Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2807 We don’t fight, we just take pictures

Unexpectedly, the subordinates who once favored him and deliberately promoted him would now treat him with such a tone and attitude!

Jin Enzai's eyes turned cold when he looked at Park Zhenmin. He glanced at Zheng Zaizhong with a gloomy expression. Just when he was about to ask everyone to take action, he heard someone in the crowd shout:

"Are you from Chaojing Yaohan? Do you want to rob goods? Are you crazy!"

Bian Xiuzhe's face was full of anger and unwillingness. He glared at Park Zhenmin and cursed: "Those goods were originally sent to you, but you still want to take them away. Isn't this crazy?"

Park Zhenmin narrowed his eyes and cursed at him: "Who said we were going to rob the goods? We are here to escort the goods to Zeshen Port smoothly!

The people you are fighting against are not us, so don’t get confused! "

Byun Xiuzhe pointed at a few people in gray suits who wanted to disappear into the crowd and cursed.

"Young master, you are talking nonsense to me here!

Many of our brothers have fallen. Do you think I am blind?

The gang of bastards you just fought with are right behind you, why the hell do you still want to deny it? "

Jin Enzai snorted coldly from the side, shook his head and said: "It is indeed Li Guangmin's style!

This truck should be for Yaohan Yuan Jinghai, right?

The general election is coming soon, and if you want to get Yaohan's power, you must use your own unique tactics.

Yuan Jinghai used these goods to pave the way for him, so Li Guangmin simply snatched his goods and cut off his thoughts!

You help Li Guangming, and Han Jingzhong serves Yuan Jinghai.

The brothers back then have now become enemies who each have his own master. Is this the life you want? "

"Don't tell me these useless nonsense!" Park Zhenmin gritted his teeth and looked at Jin Enzai and cursed:

"You have lost power and are out of the game, and you have no right to make irresponsible remarks here!

Go back to Guangtian City and continue to be a coward. Chaojing Yaohan's affairs have nothing to do with you anymore!

You left us people and ran away, now don't pretend to be a saint and preach to us! "

Zheng Zaizhong scolded: "You fart! When the boss left, he once asked you if you wanted to go with him.

It's because you love vanity, are reluctant to let go of everything you had at the time, and don't want to go with the boss!

Now the blame is on the boss, are you still a human being? "

Being brought down again and again, Park Zhenmin's face had a layer of murderous intent!

He gritted his teeth and glared at Zheng Zaizhong and cursed: "Brother is talking, there is no room for a little brat like you to interrupt!

Your boss didn't teach you the rules, I'll teach you for him! "

As he spoke, he suddenly rushed forward two steps and punched Zheng Zaizhong in the face!

Zheng Zaizhong's eyes narrowed and he saw the cold light on the back of his hand!

This despicable and sinister guy actually wears a finger tiger on his hand!

The opponent's attack was too fast and too dark, and Zheng Zaizhong had no way to dodge.

But at this moment, there was a snap in his ears, and the fist that had rushed in front of him suddenly stopped, but Zheng Zaizhong could actually feel the wind coming from the fist!

Jin Enzai grabbed Park Zhenmin's wrist and said coldly: "My brother, you don't need anyone else to teach you!"

This sentence made Park Zhenmin a little distracted.

Back then, he had an impulsive personality and offended other big bosses in the company.

In retaliation from the boss, he blocked him in the alley and when he wanted to attack him, Jin Enzai also grabbed the boss's arm and said the same thing coldly.

Park Zhenmin shook his head. After so many years, he is no longer the young man he was back then!

He knows very well that if he wants to rise to power, he must not be soft-hearted and must use any means necessary.

The so-called brotherhood and brotherly loyalty are useless and will only slow down the speed of drawing his sword!

Taking a deep breath, Park Zhenmin flicked his wrist and asked Jin Enzai to let go. Then he looked at Zheng Jaejoong coldly and said:

“Since Brother Enzai wants to teach him personally, that’s the best thing.

