Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2829 You won’t do that


No one would have thought that standing here would be Wen Xiuying, the second young lady of the Wen family!

Ever since Moon Jae-hun killed his father and seized the power of Xinghai, this second lady has disappeared.

Unexpectedly, she came to Tianbeicheng!

Seeing the person held in Luo Xiaoman's hand, Wen Xiuying's expression changed and she exclaimed: "Uncle!"

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "It's okay, it's just a little flesh wound. I'll be fine just by lying on the bed for a few days. I won't die!"

Wen Xiuying took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Thank you Mr. Chen for not killing my uncle!"

Luo Xiaoman looked at her with a sneer and said, "There's something wrong with you bitch!

In this situation, shouldn't you be chasing us to death? "

Wen Xiuying looked at him and said: "I know Mr. Chen's strength. When my uncle provoked him, he was only injured but not in danger of his life. This is enough to prove that Mr. Chen showed mercy!"

Luo Xiaoman clicked his tongue and said, "Can you understand Chinese?"

Wen Xiuying nodded and said: "I have learned it! It's not standard, but there is still no big problem in communication."

Luo Xiaoman nodded and said: "Very good! It would be great if the Wen brothers could be as sensible as you!"

Wen Xiuying smiled bitterly and said: "It's a pity that this is impossible! If you robbed that truck, my eldest brother will not let you leave Dongchao.

He will hunt you down at all costs and get what he wants back! "

Chen Xin'an asked her: "What does it mean at all costs?"

Wen Xiuying lowered her face and said, "Just do whatever it takes, regardless of the consequences!

Not to mention that he dared to disobey the Holy Master's orders, even his brothers and sisters would be killed if he felt they were in the way! "

Chen Xin'an believes this.

In fact, from the beginning, not even the moment when Wen Chengmin killed his father, just because of what he did to Brother Snake, Chen Xin'an knew what type of character this person was.

Chen Xin'an looked at Wen Xiuying and asked, "Since you know that your eldest brother is this kind of person, do you still dare to help me?"

Wen Xiuying smiled bitterly, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Even if I don't help you, will he let me go?

After killing his father, the person he wanted to get rid of most was me!

Because I am the biggest threat to him!

I have a doctorate in business management from Princeton University in Eagle Flag. Among the three brothers and sisters, I have the highest academic qualifications and the strongest ability, and I am also the most valued by my father.

As long as I am in Xinghai Group, I will threaten his status.

So without dad's protection, he wants to get rid of me all the time.

In order to protect myself, I came to Tianbeicheng and sought asylum from my uncle. "

Chen Xin'an nodded, this explanation was very reasonable.

Luo Xiaoman looked at Ma Zaiyin on the ground and asked Wen Xiuying: "Is your uncle willing to go against his eldest nephew for you?

The Wen family is rich and powerful, but your uncle is just a gym leader. How can he protect you? "

Moon Xiuying looked ugly and said in a deep voice: "Uncle is my uncle, not Moon Jae-hun and Moon Sung-min's.

Those two guys never admitted to having such an uncle.

And since my mother's death, my uncle has hated the Wen family so much that he wants to avenge my mother! "

It turns out that Moon Yoo-hwan's second wife, Ma Zhiyuan, became depressed and ill after learning that her husband had a mistress.

After lying in a hospital bed for a year, he passed away.

Just after her funeral was held, Wen Youhuan helped the mistress upright.

What's even more outrageous is that Moon Yoo-hwan didn't let his family attend poor Ma Zhiyuan's funeral!

So much so that my parents’ family didn’t even see her for the last time!

Therefore, there has always been a rumor in her parents' house that Ma Zhiyuan did not die of illness, but was killed by Moon Youhuan and her mistress.

They were not allowed to attend the funeral because they were afraid that the Ma family would see the scars or other abnormalities on Ma Zhiyuan's body and the matter would be exposed.

Since then, the Wen family and the Ma family have had no contact with each other.

