Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2818 The car has been found


The Dongchao people are quite stingy and can compete with the Da Ying people.

The international competitions held are all about saving what you can. Even the gold medals are gold-plated and wrapped with composite materials.

Even the small colorful flags used to add to the fun are not made of cloth or silk, but this kind of printing paper.

It is also called environmentally friendly and recyclable.

But this had nothing to do with Chen Xin'an, but it gave him a good idea.

He took out a wad of money, about four to five thousand, placed it in front of the receptionist, and said with a smile:

"I would like to ask three beautiful ladies to do me a favor. This is my reward. If it is not enough, I can add more!"

The three service ladies who had already made a small windfall did not expect another surprise. All three of them stood up and looked at Chen Xin'an excitedly.

In Dongchao, it is normal to receive tips in the service industry.

It's just that most tips are ten or twenty yuan, let alone one hundred, even if they are more than fifty, they are very small.

There are hundreds of them like this, and I'm afraid they could work for ten years without encountering one.

What's more, they use Yingqi Yuan, which invisibly raises the bar to a higher level!

The lady from the reception desk excitedly said to Chen Xin'an: "Sir, please give me your instructions, and we will definitely try our best to do it!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, smiled and said, "Can you give me a piece of paper and a pen?"

The service lady standing next to the computer immediately opened the drawer next to her, took out a pen and paper, and placed them in front of Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an picked up the pen and wrote a few words on the paper, then turned it around for the three girls to see.

The three women all craned their necks to look at the piece of paper, and saw a big word written on it: An.

There are a few more numbers below.

There are four groups in total, each group has a Chinese character and two or three numbers.

The three women all looked at Chen Xin'an inexplicably, not understanding what he was going to do.

Chen Xin'an pushed the several thousand dollars forward and said with a smile: "I would like to ask three of you to help work overtime to print these things on these small flags.

If it is inconvenient, you can reprint it. The area is about the size of a palm.

Then find a way to post it in the streets and alleys of Tianbeicheng.

Don't worry, no matter how much it costs, I can reimburse you.

But it has to be done before tomorrow morning, okay? "

The three girls looked at Chen Xin'an strangely. The girl standing next to the cashier asked Chen Xin'an carefully: "Sir, are you doing an advertising campaign?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "No! You can also see that this is not an advertisement at all!

If you find it difficult and can't do it, that's okay. Tell me where there is a printing shop and I can ask someone else to do it! "

"It can be done!" The receptionist lady immediately said to Chen Xin'an.

How can you let the windfall you get fly away?

Besides, this is not something difficult to accomplish at all, just like handing out leaflets on the streets in the past, there is nothing that cannot be done!

The receptionist said to the two companions beside her: "I'm off work in the afternoon anyway, so I can go shopping and post it at the same time. It won't delay anything at all!"

The other two people also nodded, and the woman who handed the banknotes said: "Just print it on these colorful flags!

It will be sent out when I go to work tomorrow morning. The competition route runs through the whole city, and people holding colorful flags will be all over the city. "

The woman standing next to the cash register said to Chen Xin'an attentively: "Sir, let's print a few copies for you to see. If they don't fit, we will modify them immediately!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, smiled and said, "Then I'll trouble you!"

This was not a technical job, so Chen Xin'an quickly felt relieved and let them do their own thing. He turned around and entered the elevator.

When leaving, the receptionist was still a little unwilling to give up and asked him if he really didn't need private room service.

If you are not satisfied with her, the three of them can choose at will, or even all three of them together.

And they also explained that they are not professional in this, they only work part-time when they meet the customers they like.

Chen Xin'an refused without hesitation.

It’s not that they are ugly, they are the facade of a four-star hotel, so if they don’t look good, they won’t be able to stand here.

Mainly still not interested.

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi wouldn't want it either.

Don't look at Luo Xiaoman who talks nonsense all day long, but looks like he can't walk around in front of beautiful women.

He is just a talker.

If a beautiful woman really threw herself into his arms, he wouldn't even dare to touch her.

Even if it was just for fun, or even holding hands with a beautiful woman, if Luo Qianxue found out about it back home, he would be scratched to death!

Li Qi helped open the door, and Luo Xiaoman was already fast asleep on the sofa.

This business suite has just one large bed, big enough for three people to lie on it.

There is a business living room with several sofas that can also sleep people.

Next to it is a computer workshop and study room. The carpet is very thick, so you can sleep on it with a blanket.

Therefore, the three elders naturally could not sleep on the same bed, so the inner room was left to Chen Xin'an. Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi could find any place to sleep without aggrieved themselves.

After taking a nap, the staff brought lunch in and the three of them got up to eat.

After eating, Chen Xin'an went downstairs and took a look around. The shift had been changed at the reception desk, and the small colorful flags piled next to it had all been printed.

Chen Xin'an felt relieved and returned to the room to continue sleeping.

After sleeping until dawn, the three of them had replenished their energy.

Turning on the mute of the phone, there were several missed calls, one of which was from Wang Jixing, and the dialing time turned out to be two o'clock in the morning.

Chen Xin'an called back immediately. After ringing for a long time, she didn't answer the call. When she was about to hang up, the call came through.

The voice over there was very lazy, and it was obvious that he hadn't woken up yet.

Chen Xin'an said to the phone: "You are still sleeping, right? Then I will call you at noon!"

"Mr. Chen? No, I'm awake!" Recognizing Chen Xin'an's voice, Wang Jixing forced himself to sit up, rubbed his eyes and spoke into the phone.

Chen Xin'an smiled and asked: "Axing, are you in need of help?"

Wang Jixing hummed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, early this morning, we found a cargo truck halfway up the mountain!"

"What?!" Chen Xin'an exclaimed, and her feet that were pacing in front of the window froze.

Could it be that my judgment was wrong?

Did Lao Xiao really go up the mountain?

If that's the case, I made the wrong trip to Tian Beicheng this time, and Lao Xiao is in danger now!

"What did I say? We shouldn't have made such a trip!" Luo Xiaoman, who had been listening nearby, said anxiously: "Stop saying anything, check out and go back!"

Li Qi advised him: "Brother Man, don't worry, the boss will find a way!"

Luo Xiaoman roared angrily: "I'm not in a hurry, I really want to grow wings now!

That's my brother, there are thousands of people looking for him now!

If the car is found, do people still need to look for it?

Do you know what will happen to Lao Xiao if he falls into the hands of those people?

I've lost a brother and I don't want to lose another one!

That's not your brother, of course you're not in a hurry!

I told you not to act smart. Something happened now, right? "

Li Qi looked at Chen Xin'an with a wry smile, not knowing how to persuade him.

Chen Xin'an didn't speak, she just turned on the microphone of her mobile phone.

Wang Jixing's voice came from the mobile phone: "The car is almost falling apart. It should have fallen off the cliff..."

"Nah, damn, don't let anything happen to you, Lao Xiao! How do you want me to explain to Yanzi when I go back..."

Luo Xiaoman's voice started to tremble, and his eye circles were a little red.

But what Wang Jixing said next made him stunned.

"But there was only the car and no one! The driver was missing, and there was no body at the scene, not even blood stains.

What’s even stranger is that all the goods in the carriage are missing! "

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