here and don't have to go with us!"

The man in black nodded and said to Chen Xin'an, "Don't worry, Mr. Yanjun, there are more than 20 brothers here in the building, it should be enough."

Chen Xin'an nodded. Although the hospital and the building were where he was more worried, the hermit's main target was still on him.

Therefore, he will not put too much energy into these two areas. Once he discovers that there is an obstruction, he is afraid of alerting others or even alerting the officials, so he does not dare to be too public.

"Let's set off now!" Chen Xin'an said to Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi.

The man in black handed the key to Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Yanjun, the car has been changed and is parked outside!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an was not polite, grabbed the key, and walked out quickly with Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi.

Li Qi was still driving, Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman were sitting in the back, and the passenger seat was empty.

As the car drove into the night, Li Qi asked Chen Xin'an worriedly, "Boss, if we go over, will we cause more trouble to Brother Xiao?"

When the three of them left the city, it was impossible to hide the hermit from the spies everywhere.

Therefore, Lao Yinbi will never give up such a good opportunity and will definitely attack the three of them.

In this way, it is equivalent to increasing the danger for Xiao Zhang.

He not only had to deal with those who robbed the goods, but also passively dealt with the power of the hermit.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him, "I just want to get these people together.

The more chaotic the situation, the better it will be for us to get out of trouble!

What I'm worried about now is the cargo. How can Lao Xiao handle it? "

The goods will definitely not be delivered to their destination, so Xiao Zhang must handle them well.

Otherwise, if it is robbed, all the efforts during this period will be in vain.

It's like leaving the wolf pack and entering the tiger's mouth again!

Of course, it can't be destroyed. This is what Red Hood paid for with his life!

Therefore, Chen Xin'an now has no idea what Xiao Zhang will do with this truck. She just hopes to find him as soon as possible and everyone can discuss countermeasures together.

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