You must teach carefully and stop being so unruly, otherwise you will easily die! "

Zheng Zaizhong wanted to say something else, but Jin Enzai turned his head and glared at him. Zheng Zaizhong lowered his head and said nothing.

Byun Soo-cheol looked at Park Jin-min angrily and cursed: "I asked you what you mean when you fell to the ground! I want to talk to your boss!"

Park Zhenmin sneered coldly and said sideways, "Are you worthy?"

Byun Xiuzhe roared angrily, and just as he was about to speak, Park Zhenmin pointed his finger at his nose and cursed:

"If you talk nonsense to me again, I'll chop you to death right now, believe it or not?"

Behind him, hundreds of gray suits took a step forward at the same time, looking murderously at Bian Xiuzhe and the security guards beside him.

The originally angry security guards turned pale with fright, and they were all so silent that they didn't even dare to speak out.

Park Zhenmin turned around, looked at the guys from the Gym Alliance and said, "The person you are looking for is not here, and I also know what the Holy Master wants to do.

Our boss asked me to tell the Holy Master that whatever he wants, the boss will give it to him with both hands.

But for things that don’t belong to the Saint Master, the boss also asks the Saint Master to hold your hand high and not stretch it so long..."

"Are you threatening the Holy Master?" A leader of the gym alliance said coldly to Park Zhenmin:

"Or is your boss warning the Holy Master? Please make it clear, and I can report to the Holy Master when I go back!"

Pu Zhenmin, who was arrogant and domineering just now and didn't take anyone seriously, did not dare to be presumptuous in front of the name of the Holy Master. He lowered his head and said:

"I'm just conveying the boss's intention, and the boss is also considering the matter as it is. I have no intention of blaspheming the majesty of the Holy Master. I also ask Director Ding to seek truth from facts in front of the Holy Master..."

Director Ding interrupted him unceremoniously: "Then shut up! It's not your Chaojing Yaohan's turn to dictate what our gym alliance does!"

Park Zhenmin's face turned pale, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up. He suppressed his anger and turned his head, saying to a group of men in suits not far away:

"Go back and tell Han Kyung-jong that as long as I, Park Jin-min, are here, he will definitely not be able to do what he wants to do!

He wants to protect that car, but I bet he can't!

Don't force me to attack my own family, Han Zhikui, take your people and get out immediately! "

With a smile on his face, a man in a suit bowed and said to him: "Brother Zhenmin, our boss said that if Brother Zhenmin must rob, then just rob him. We won't stop him, we will only record it!"

As he waved, hundreds of brothers behind him all took out their mobile phones and pretended to take pictures!

What the hell...

Park Zhenmin's face turned dark.

Mr. Li's intention was obvious, and he grabbed the goods without anyone noticing.

With this truckload of goods, Mr. Li can even become the deputy minister of Dongchao's Ministry of Commerce!

The current director is simply a vacuous position, does not have much real power, and cannot gain much benefit.

But once you become a deputy minister, you truly become an official!

Even if he steps down as the president of Yaowang Group, the entire Yaowong Group will still be firmly in his hands!

The boss has become very prosperous, and those of me who have worked hard to serve as subordinates will naturally achieve enlightenment alone, and the chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven.

So now Park Zhenmin doesn't care about brotherly loyalty and kinship. Anyone who blocks his way is his enemy!

But now Han Zhikui has played such a trick on him, and he won't be able to deal with it anymore!

He didn't fight or walk away, but just followed him and took pictures. Isn't this just a sign of illness?

What the boss wants is for people to be unaware of the situation. You took pictures and preserved all the evidence. Doesn’t that make it known to the whole world?

Park Zhenmin took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at the seven or eight people next to the man in the suit, and asked in a deep voice: "Where are you friends from?"

The man wearing a top hat took off his hat, raised his head and looked at him and said:

"Guangtian Police Anti-Smuggling Team!

I'm Kong Jin Kyung!

I heard that a batch of smuggled goods appeared here, let's come and take a look.

Any questions? "

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