Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2823 Surrounding me and catching me are two different things


The Internet didn’t understand what the numbers on those little colorful flags meant, but Xiao Zhang definitely knew.

Because Chen Xin'an once told everyone that if you want to find your own people, use this method.

They just split the phone numbers. Anyway, there are four groups in total. As long as you collect them all, you will get a mobile phone number.

This is Chen Xin'an's mobile phone number in Dongchao.

Sure enough, Xiao Zhang saw this and contacted him immediately.

In the taxi, Li Qi sat in the passenger seat, while Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman sat in the back seat.

The driver glanced at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman in the rearview mirror. He originally wanted to speak, but saw that the three people looked serious and seemed to have no interest in talking, so he kept his mouth shut.

Chen Xin'an suddenly sat up straight and looked out the window.

Luo Xiaoman asked him, "What's wrong?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the building outside and said: "This is No. 32 Jinchuan Road, Qingsong Taekwondo Gym!"

Luo Xiaoman frowned and said, "Is this where Brother Dayu who took away the crossbow works?

So what the hell are you waiting for? Go down and find that boy! "

Li Qi shook his head and smiled: "Brother Man, don't worry, the most important thing now is to find Brother Xiao!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Yes, since the gym is here anyway, we can't escape! Let's talk about it when we get back!"

When the driver heard that they were all speaking Chinese, he had a look of contempt on his face, but a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth and he made no sound.

Walking along Jinchuan Road, you will arrive at Jingu Cave and enter Taniguan Road after an hour.

The convenience store Xiao Zhang mentioned on the phone is at the intersection and is easy to find.

But no one was seen at the door. Xiao Zhang was not waiting at the door of the convenience store as he said on the phone.

"I'll go down and look for it!" Luo Xiaoman opened the car door and was about to get out of the car when Chen Xin'an grabbed him!

Li Qi frowned and said, "Boss, something is wrong!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

It's so quiet here, no one is around in broad daylight.

Even many stores have closed their doors, as if they were cleared out on purpose.

But at this moment, the taxi suddenly started and rushed towards the side road.

Luo Xiaoman shouted: "Where do you want to go? Stop! I tell you to stop!"

But at this moment, the driver suddenly stretched out his right arm and tried to grab Li Qi's neck!

But he didn't expect that the person next to him was no ordinary person!

Before his hand even touched Li Qi's neck, he was grabbed by Li Qi with his backhand!

With a click, the driver's right wrist was directly twisted off!

The next second, the driver was kicked out of the car by Li Qi.

"Don't move, or I'll kill him!" someone shouted loudly outside.

Chen Xin'an and the other three turned their heads and glanced outside, their expressions instantly cold.

A group of people came from the auxiliary road, and there were hundreds of people in the dark crowd.

The leader was a tall, middle-aged man with a crew cut and dark skin.

Next to him was Xiao Zhang, but he was being held hostage at this moment, with a knife under his neck.

The man holding the knife was a tall, red-nosed man in his twenties, but his face was full of ferocity.

The important thing is that he is carrying a crossbow on his back.

It's the one Chen Xin'an lost before!

With a sneer on his lips, the red-nosed man said to the middle-aged man beside him: "Master, I was right, they will definitely come!

To deal with them in the city, naturally you can't do whatever you want here! "

He lowered his head again and said to the taxi driver who was lying on the ground wailing: "Bencheng, you did a good job. Let them take you to the hospital. Qingsong will give you the lost wages!"

The taxi driver endured the severe pain, forced out a smile and said, "Thank you Brother Dayu, thank you Master Yincheng!"

Two younger brothers helped him up and took him away.

Chen Xin'an looked at the red nose and asked, "Are you Dayu, the coach of Qingsong Taekwondo Gym?"

The red nose sneered and said: "Wan Dayu, I know your name is Chen Xin'an! You are the enemy that the Holy Master wants to catch.

I was worried about not doing my best for the Holy Master, but I didn’t expect you to come to my door. How could we let go of such a good opportunity? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him and asked, "How did you know I would come here? How did you know he was the person I was looking for?"

Red Nose looked proud and laughed!

"It's simple, because after finding these things, I installed a bug in your room.

Every move you make will be monitored by us!

What a coincidence, I have learned Chinese specifically, so I can understand the conversation between you. "

He patted the crossbow behind him, curled his lips and said, "I guessed that your identity was not simple, so I investigated it, and I was not disappointed!

I immediately sent someone disguised as a taxi to wait at the hotel door.

Then ask Master to lead people and come here to look for the person you are looking for.

In fact, it was not difficult to find him. He thought that no one here knew him, so he sat calmly in front of the convenience store.

Although he didn't speak, his behavior was very strange. I just tried it in Chinese and found out his identity! "

A proud smile appeared on Daewoo's face and he said to Chen Xin'an: "How about it, is this plan perfect?

Do you know what's the hardest?

After knowing that you were going to meet, I arranged for my own people to bring you here, and I also raced against time to get ahead of you, find the person you are looking for first, and control it!

Now everything is going according to my plan, are you convinced?

The brother from Chaojing told me to be careful, saying that you are very difficult to deal with.

But now it seems that it really doesn’t live up to its name!

Isn't it too easy for you to obey my mercy like a fool and throw yourself into a trap?

It's not difficult at all, so much so that I even invited my master to come over. It was a waste of time! "

After Chen Xinjing listened quietly, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Li Qi said with a guilty look on his face: "Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't do a good job in checking..."

"What does it have to do with you!" Luo Xiaoman patted him on the shoulder and said:

"Do you think Lao Chen wouldn't have come here if he knew someone was monitoring him and the information was leaked?

Do you think that's possible?

Even if it was a dragon's den or a tiger's den, as long as his brother was in danger, he would not hesitate to go in and rescue his brother! "

Chen Xin'an sighed and said, "As soon as the crossbow was thrown away, I knew I would be exposed.

You're not bad. You're quite smart. You actually set up a game for me in such a short period of time.

But you are wrong about one thing.

Who said that if I enter the game, I will lose everything?

In fact, even if I knew you were ambush, you still couldn't stop me.

Surrounding me and catching me are two different things. You must understand this clearly! "

Dayu gritted his teeth and cursed: "You still speak harshly when you are about to die! Hack the three of them to death!"

Following the order, a group of people shouted and rushed over with long knives!

"Get in the car!" Chen Xin'an shouted, and Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman rushed to the taxi at the same time!

Amidst the roar of the car, the car knocked through the crowd, rushed up the steps, smashed through the glass, rolled and rushed into the convenience store!

Daewoo shouted: "Don't let them escape! Rush in!"

Hundreds of people holding long knives and shouting rushed into the convenience store. They surrounded the taxi that had been turned upside down. They held up the long knives in their hands and stabbed randomly through the car window!

But it was empty inside!

Everyone bent down and lowered their heads, only to see that no one was in the car!

Just then, a knifeman pointed to the shelf next to him and shouted: "There!"

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