Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2805 Your brains are all rusty, right?

There are spies around, so positioning cannot be installed on the truck, otherwise the spies will know the exact location of the truck at any time.

So Moon Jae-hoon tampered with the watch.

Only he knew the location of the truck.

Unexpectedly, the positioning signal suddenly disappeared!

Moon Jae-hun, who is suspicious by nature, knew immediately that something was wrong with Ryu Kwang-hyun.

For a watch worth more than 200 million yuan, the waterproof function is not too bad.

Now once the positioning is lost, it means that the table is destroyed.

In this case, if the whole person is not smashed, it is intentional damage by the owner of the watch.

At this moment, Wen Zaixun was so angry that he was going crazy.

He hates betrayal, and it was Liu Guangxian's betrayal.

Due to his personality, it is difficult for him to trust someone, let alone appreciate someone easily.

But Liu Guangxian was a person he trusted and looked up to.

Because this person passed all his tests, his ability made him feel very satisfied.

He originally wanted to focus on training that guy, but he didn't expect that bastard to betray him!

What made him even more furious was that that bastard actually took away his most important batch of goods!

These goods were so valuable that even the Xinghai Group couldn't eat them, so he sold them to people who could eat them.

This business is related to the Wen family's status in the entire Dongchao.

Once it is completed, the Wen family will no longer be the bottom of the eight major Dongchao consortiums, but will become the top three!

This is an achievement that the damn dad could not achieve despite his whole life, and Moon Jae-hoon did it!

The Wen family members all say that he is unscrupulous.

Once the deal is done, everyone's mouths will be shut.

How could a group of old antiques, who were too conservative in doing things, take the Wen Family Consortium to a new level?

But if the transaction fails, Moon Jae-hun cannot predict what the consequences will be!

The Wen family will not let him go. They killed their father to seize power. There are too many people in the Wen family who are dissatisfied with him!

What's even more frightening is that the trading party will not let him go. That's the one thing he can't afford to offend!

So the top priority is whether he

Find the truck at all costs, find Liu Guangxian and Liu Minyong, if the goods are there, hope is there, but if the goods are gone, everything is over!

On Binhai Avenue, Li Qi drove the Kia, reaching a speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

Behind the car, several black cars were following closely, trying to overtake from time to time.

Except in urban areas, these cars appeared.

At first, I wanted to stop Kia, but I never thought that Kia didn't tolerate them at all, so he rammed into it, overturned a car, and sped away.

The remaining cars quickly followed and started a drag racing competition on the coastal boulevard, which was not a high-speed road.

Fortunately, it was early in the morning and there were not many vehicles on the road, otherwise there would have been a car accident.

"Boss, the 168 intersection is ahead!" Li Qi said in a deep voice to Chen Xin'an in the back seat.

Chen Xin'an, who was playing with a crossbow, said without raising his head, "Turn in and get ready to fight!"

Avoid surveillance, and it’s time to go on a killing spree!

The intersection was not far ahead, and Li Qi suddenly swerved without slowing down!

The car suddenly drifted around a corner and quickly entered a side road with a roar.

The cars behind were completely unprepared and all rushed through the intersection.

Seeing that the target car had turned a corner, he quickly turned around and came back.

As a result, they were much slower. When they tried to catch up, they could only see a little tail light. In less than thirty seconds, even the tail light disappeared.

The cars behind were obviously anxious and sped up and rushed forward.

After driving for almost half an hour, three cars suddenly stopped because the Kia was parked on the roadside in front!

Three cars were parked twenty meters away. All the people in the cars got out. Some were holding pistols and some were holding machetes. They were surrounding the car and approached the Kia carefully but quickly.

At a distance of five meters, everyone stopped.

One person pointed at his companion who was holding a gun next to him.

Although the man was a little reluctant, he still tiptoed forward with his gun.

When he walked to the car, he raised his gun and shouted with full vigilance, and then looked around.

The car was empty, the keys were still on it, but no one was there.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and shouted to the person behind him, "Director, no one is there..."

At this moment, with a pop, a crossbow arrow flew from nowhere and pierced his neck directly!

There was a look of shock and pain in the man's eyes. He raised his arm as if to pull out the arrow, but as soon as he put his hand on the arrow, he fell to the ground and died!

The people behind were all startled, turned around and looked around, shouting.

"Come out! I see you, get out of here!"

"Damn Chinese people, they can only sneak around and hide. Come out and fight if you dare!"

"Aren't you very powerful? You kicked our gym alliance several times! Why have you become a coward now? Come out and fight!"

At this moment, a popping sound was heard, countless arrows flew in, and with a burst of screams, five or six people from the gym alliance fell!

"Hide quickly, they are in the trees!" someone shouted, and the remaining thugs turned and ran away.

It's just that the car is still twenty meters away, and it will take some time to run over.

But the other party didn't give them this time at all!

Along the way, Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman had their bows and arrows ready, and the arrow warehouses were full.

At this distance, a crossbow is much easier to use than a pistol!

The silent firing had great killing power. After one round of arrow rain, more than half of the enemy's manpower was lost!

The gunshots finally sounded.

Even if the thugs with pistols did not see the enemy's position, they fired randomly at the top of their heads. Whether they could hit the target depended on luck!

But what they got was the opponent's accurate shooting.

Anyone who fired a gun would be shot through the throat or directly through the head in the next second, and instantly fell to the ground and died!


In the blink of an eye, all the gunmen were eliminated, and the remaining few with machetes were already stunned and didn't even have the strength to escape.

At this time, Chen Xin'an and the other two came out of the roadside forest protection, aiming their crossbows at the knifemen.

Chen Xin'an looked at them coldly and said, "Do you want to fight with us?"

A knifeman retreated cautiously, then suddenly turned around and tried to run to the car.

But just as his hand touched the car door, a crossbow arrow shot through his back with a puff, and the tip of the arrow popped out from his chest.

He lowered his head with difficulty to look at his bleeding heart, and fell to the ground with a plop!

The remaining three knifemen all collapsed. One of them threw away the knife in his hand and shouted to Chen Xin'an and the other two.

"Don't you feel ashamed to kill people with such a weapon?

Aren't you Chinese Kung Fu masters?

If you have the guts, come and compete with us!"

Another man gritted his teeth and said, "The province will not let you go!

All of you, one by one, no one can escape!

The Holy Master will avenge us!"

The remaining knifeman knelt on the ground with a plop, howling and said,

"I don't want to deal with you, I was forced to do it!

I don't want to die here, I just got married!

Forgive me, I will never participate in such actions again in the future!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the three people in front of him, nodded and said, "Okay, as you wish!"

The next second, the three of them pulled the trigger at the same time, and arrows rained down, covering all the three knifemen in front of them!

As the three knifemen fell to the ground, Chen Xin'an turned around with Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi, not caring about the lives of those on the ground.

Luo Xiaoman did not forget to spit on the ground and cursed with disdain

"I don't have time to play with you here!

You have a crossbow but don't need to fight with fists and feet?

Is your brain rusty?"

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