Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2806 He is someone you cannot afford to offend

During the match, although Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman were cruel, they were not deadly.

After all, it was in the city and there were surveillance everywhere.

Chen Xin'an also told the brothers to try not to leave evidence of killing in public, otherwise it would give the official excuse.

But it's different now. There's no surveillance anyway, and the situation tonight is special. Chen Xin'an doesn't have time to waste with the people in the gym alliance. He wants to find Xiao Zhang as soon as possible.

After dealing with these people, Chen Xin'an took Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi back to the car.

The Kia continued to move forward. Ten minutes later, Li Qi slowed down, looked out the window, and said in a deep voice: "Boss, Brother Man, look at the road outside!"

Under the streetlight, a dark brake line extended to the roadside, which was very obvious.

Li Qi stopped the car, Chen Xin'an got out of the car and walked to the brake line, then walked a few steps forward.

After a while, he turned to Luo Xiaoman and said, "Aman, go forward, there are nails on the road!"

Luo Xiaoman responded, lowered his head and walked forward.

After a while, he picked up a palm-sized wooden board, pointed at the nails on it and shouted, "There really are! Who is so wicked!"

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Li Qi: "Lao Xiao took this road and changed the tire here.

One of the forked roads in front leads to the village and the other leads to the coastal avenue.

I think Lao Xiao will enter the village, we should hurry up! "

"Okay!" Li Didian nodded.

Luo Xiaoman also threw the wooden board into the field next to him, walked around and found nothing, and then walked back.

The village was very lively, and even Chen Xin'an didn't expect that it was not yet dawn, and before four o'clock in the morning, almost everyone in the village was awake!

The lights were on in every house, but the doors of every house were closed.

The threshing floor at the entrance of the village is crowded with people, but if the village chief were here, he would see that none of these people are locals of the village!

Seeing the group of people gathering at the threshing floor, Chen Xin'an and the other three were stunned.

According to the map, this village is called Mashan County and is an agricultural village in the western suburbs of Chaojing.

He has always been unknown and lived a quiet and ordinary life.

Like now, hundreds of outsiders gathered at the entrance of the village at four o'clock in the morning. It is estimated that the people in the village have never seen it in their lives, and it scared everyone.

Chen Xin'an took Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi into the crowd and listened for a while, and roughly understood the origins of these people.

Covered in blood and wearing security uniforms, they were the security team members of Haichao Company.

There were about a dozen of them, and each of them looked fiercely at the people in suits across from them.

The opponent had an absolute advantage over them in terms of numbers, with two to three hundred people.

There were more than 40 people who turned out to be Kim Eun-jae and a group of his brothers.

There are more than fifty people left, all with the logo of the Gym Alliance on their bodies, and they are members of the Gym Alliance.

There was also a group of people in the crowd, about seven or eight, who were standing in a position where they were not close to anyone.

The leader was wearing a black hat, covering his entire face.

If you look carefully, you will find that the largest group of men in suits are not in the same camp.

There were more than a hundred people wearing navy blue suits, and they were taller than the others.

Jin Enzai was talking to the man at the front of the group of men in navy blue suits.

"Zhenmin, are you really not going to give me this face?"

The man raised his head, glanced at Jin Enzai, and said with a sneer:

“Brother Enzai, do you know what you are talking about?

I've already told you, this is what Mr. Li personally told you!

Don't you understand?

Don't worry about this, I have to take the people and goods away! "

Zheng Zaizhong, who was standing next to him, cursed angrily: "Park Jin Min, you are such an ungrateful bastard!

If it hadn't been for Brother Enzai back then, you would have been hacked to death long ago!

The company has decided to compensate your family for your pension, but Brother Eun-jae insists on rescuing you!

Now that you are in power, do you dare to speak to Brother Eunjae in such a tone? "

The muscles in the corner of Park Zhenmin's eyes twitched, he turned his head and glanced at Zheng Zaizhong, and said coldly: "Do you have the right to speak here?

I used to be just a little bastard who followed me around, but now he's become the boss? "

Zheng Zaizhong blushed and shouted angrily: "Don't fart! I only have one boss, and that's Brother Eun-jae!"

I'm not like you, who pledges loyalty to one person and swears obedience to another.

As long as whoever gives you benefits is your boss!

You are just a dog. As long as someone throws a bone, he is your master! "

"Fuck you!" Park Zhenmin was furious and kicked Zheng Zaizhong in the chest!

A group of people in gray suits behind him rushed up with a roar and wanted to attack Zheng Zaizhong.

The gang of boys behind Jin Eunzai also rushed up and protected Zheng Zaizhong. The scene was chaotic and about to break out!

At this moment, Jin Eunzai's roar came from the crowd: "Stop it!"

The group of boys stopped shouting, but their eyes were looking at the group of gray suits menacingly.

But the man in the gray suit sneered and pushed the boys provocatively, not giving Jin Enzai any face.

Jin Enzai didn't say anything, just looked at Park Zhenmin coldly.

After squinting at Kim Eun-jae, Park Jin-min raised his hand, and those gray suits took a step back.

Park Zhenmin looked at Jin Enzai with cold eyes and said with a half-smile: "Jin Enzai, what happened in the past is in the past.

I think you should know that I am no longer the Park Jin Min I used to be!

Everything I have today has nothing to do with you, it was all earned with my life!

So no matter who wants me to give up all this, then take my life first!

Jin Enzai, you are no longer from Chaojing Yaohan. If you want to compete with me for the goods, you have to show your skills!

Don't worry, you don't have to show mercy to me, because I won't show mercy to you either!

Chaojing Yaohan is no longer in power with the Jin family. I know what you are thinking, but to achieve your goal, you have to rely on your true skills, not just talk to try to gain friendship.

This method is of no use to me, do you understand? "

Jin Enzai looked at Park Zhenmin, suddenly smiled and shook his head.

"Park Zhenmin, do you think I came to you specifically for that truck?

Let me tell you, I don't have much interest in that truck!

It’s not that I’m not interested, it’s just not too big.

I came here to tell you that anyone from Yaohan can come to this matter, but you'd better not interfere.

Because you and Jingzhong were brought out by me myself.

I don't want you to die in the hands of others because of this!

The person delivering the goods is a friend of my friend, and you can’t afford to mess with that friend! "

"Hahaha!" Park Zhenmin and a group of gray suits laughed.

It was like I heard the funniest joke.

Park Zhenmin smiled and said: "Kim Eunjae, are you an old fool?

Or was he kicked out of Chaojing Yaohan and received too much stimulation, so he spoke without thinking and started talking nonsense?

Who can I afford to offend?

The boss of another consortium besides Chaojing Yaohan?

Or the biological son of the leader of Dongchao?

Not to mention a small Guangtian City, even in the entire Dongchao, is there anyone we Yaohan can't afford to offend?

Could it be that the person who transported the goods was a Saint Master? "

A group of people from the gym alliance yelled: "Stop talking nonsense! Holy masters will not do this kind of thing!"

"How dare you disrespect the Holy Master? Have you eaten the courage of a bear and a leopard?"

"The Holy Master is not interested in those things! We came here because a brother discovered that the person on the wanted poster appeared nearby, and it just happened to coincide with your route!"

When the name of Holy Master was mentioned, Park Zhenmin knew that he could never offend him and did not dare to say anything. He just stared at Jin Enzai and said:

"Take your people and get out! Don't force me to attack you!"

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