Even when the Ma family wanted to pay homage to Ma Zhiyuan on the anniversary of her death, Moon Yoo-hwan ordered his eldest son Moon Jae-hun to force the Ma family away!

This is the reason why Ma Zaiyin hates Wen's father and son so much.

However, Chen Xin'an also underestimated the Ma family's influence in Tianbeicheng.

The Ma family is a well-known local family and the authentic inheritor of Taekwondo.

In fact, Taekwondo, like Chinese martial arts, is divided into two types: martial arts and family traditions.

The latter's actual combat capabilities are unmatched by the former.

Therefore, Qingsong Gym is the Taekwondo gym with the largest number of students in Tianbeicheng.

Moreover, Ma Zaiyin has a wide circle of friends and is a relatively honest person, but he just likes to be a bitch.

Therefore, he has many friends, and they are also numerous people in Tian Beicheng.

If not, he would not have found Xiao Zhang earlier than Chen Xin'an.

After Wen Xiuying finished speaking, Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Thank you, Miss Wen Er, for your candid confession.

But I still have a question, why did Miss Wen Er tell me these family affairs? "

Wen Xiuying sighed and said to Chen Xin'an: "I think Mr. Chen's extraordinary mind will not fail to see my intentions.

Since Mr. Chen wants to speak the truth, I will open the skylight and speak the truth!

Mr. Chen, I want to cooperate with you!

I will help you leave Dongchao and get rid of the entanglement of the Gym Alliance.

Please help me get rid of Moon Jae-hoon and let me take charge of Xinghai Group! "

Chen Xin'an smiled, looked at Wen Xiuying and said, "Miss Wen Er really thinks highly of me!

How do you think I'm capable of this? "

"Because you are Chen Xin'an! The person who can compete with the Holy Master!" Wen Xiuying looked at Chen Xin'an and said firmly:

"To you, the Wen family is just a slightly bigger ant.

To you, the Gym Alliance is just a ragtag group of people.

Your real enemy is only the Holy Master, the others are not worth mentioning and can be killed at will! "

"Tsk, tsk!" Luo Xiaoman clapped his hands and said, "PhD students are still educated, and this flattery is just to make people feel comfortable!"

Wen Xiuying smiled slightly and said to Luo Xiaoman: "What I said was from the bottom of my heart, not flattery!

I have found out a lot about what Mr. Chen and you brothers have done.

From the Eagle Flag Country to Da Ying, and then to Dongchao, if you do anything at random, it will be a feat that no one else can even imagine!

So I know that Mr. Chen is a person with great wisdom and ability, and he will definitely be able to help me get rid of Moon Jae-hoon.

And I think what Mr. Chen wants to do most now is to leave Dongchao.

I can help with this matter, because Xinghai Group has its own shipyard.

As long as I get control of Xinghai Group, I can send Mr. Chen and the people around you away from Dongchao.

I don’t think Mr. Chen will refuse such an offer, right? "

Chen Xin'an looked at her with a smile and said softly: "You are wrong, I refuse!"

Wen Xiuying obviously did not expect this answer. She was stunned for a long time and did not speak.

Instead, Ma Zaiyin's voice came from behind: "Chen, are you sick?

My niece is helping you so sincerely, why should you refuse her? "

Ma Zaiyin had already woken up and was slumped on the ground unable to stand up, but he still had an indignant look on his face.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said coldly: "Who stipulates that if you help me, then I must cooperate with you?

Just saying a few nice words can make someone work for you. Do you think I, Chen Xin'an, am a fool?

Wen Xiuying, I think you know better than me what kind of power the Wen family is in Guangtian City for many years.

Now that you know your older brother's personality, you should know what he will do.

The most correct thing for me to do at this time is to hide away from the edge and wait for an opportunity to leave.

Instead of being tough with him for the sake of cooperating with you! "

Wen Xiuying had an "I know you" look on her face and said with a smile: "You won't do that because you are Chen Xin'an!"

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