Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2828 We have no hatred towards her



The violent collision caused everyone in the car to sway, but Xiao Zhang was held steady by Chen Xin'an and was not hurt.

But Ma Zaiyin and Daewoo did not have such good luck. Their already injured bodies were even more injured at this moment, causing them to scream loudly in pain.

Daewoo fell into a morbid madness, and even laughed out loud under the severe pain!

"Yes, that's it! Kill them!

Don't worry about us, even if I die, I'm still a good man!

Holy Master, please take a look, I am qualified to be a direct successor!

In order to be loyal to you, I can even risk my life!

Can they do it?

just me! "

Ma Zaiyin frowned and shouted to Daewoo: "Han Yu, are you crazy?"

Dayu laughed and said: "I'm not crazy! I want to become the direct descendant of the Holy Master!

Master, I know you value me very much, but your strength is too weak!

If I want to become a more powerful master, there is nothing you can teach me!

Only the Holy Master can take me to a higher level and surpass you.

I'm sorry, Master, I can only do this for myself! "

Ma Zaiyin showed an angry look on his face, gritted his teeth and said: "So you took advantage of me and Qingsong Gym?

You eating-in-and-out bitch!

If it weren't for me, you would still be the street gangster who accomplished nothing!

You did this to me, you bastard! "

He used his good leg to kick Daewoo hard.

Daewoo, who was furious after being kicked by him, also raised his leg and kicked him, cursing: "But haven't all the bonuses I've won from competitions over the years gone into your pocket?

If I hadn’t been the living signboard of your gym, the gym wouldn’t have these students!

I have paid you back what I owe you, and now we don’t owe each other anything! "

The master and the apprentice were in the back seat. You kicked me, and I kicked you, and they started fighting.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman didn't care and just watched with cold eyes.

With an emergency brake, Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, who were well prepared, supported Xiao Zhang at the same time.

However, Ma Zaiyin and Daewoo hit the backrest of the front seat hard and bounced back to their seats.

The severe pain caused them to lose all their strength, and they no longer bothered to fight and scold each other. They all collapsed in the back seat and screamed.

But then a violent collision from behind knocked them flying again, and they repeated the action just now.

This time neither of them could hold on, their eyes rolled and they fainted at the same time.

The rear window glass was completely shattered. A motorcycle lost control due to the emergency braking of the Honda Business and hit the rear trunk, causing a deep dent in the butt of the car!

The motorcycle also flipped over the roof of the car, including the person and the car, and hit the front of the car two meters hard.

The two people in the car were like flying trapeze artists, spinning their bodies over the commercial vehicle, and then fell heavily to the side of the road.

An unlucky man's head hit the guardrail, his helmet shattered instantly, and his brains were smeared on the floor.

The other right leg was obviously broken and was pressed under the body. It lay there motionless, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

With a roar, modern business started again, and it was still possible to watch.

Dongchao's local cars are quite fuel-efficient, but they are too fragile.

However, after two collisions, the car's appearance was already terrible.

Fortunately, both collisions did not damage the engine, and the car was still on its knees and could continue to drive forward.

But in this way, the cars following behind didn't dare to approach rashly.

They discovered that the driver of this commercial vehicle was simply a lunatic and did not want his life!

Not only did he not care about his own life, he even took the lives of the people in the car seriously!

Li Qi didn't say anything, just minding his own business and driving.

He has no restraint, because he knows very well that if the boss or Brother Xiao drives, he will only be crazier than him!

Not daring to get close doesn't mean you can't overtake.

The cars following behind stepped on the accelerator and overtook Hyundai Business.

Chen Xin'an also knew that they were going to intercept him from the front.

But now there is no fork in the road, so there is no way around it.

It looks like there will be a tough battle soon.

Luo Xiaoman pulled out several backpacks from under the seat, took out the crossbows inside, and began to fill each crossbow chamber with iron arrows.

"Boss!" Li Qi turned around and shouted.

Chen Xin'an looked up and saw that the intersection ahead was blocked by cars, with many people hiding on both sides of the road behind the cars.

If you had to force your way in, Hyundai Business would have to scrap those cars even if they hit them.

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "Pull over and prepare to fight!

Aman and I got out of the car to fight, while Aqi stayed in the car to protect Lao Xiao!

When you get the chance, just drive through and leave us alone! "

Use people to break through the road without damaging the car, so that you can return to Guangtian City smoothly.

Li Qi listened to Chen Xin'an's order and did not respond.

Chen Xin'an frowned, turned to look at him and asked, "Did you hear that clearly?"

Li Qi lowered his head and said with difficulty: "Yes!"

Although he was a little reluctant and didn't want to leave his boss and Brother Man behind, he knew his priorities clearly and knew that bringing Xiao Zhang back safely was the most important thing now.

Chen Xin'an said to Luo Xiaoman: "Take the two of them and let's have a good fight!"

"I've been waiting for you to say this!" Luo Xiaoman smiled excitedly, turned around and grabbed the two people behind him.

But at this moment, there was a rapid sound of horns coming from behind!

A yellow tow truck came quickly, with arm-thick guardrails and forks installed in front of the front. It roared past the modern business and crashed into the roadblock in front!

With the harsh sound of collision and the sound of wheels turning, a passage was opened on the originally blocked road!

The people hiding behind the roadblock were all dumbfounded. It took them a long time to react, started the car with a roar, and rushed towards the tow truck.

From behind, several more trucks came and rushed towards the blockers.

The back compartment of the cargo truck was full of people.

A black BMW drove up, and an arm stretched out from the passenger side, waving at Modern Business.

Although Chen Xin'an was a little strange, she could see that these people were here to help them!

He immediately said to Li Qi: "Follow this car and let's go!"

With a look of disappointment on his face, Luo Xiaoman let go of Ma Zaiyin and Han Yu, looked at the BMW and cursed: "Who is he? He is mysterious, is he an enemy or a friend?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "We'll find out later!"

The BMW drove straight through the passage opened by the tow truck, and Hyundai Business followed closely.

The people from the gym alliance wanted to come and stop them, but a group of people jumped out of the truck, holding big knives and iron bars, and swung them at them and smashed them!

With these people entangled in the gym alliance, the black BMW led Modern Business forward until they reached the highway intersection.

The BMW in front slowed down and stopped, and Chen Xin'an also asked Li Qi to stop the car.

A tall young man got out of the passenger seat of the BMW. He walked to the back door of the car and opened it. A woman in a black dress walked out.

When he saw her face, Chen Xin'an's eyes widened, and then he felt a little enlightened.

It turned out to be her!

No wonder!

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened, and he pointed at the woman and said, "This is not that so and so... I forgot her name!

The key is, isn't she our enemy?

Why are you here to help us at this time?

Also, why is she here?

Lao Chen, I suspect there is a scam here! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "We have no hatred against her!

Aman, take them two with you and let’s get off the car! "

Walking up to the woman, Chen Xin'an said with a smile but not a smile: "Miss Wen Er, long time no see!"

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