Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2817 We are going to save him now


The car went around the foot of the mountain, onto the village road, and then quickly onto the Guangbuk National Highway.

Luo Xiaoman, who had been holding back for a long time, said angrily to Chen Xin'an: "We are already so far away, can we talk?"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi both laughed angrily, glared at him and said, "Say it!"

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said, "Lao Chen, Lao Xiao, are we brothers?"

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes at him and cursed: "Nonsense!"

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Since we are brothers, why don't you go up the mountain to rescue him? Why are you going to Tianbeicheng now? Even if you take me to Guangxi City, I'm not interested!

Do you know what those brats will do after they find Lao Xiao?

Are you not worried at all? "

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "We are going to save Lao Xiao now!"

Luo Xiaoman slapped his thigh and cursed: "Go up the mountain to save Lao Xiao! Why the hell are you going to Tianbeicheng? Is Lao Xiao in Tianbeicheng?"

He suddenly became quiet, with a look of disbelief on his face. After a while, he asked: "Don't tell me, Lao Xiao is really in Tianbeicheng!"

"It's just a guess. You have to go and take a look to find out!" Chen Xin'an frowned and said:

“The closest one over there is not Chaojing, but Tianbeicheng.

Moreover, it is too dangerous to enter Chaojing now.

It is impossible to go back to Guangtian City.

If Lao Xiao wants to escape, he has no choice but to go to Tianbeicheng! "

Luo Xiaoman asked strangely: "But the car has obviously gone up the mountain..."

Li Qi said without looking back: "Brother Man, that's fake. It should be a flaw left intentionally by Brother Xiao.

The traces of broken trees are all very fresh.

Moreover, Brother Xiao deliberately went down the mountain after going up the mountain, which created the illusion of multiple entrances.

In fact, Brother Xiao's purpose should be to lure everyone to Jilong Mountain on purpose.

In this way, he can successfully escape from the encirclement.

But we are not sure whether we will go to Tianbeicheng, so we can only gamble on our luck! "

Only then did Luo Xiaoman understand the reason why Chen Xin'an and Li Qi went to Tianbeicheng. He glanced at Jilong Mountain behind him and didn't know what to say.

Li Qi said to the two of them: "It will take more than an hour to walk. You should just hang back for a while. I will call you when we get there."

Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi worriedly: "Aqi, are you tired too?"

Li Qi shook his head and said: "Boss, don't forget, I have received professional training.

I stayed up for three days and three nights at most, but this night was fine for me! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Then when we go to Tianbeicheng, we first find a hotel in the city center, which is of average quality.

Let's get a good room and have a good sleep! "

Luo Xiaoman widened his eyes and asked, "Aren't you looking for Lao Xiao?"

Chen Xin'an said angrily and funny: "Tianbeicheng is so big, where can we find it?

Don't worry, we don't need to go look for him, he will come to us when the time comes! "

Luo Xiaoman had a question mark on his face and wanted to say something else. Chen Xin'an slapped him in the face and cursed:

"I have my own arrangements. Your mind is already slow, so don't think too much about it!

Close your eyes and squint for a while! "

"Fuck!" Luo Xiaoman looked unconvinced and wanted to say something, but he was really tired, so he closed his eyes angrily.

It felt like I had just slept for a short while when I heard Li Qi's voice: "Boss, Brother Man, we're here!"

Chen Xin'an opened her eyes and got out of the car. In front of her was a hotel with four stars on it, and the name of the hotel was inlaid in gold on the marble wall.

It's just Dongchao, which Chen Xin'an doesn't recognize. The location on his phone shows that it translates to Daohua Hotel.

Chen Xin'an took out the temporary ID that Jin Enzai helped him apply for, went to the front desk to register, opened a business suite, and gave the key card to Luo Xiaoman.

"You guys go up, take a shower and sleep. I'll ask someone to help buy some clothes, and lunch will be delivered directly to the room."

Luo Xiaoman looked at him strangely and asked, "Old Chen, aren't you going up?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "I have to do something else, I'll go up later!"

Li Qi pulled Luo Xiaoman and said, "Brother Man, let's go first!"

"Hello, sir!" The receptionist lady suddenly stopped Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi and asked Chen Xin'an, "Excuse me, are you together?"

Chen Xin'an heard the indifference in her tone, which was completely different from her attitude when registering just now. She nodded and said, "Yes, is there any problem?"

The receptionist looked businesslike and said to Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi: "I'm sorry, if they are all together, then they all need to be registered. Please show your IDs!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "You didn't have such a request for those guests who came in just now!"

"I'm sorry, they are all Eastern Chao people!" the receptionist lady said expressionlessly:

"You must be Chinese, right?

Once something happens, it will be a transnational case and we will be in trouble.

So please all register! "

"You are so discriminatory..." Luo Xiaoman became angry when he heard this!

Li Qi grabbed him and shook his head.

Chen Xin'an took out an International UnionPay card and asked the receptionist: "Is there a place to withdraw money here?"

The receptionist was stunned for a moment, stretched her right hand to the side, and said to Chen Xin'an: "There is an ATM machine over there that can handle international card business. The IDs of your two friends..."

Before she could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "We'll talk about it when I get back after withdrawing the money!"

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the teller machine.

I didn't expect that you can directly get the Eagle Flag Yuan here.

Chen Xin'an withdrew 50,000 yuan, and the exchange rate was a bit awkward, but he didn't care about it anymore and turned around and walked to the counter.

A thick pile of colorful Eagle Flag Hundred-Yuan bills was piled in front of them, and the eyes of the three waitresses at the counter were straightened.

Chen Xin'an casually pulled out a wad of bills, threw them in front of the receptionist without counting them, and asked her, "What did you just say? I didn't hear clearly!"

The front desk lady showed a hint of surprise on her face, but she immediately covered it up. She glanced at the two colleagues standing aside with some worry and whispered: "Sir, please don't do this..."

Chen Xin'an ignored it at all, took out two more stacks, and threw them casually to the two service ladies.

Now everyone has a share, and the surprise on the faces of the three of them can't be concealed!

The lady from the front desk quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "Actually, it's not a hard and fast rule, let's just say that a few of them are here to participate in the competition!

Sorry, gentlemen, for disturbing your rest time.

Please go upstairs. I will notify the kitchen and deliver lunch to the room on time! "

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi looked at each other and smiled, gave Chen Xin'an a thumbs up, then turned and walked towards the elevator.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an was still standing in front of the counter, the lady at the front desk smiled like a flower and said in a flattering manner:

"Do you need anything else, sir? Just ask, it's an honor to serve you!

Could it be that sir, you want...private room service?

I can help you arrange it!

If you think it's appropriate, I can serve you personally, but not until I get off work! "

Her face was slightly red, and she gave Chen Xin'an a flirtatious look.

Chen Xin'an coughed a few times, waved her hands and said, "No need! I want to ask you...hey, what is that?"

He pointed at some colored triangular papers stacked on the counter and asked the receptionist.

The lady at the front desk quickly explained: "It's a printed flag, used during competitions!"

"Competition? What competition?" Chen Xin'an asked strangely.

The receptionist lady looked at him with wide eyes and said: "The International Marathon Competition held in Tianbeicheng!

It starts tomorrow morning. Isn't that why you came?

Our hotel is also one of the tourist reception venues, and these small flags are distributed to tourists! "

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