Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2838 You are a bit too high-profile now


The people in the gym alliance did not expect that for so many years of running rampant in Dongchao, this was the first time they would encounter a gym that voluntarily left, and they would dare to attack them!

I originally thought that by blocking Chen Xin'an in Xinghai Group's Haichao Company, I could catch a turtle in a jar.

I never expected that this turtle would turn into me!

The three forces of Qingsong Gym, Xinghai thugs, and Haichao security team joined forces and beat the people of the Gym Alliance until they were unable to fight back.

The Gym Alliance is very powerful, but Guangtian City is dominated by the Wen Family Consortium.

The strength of local snakes cannot be underestimated. Local gyms have withdrawn one after another, and people from Chaojing dare not show up again.

The Holy Master was furious and uttered harsh words to severely punish the traitors.

It's just that the thunder was loud but the rain was small, and he never appeared in public, and the severe punishment he promised had no substantive content.

Despite the efforts of the Wen family to persuade him to stay, Wen Chengmin became the chairman of Xinghai Group.

Moreover, he held all the shares of his father, eldest brother, and second sister in his hands, becoming the real first talker of the group.

He also promised to give Chen Xin'an a ship to send them away from Dongchao.

And because Brother Snake's ship had been severely damaged, Xinghai Group compensated for a new ship whose tonnage and equipment were even worse than the previous ship.

It's just that Brother Snake and Xiao Zhang's injuries are not suitable for Yuanyang, so they have to recuperate for a while before leaving.

Everyone returned to Jindu Building.

Without the Wen family's targeting, this place is already safe.

This house is already Chen Xin'an's property, but he has no real identity in Dongchao yet, so it is still under Jin Enzai's name.

Xiao Zhang was hospitalized, and Liu Zhiyan followed Moon Chengmin to the Moon family's private residence in Seongnam-dong.

The only people living here now are Chen Xin'an, Luo Xiaoman, Li Qi, Luo Qianhe, Liu Minyong, Yi Lian'er, Shen Nanzhu, and Shen Youzhen.

We had hotpot in the evening and a table full of dishes.

Liu Minyong greeted everyone and said, "If you don't have enough, just order whatever you want and let the teleporter bring it to you!"

Luo Xiaoman laughed and scolded: "Lao Liu, you are so rich now!"

Shen Youzhen curled her lips and said: "Now Sister Zhiyan is the wife of the chairman of Xinghai Group. She has plenty of money. Brother Minyong doesn't care about our food! What is this called?"

Luo Xiaoman said: "Brothers are more valuable than sisters!"

Shen Youzhen was unhappy and scolded him: "You have a flat chest, but your whole body is flat!"

"I'm talking about idioms, you know the der!" Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily.

Shen Youzhen snorted and cursed: "I have studied Chinese, how dare you say that I don't understand? You are just making insinuations to laugh at me. This is how you usually laugh at me!"

Luo Xiaoman said helplessly: "Then it's whatever you say! But your brother Man is not wrong, you are indeed a bit calmer.

I told you, it depends on the massage.

Brother Man is an expert in this field. He will massage you for a month and ensure your secondary growth until you grow into a big papaya! "

"You are the big papaya, your whole family is the big papaya! You bastard, get out!" Shen Youzhen spat at Luo Xiaoman with a red face, and hid behind her sister.

Someone knocked on the door, and Elaine ran to open the door. Jin Enzai poked his head and sniffed in like a dog.

"Eating hot pot? It tastes so delicious! I happen to have not eaten either, so you're welcome!

By the way, hot pot must be paired with soju!

I just happened to bring two bottles over, the best soju, and everyone is in for a treat! "

This guy often comes here to have a meal during this period, and everyone is used to it.

People don’t come empty-handed, they bring something with them every time, and today they even brought bags with both hands.

Before serving, he handed Luo Xiaoman his right hand pocket, which contained two bottles of Dongchao soju.

Luo Xiaoman pointed at his left hand and asked, "What's in that? It looks like wine to me!"

Jin Enzai quickly hid the gift box in his left hand, glanced at Shen Nanzhu and said, "If you don't like the wine in it, it's red wine!

Nanzhu said she had trouble sleeping at night, so I brought a few bottles of red wine over.

Before going to bed, drink a glass of red wine to help you sleep. "

Shen Youzhen tilted her head and looked at him and asked: "My sister just mentioned it to me casually, and you got interested? Boss Jin, do you want to date my sister?"

Shen Nanzhu's face turned red, she reached out and slapped her sister, and cursed in a low voice: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Jin Enzai's dark face was also a little purple, and he hesitated and said: "No, no... It's just, we are all friends, please care..."

Luo Xiaoman looked at him with disgust and cursed: "Old Jin, look at how cowardly you are!

You have written the words "I want to pick you up" on your face, why are you pretending?

You are a bachelor and she is a widow. This is a perfect match, a match made in heaven. There is nothing to be ashamed of! "

Chen Xin'an kicked him and cursed with a tigerish face: "Shut up if you can't speak and eat meat!"

Jin Enzai's face was as red as a monkey's butt, and he wanted to look for a mirror to see if his face was really written, so he said:

"What, I came here today to inform everyone that I have opened a new restaurant on Yinchuan Road.

After we finish eating, I invite everyone to come over and have some fun. They can sing, play cards, sauna and massage for free. "

Liu Minyong's eyes lit up and he said to Jin Enzai: "Old Jin, you drive the NB3 on Yinchuan Road?"

Jin Enzai glanced at him, nodded and said, "Yes, that's the one I own!"

Liu Minyong slapped him on the shoulder and said excitedly: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?

I heard that the decoration is the highest grade in Guangtian City.

Many people are waiting for the opening, and so am I!

Since it's yours, Old Jin, I won't be polite. Let's all go there tonight to show our support. I'll call a few friends to help you warm up the crowd! "

Jin Enzai frowned, but didn't object. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll help you arrange it when the time comes!"

Liu Minyong slapped Jin Enzai again and said with a smile, "Look at you, it seems like you are reluctant.

Don't worry, you are not short of money!

You just opened the business, you can't give up the bill, it's unlucky.

I will cover all the expenses tonight, and give you a good start. "

Jin Enzai squinted at him and asked, "Are you rich?"

Liu Minyong pouted and said, "How much money is this? Although I don't have much money, I still have money to treat my friends to a nightclub.

Besides, even if I can't pay, can't I sign the bill?

My sister is about to become the chairman's wife, and she still needs your little money? "

Jin Enzai took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xinan, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Liu Minyong wanted to speak, but Chen Xinan suddenly said, "Old Liu, you have been very high-profile recently?"

"How can this be called high-profile!" Liu Minyong laughed and said, "I have been holding it back for so long. Now that everything is calm, it is not illegal to move around a little, right?

Mr. Chen, you don't know how I got through the time when I was a driver at Haichao Company.

I was always worried all day long, I didn't dare to drink too much, and I didn't dare to sleep well.

I was afraid that I would accidentally say the wrong thing and leak the secret, which would not only bring disaster to myself, but also ruin Mr. Chen's plan!

Now the mission is finally completed, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the mission.

Relax and reward yourself, isn't it right? "

Chen Xinan smiled and said to him, "I just want to remind you that the danger is not over yet, and it is not good to be too ostentatious.

The Holy Master has not appeared yet, and no one knows what he is doing.

When he has time to deal with me, everyone around me will be in danger! "

Liu Minyong laughed and said, "Mr. Chen, I think you are good in every way except that you are too timid...too cautious!

That so-called saint master is just a charlatan in name only!

He has been scared by you and dares not show up.

I am not afraid of you, so what are you afraid of?"

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