Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2837 Family Murder Case


Moon Jae-hun's face turned pale when he saw the man in a wheelchair pushing in from the door.

He never imagined that he would be able to escape death even if he was tied up and thrown into the sea!

Park Won Hyuk looked at Moon Jae Hoon with hatred, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"You beast!

I helped you loyally, killed your father for you, and made you the chairman of the group.

But you actually want to kill me and silence me!

Didn't you expect that when you forced me to find an opportunity to get rid of your father, I had already secretly filmed it with my mobile phone!

What else do you have to say? "

Moon Jae-hoon suddenly rushed towards Park Won-hyuk like crazy, but was kicked to the ground by the man next to Moon Soo-young.

Several disciples from Qingsong Gym came forward and held Wen Zaixun down.

Moon Jae-hun gritted his teeth and cursed at Park Won-hyuk: "You are eating shit inside and outside!

How dare you betray me?

I want your life! "

An old man from the Wen family glared at Wen Jae-hun and cursed: "You bastard! Tell me honestly, did you let someone kill Youhuan?"

Wen Zaixun looked at everyone and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Go away!" He looked at the people around him and shouted angrily.

Intimidated by his momentum, several disciples subconsciously let go of their hands and took two steps back.

Wen Youhuan pointed at the Wen family members and sneered: "None of you bitches are good people.

My father is pedantic and his brain has long been unable to keep up with the times. He should have abdicated and left Xinghai to me long ago.

But he talks to me about balance and plays checks and balances all day long, and I'm so tired of it!

When the group was in power, how much could you get as a vampire who did nothing but waited for dividends?

How much I have given you, don’t you all know how much you have?

If you don’t get enough, which one of you doesn’t feel resentful towards the old man and have long wanted to get rid of him and replace him with someone else?

I just did what you all want to do but are afraid to do.

You have also received so much money as you have never received before.

Now that things are exposed, it's all my fault?

You are the real bastards! "

A group of Wen family members all looked livid, pointing at Wen Zaixun and yelling curses.

Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi sat comfortably on office chairs and desks to watch the excitement.

At this moment, a person suddenly rushed out of the crowd, ran up to Moon Jae-hun, and with a pop, stabbed a sharp knife into Moon Jae-hun's chest!

Wen Chengmin burst into tears, holding the handle of the knife tightly, still thrusting forward hard, and said with trembling lips:

"You beast! That's our father!

How could you do it?

They all said that you asked me to kill him, but I still don’t believe it and still suspect that they are slandering me.

I didn’t expect that it was really you!

Why do this?

Are you going to put your biological father to death for the sake of this position of chairman? "

Moon Jae-hun covered his chest with his hands, staring in disbelief at this third brother who he would never even open his eyes to look at with wide eyes.

He was ready to fight to the death, and he had made up his mind that if Wen Xiuying wanted to take action, even if he couldn't escape today, he would still take this second sister's back.

Of course he knew the ambitions of his second sister and what she relied on.

Therefore, he cannot let the Wen family's Xinghai Group fall into the hands of the Tian Bei Ma family!

But he never expected that the person who attacked him would be his third brother who had no fight for power and was a coward!

It wasn't until his hands were covered with blood that flowed from Moon Jae-hun's body that Moon Cheng-min seemed to wake up and suddenly let go.

He looked at his hands with shock on his face, then looked at Moon Jae-hun with the knife stuck in his chest, and screamed: "Brother?! I...I didn't mean it!"

He burst into tears, and Liu Zhiyan ran over and hugged him.

Wen Xiuying also rushed over with a knife and comforted him: "Everyone can kill this beast who killed his own father! I want to avenge my father, so go die!"

She shouted angrily, raised her sharp knife and stabbed Moon Jae-hun.

Wen Zaixun was stabbed again in the chest and staggered back.

Moon Xiuying had no intention of letting him go. She raised her knife and moved forward again, stabbing Moon Jae-hun in the throat again!

But at this moment, Moon Jae-hun suddenly grabbed Moon Xiu-ying's knife, held the handle of the knife on his chest with his other hand, and pulled it out fiercely.

With blood splattering, the knife stabbed into Wen Xiuying's abdomen, and then twisted hard!


The knife in Wen Xiuying's hand fell to the ground. She screamed and fell to the ground!

Moon Jae-hun was holding a bleeding knife, covered in blood, like an evil ghost, glaring at everyone.

Looking at the group of Wen family members with horrified faces, Wen Zaixun walked towards them with a knife.

"What are you doing? Don't mess around, I'm your uncle!"

"You beast, you killed your father and your sister, are you going to attack us now?"

"He has gone crazy. Let's go together and kill this lunatic!"

Everyone shouted, but no one dared to take a step forward. Instead, one person was so frightened that he kept retreating.

Seeing that Moon Jae-hun had caught up with them with a knife, he was already exhausted. He fell to the ground with a plop, twitched a few times, and died!

"Brother! Second sister!" Wen Chengmin stared at the two people in a pool of blood on the ground with a dull expression, unable to accept this fact at all.

Chen Xin'an walked to Wen Xiuying, checked her wounds, felt her pulse for a while, and said to Wen Chengmin:

“She is not dead yet, but the nerves in her lower body have been completely damaged.

He can still survive if he is sent to the hospital, but he may have to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair! "

Wen Chengmin shouted loudly: "Someone, take my sister to the hospital quickly!"

People from Qingsong Gym ran over, picked up Wen Xiuying and ran out.

Chen Xin'an looked at Wen Chengmin and said, "Third Young Master, now the Wen family has to rely on you to make the decision. Whether we fight or make peace, you have the final say!"

"We can't let them go!" An old man from the Wen family pointed at Chen Xin'an angrily and said, "The Wen family suffered this disaster all because of this guy. Capture them and hand them over to the Holy Master..."

Before he could finish his words, Chen Xin'an had already rushed over and punched him in the chest!

He was originally an old guy with a gray beard, and he could hardly walk without being helped.

He couldn't bear Chen Xin'an's punch, and his chest collapsed, he vomited blood, and died!

The Wen family members next to them were all frightened and turned pale. They took a step back and looked at Chen Xin'an in horror.

After kicking the old man's body aside with a look of disgust, Chen Xin'an looked at everyone impatiently and said:

“Listen, I don’t have a good impression of you Wen family.

My brother Snake’s account will not be settled just because Moon Yoo-hwan and Moon Jae-hun father and son are dead.

It's just that I haven't planned to settle with you Wen family tonight, so don't anger me! "

The group of literary people were all silent.

There are many thugs raised by the Wen family outside, but there are only so many people in the office.

Chen Xin'an is a fierce man who can compete with the Holy Master. There is no one in this room who can stop him. It is safest to just keep your mouth shut.

Moon Sung Min stared blankly at Moon Jae Hoon's body on the ground, sighed, took Yoo Ji Yeon's hand, shook his head and said:

“You can do whatever you want, I don’t care.

I am tired of this kind of life, and I have also said that I want to go to the countryside with Zhiyan.

From now on, you can handle it yourself! "

As he said that, he held Liu Zhiyan's hand tightly and walked out slowly.

A member of the Wen family suddenly stopped him and shouted: "Chengmin, you can't leave! Now the Galaxy Group is leaderless. You are Youhuan's son. You must stay here and stir up troubles!"

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