Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2822 Lao Xiao is indeed here


But the arrow missed the target, and the person opposite suddenly disappeared!

Yuan Bin's eyes could see that Chen Xin'an had already moved when he gave the order, but his brain and movements could no longer keep up with the opponent's movement speed.

By the time he reacted, Chen Xin'an was already standing behind a boy next to him.

With a scream, the boy's body flew up into the air and hit him hard!

"What the hell..." Yuan Bin cursed and was knocked to the ground.

Before he could get up, his breathing was stagnant in the next second, and his neck was grabbed by a hand. His whole body was lifted up by one hand like a duck waiting to be slaughtered!

Chen Xin'an tilted her head and looked at Yuan Bin, and said coldly: "Now tell me, which one of us is stupid?"

"Let go of brother Yuan Bin!" The boy next to him wanted to rush over, but Chen Xin'an didn't even look at him. He turned around and kicked the man away!

No one dared to rush forward now, and everyone looked at Chen Xin'an with horrified eyes.

Yuan Bin closed his mouth, but his face was a little blue. He lifted his feet off the ground and kicked a few times. He tried to grab Chen Xin'an's arm with both hands, but he couldn't touch it at all, so he could only hang down weakly!

Jin Xiuhe knelt on the ground, crying and begging Chen Xin'an for mercy: "I'm sorry, it's our fault, please let him go!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an was happy and let go of his hand directly, and Yuan Bin fell to the ground slumped.

Jin Xiuhe rushed over and held him in her arms.

Yuan Bin coughed a few times, glared at Chen Xin'an angrily, gritted his teeth and cursed: "No need to beg him! Chinese people, this is Dongchao, if you dare, kill me!"

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, he just stepped forward and kicked him!

There was a click, and Yuan Bin's ribs were broken. The pain caused him to lie on the ground and scream loudly, and he coughed up blood!

Chen Xin'an looked at him expressionlessly and said, "The lives of you people are not as good as ants in my eyes!

So don't be tough in front of me. If I get tired of hearing this, I will just crush you to death. Believe it or not? "

Everyone's faces were earth-colored, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Chen Xin'an.

Anyone who is not blind can now see how terrifying the person they are facing is!

Chen Xin'an said coldly to everyone: "If you don't want to die, you must learn to be obedient and put all the things that don't belong to you in front of me!"

No one dares to disobey.

Under the absolute suppression of strength, being honest and obedient is the best way to save one's life.

The younger brothers obediently took the crossbows in their hands and placed them in front of Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an asked in a deep voice: "Where is the other one?"

Yongjun said in a trembling voice, "That one was taken away by Brother Daewoo!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and turned to ask him, "Where did you take it?"

"I don't know either!" Yong Jun shook his head and saw Chen Xin'an frowning and said quickly:

"I really don't know! Brother Dayu rarely plays with us. He has something to do on his own!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked, "What does he do?"

Yongjun quickly said: "He is the coach of the gym, and he is also the most skilled among us!"

Yuan Bin gasped, stared at Chen Xin'an resentfully and said, "Today is because Daewoo is not here, otherwise..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a mocking look on his face and said, "Even if that Daewoo is here, so what?"

Yuan Bin was stunned and speechless.

He knew that Daewoo was stronger than him, but compared with the guy in front of him, he was not on the same level!

The Chinese man in front of me is simply a devil!

Chen Xin'an looked at Yuan Bin and asked, "Where is Daewoo's gym?"

Yuan Bin endured the pain and said with a sneer: "Don't even think about taking it from my mouth...ah! Let me go...!"

Chen Xin'an stepped on Yuan Bin's left knee with one foot and kept turning on her toes.

Yuan Bin felt like a drill bit was drilling hard into his kneecap. The pain was so painful that he broke into a cold sweat all over his body.

Jin Xiuhe hugged Won Bin anxiously and shouted: "Just tell him not to anger this person again, we can't afford it!"

Yuan Bin shouted loudly: "No. 32 Jinchuan Road! Qingsong Taekwondo Gym!"

Chen Xin'an released her right foot, looked at him and asked, "Okay, now tell me, who sent you here?"

Yuan Bin lay on the ground in pain, shook his head and said: "No one sent us here, we just wanted to make some money on a temporary basis!"

Jin Xiuhe knelt on the ground, crying and kowtowing to Chen Xin'an.

"Sorry sir, I was confused for a moment.

I see that you spend a lot of money, so I want to make a fortune from you.

So I told my boyfriend your whereabouts and gave him the key card to your room.

This is all the money I took, and I will give it all back to you!

Everything is my fault, if you want to punish then punish me!

Please don't do anything to my boyfriend again, he can't hold it anymore! "

She cried loudly, took out the money from her body, and placed it on the ground in front of her.

The other boys also quickly dug into their pockets and took out all the things they had just stolen from Chen Xin'an's room.

Chen Xin'an looked at them, each of them looked terrified, and his eyes had completely lost their fighting spirit.

He knew what Jin Xiuhe said was true. These people were just a bunch of low-class thieves.

After he was exposed, Jin Xiuhe took advantage of his position to let his boyfriend set his sights on him.

In fact, if she really lost some money, Chen Xin'an wouldn't care about it so much.

But these crossbows can't be lost!

This was specially developed for them by Luo Zhonghua and Luo Qingqing.

Not only are they self-defense weapons, but they have also become a symbol of their identity.

Now, not only in Dongchao, but even in Daying, people in both the black and white worlds know who these crossbows belong to.

So these things must be taken back one by one.

And the manufacturing technology of this weapon cannot be leaked!

"Old Chen!"


Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi also ran over. They turned around the hotel entrance and the parking lot, but found no clues.

It took a long time at the front desk to find out that Chen Xin'an had gone to the locker room. They searched all the way here, but found that everything had been settled.

"You are so bold! You dare to steal our money!" Luo Xiaoman cursed, walked up to the gang of brothers, and kicked them hard.

A group of brothers were kicked and screamed.

Chen Xinan frowned and said, "Aman, forget it. They are just a bunch of little thieves. Let them go. We still have things to do!"

Luo Xiaoman angrily retracted his foot and waved at them next door and shouted, "Go away! Don't let me see you again!"

The gang didn't understand his words, but they understood his gestures, and they stood up one by one with each other's support.

Yuan Bin was the most seriously injured and couldn't stand up at all. He was simply lifted up by his brothers and walked to the alley in shame!

Chen Xinan asked Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi to take the crossbow, as well as the money and clothes bags on the ground, and the three of them returned to the hotel together.

When they arrived at the room, Chen Xinan frowned and said to Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi, "It's not safe here anymore. We have to leave quickly..."

As he was talking, his cell phone suddenly rang. Chen Xinan took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

After pressing the answer button, a deep voice came from the other end: "Ange!"

"Lao Xiao!" Chen Xin'an was surprised and blurted out: "Where are you now? Don't worry about our place, it's not safe here.

Okay, Aman and Aqi are here too, we'll pick you up right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi: "Lao Xiao is in Tianbei City!

At the intersection of Jingudong Guchuan Road, there's a convenience store!

Let's change our clothes and go there right away!"

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