Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2824: Get away quickly, you are no match for him

The swordsman rushed over, and just as he was about to swing the big knife in his hand, he saw the other party picking up a tube of insecticide!

The front nozzle was pointed at his face, and the other person was holding a lighter in his left hand!

Before the swordsman could react, the opponent pressed his right hand, and with a bang, a cloud of water mist was sprayed out of the insecticide.

As the lighter was lit, there was a bang, and a ball of flame surrounded his head!

The swordsman screamed and threw away the long knife in his hand, and slapped his head with both hands.

Luo Xiaoman held insecticide in one hand and a lighter in the other, and sprayed fire again at the crowd!

A group of swordsmen were so frightened that they retreated and dodged. After pulling away, they raised the long swords in their hands.

It's just that it's difficult to use a long knife here, but the things on the shelves have become weapons for Chen Xin'an and the others.

"Ah!" With a shrill scream, a knifeman fell to the ground and twitched with a stainless steel fork stuck in his left eye.

Seeing that more and more injured men were getting injured, the leader knew that the three men trapped inside could not be eliminated at all, so he quickly shouted: "Exit! Everyone retreat, go out and fight again!"

A group of swordsmen exited the convenience store in embarrassment. Before they could stand still, Chen Xin'an and three others had already chased them out. With the buzzing sound, the crossbows began to fire!

"Ah!" The swordsmen were even more desperate. Seven or eight of them fell down in an instant, and the rest turned around and ran away!


Two soft sounds, the crossbow was empty and there were no iron arrows.

I came here in a hurry and didn't make much preparation. The remaining crossbows were still in the hotel.

This scene was also seen by Dayu. He shouted angrily to the swordsman beside him: "What are you afraid of! They have no arrows now, charge me!"

There are only three of you, and each of you can drown them with just a spitting breath! "

A group of swordsmen looked over tremblingly, and saw that the three men had indeed put their crossbows on their backs. It seemed that they really had no ammunition.

Only then did they become bolder, turned around, and rushed towards the three of them, shouting!

But what shocked them was that the three people had no intention of turning around and running away. Instead, they each picked up a long knife and came towards them!

Really looking for death!

A group of swordsmen have never seen such a stupid person!

There is such a huge gap in numbers between the two sides. Are these Chinese people crazy?

Don’t you know that if you rush in, you’ll die?

Since you want to die so much, let me make it happen!

Such a stupid person is wasting food in this world!

But the next scene frightened these swordsmen!

The three Chinese men rushed into the crowd brandishing their machetes, just like butchers with butcher knives rushing into the flock of sheep!

The front of the convenience store has turned into a slaughterhouse!

The three men fought on their own, each surrounded by dozens of people.

But no one can rush to them!

Wherever the long knife was swung, screams of people kept coming.

Amidst the blood splattering, people were constantly injured and falling to the ground!

The scary thing is that all three of them were waving their swords while charging forward. Against hundreds of people, no one could stop them!

Dayu's expression changed. The strength of these three people simply exceeded his imagination.

He knew that Chen Xin'an was difficult to deal with. After all, he was the person named by the Holy Master.

The original idea was to concentrate all the troops to entangle Chen Xin'an, while the remaining people would enjoy ravaging the two people around him.

As long as he could cut them, it would be equivalent to seizing Chen Xin'an's lifeline.

If one of them falls, Chen Xin'an's combat effectiveness will be reduced.

But I never expected that those two people would be difficult to deal with!

The strength is terrifying enough, and my plan may be ruined!

"Chen Xin'an, stop! If you don't let me, I'll kill him!" Dayu was furious and raised the knife in his hand, and the blade drew a bloody mark on Xiao Zhang's neck!

The middle-aged man on the side showed a hint of excitement in his eyes and said, "I'll go meet him!"

"Master, you don't need to do anything at this time!" Dayu quickly reached out and grabbed the middle-aged man's arm.

But at this moment, Xiao Zhang suddenly grabbed Daewoo's knife-wielding wrist!

Dayu was shocked and quickly pushed the knife forward, but it was too late. The opponent grabbed his right wrist holding the knife with one hand, clenched the other hand into a fist, and hit him hard in the ribs!

This blow directly knocked him out of breath!

There was also an incredible expression in his eyes.

What the hell are these people!

You know, this guy was tied up just now!

How could the rope be untied so quietly?

In fact, Xiao Zhang remained silent, just untying himself secretly.

After being forced over the keel by Chen Xin'an, his body flexibility and coordination were much stronger than ordinary people.

Daewoo and his gang restrained him and tied him up, but he did not resist.

He didn't understand the identity of this group of people, and there were too many of them. Even resisting would be useless and would only lead to more painful torture.

He simply surrendered and then secretly looked for opportunities to escape.

He knew that Chen Xin'an would definitely come to save him.

Since these people didn't have thermal weapons, they couldn't trap Chen Xin'an, so he wasn't in a hurry.

He kept adjusting his body, contracting his joints and letting the ropes relax.

The gang caught him, and seeing that he didn't resist, they thought he was scared and didn't dare to struggle.

It was not tied too tightly, which left Xiao Zhang a chance.

Now that he had broken free from the ropes, he immediately gave Daewoo a blow.

But just when he thought he was out of danger, the middle-aged man next to him suddenly kicked him in the thigh!

Xiao Zhang, who was just about to escape, felt a soreness in his thigh and staggered.

Before he could stand still, the middle-aged man launched a dazzling roundhouse kick at him!

Xiao Zhang endured the severe pain in his thigh and raised his arms to resist the middle-aged man's attack.

But the opponent's shots were too fast and the angle was too tricky. Before Xiao Zhang could react, he had already been hit several times!

The key is that the opponent's legs are not only fast, but also very strong!

With a muffled bang, Xiao Zhang was kicked on the head, his body swayed, he took a step forward, and then fell to the ground with a plop!

"How dare you hit me?!" Dayu came over, kicked Xiao Zhang on the head, and then raised his leg to kick him hard!

"Old Xiao!" Chen Xin'an's face darkened when he saw this scene, and his eyes lit up with anger!

Too lazy to contend with these swordsmen, Chen Xin'an shouted: "Anyone who stands in my way will die!" and rushed out brandishing his long sword.

The people in front of him shouted loudly in fear and hid one after another.

This momentum is so amazing that no one dares to stop it!

A swordsman was pierced through the entire stomach by a long knife just because his dodge speed was a little slow!

Chen Xin'an grabbed the handle of the knife with one hand, and the head of the knife was still inserted deep into the body of the knife hand. He ran forward quickly with his feet and retreated quickly with the knife hand.

This scene frightened the people nearby, and no one dared to step forward to intercept him.

As soon as Chen Xin'an let go, the swordsman fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an had also rushed out of the encirclement and headed straight for Xiao Zhang!

"Well done!" Dayu looked at Chen Xin'an with a ferocious smile and said, "I was just looking for you, and now you actually came to your door!

Let me see how powerful you, the enemy appointed by the Holy Master, are! "

The middle-aged man next to him shouted: "Daewoo, get away, you are no match for him!"

Dayu said angrily: "Master, why do you say that about me..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an was already in front of him!

Dayu roared and punched Chen Xin'an in the face!

As long as Chen Xin'an dodges to the side, he will have a powerful whip that he has prepared and can hit Chen Xin'an in the head!

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