Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2840 I have always been low-key.


They are obviously a group of street gangsters. I don’t know why Liu Minyong knows these people, and they seem to have a pretty good relationship with them.

Liu Minyong turned around to greet them, stretched out his arms very intimately, and put his arms on their shoulders.

The gangsters also smiled and said all kinds of compliments to him. After all, he was the host today, so he had to show that he was obedient and free of charge, so he could make people feel comfortable.

A group of people laughed wildly and followed Chen Xin'an and Jin Enzai.

A waiter came over, stopped them and said, "Sorry gentlemen, all the booths on the second floor are full!

If you haven’t reserved a table, you can play on the first floor..."

Before he could finish speaking, Liu Minyong raised his arm and slapped the waiter hard on the face!

"Blinding your dog eyes!

Do you know who I am and you dare to stop me?

If there is no more room, please make room for me!

Your bosses are all my friends, who do you think you dare to stop me? "

The gangsters around him also bared their teeth and surrounded the waiter, punching and kicking him.

"Who gave you the courage to stop my brother Min Yong? He is the brother-in-law of the chairman of the Wen family!"

"A little waiter dares to yell at our people. You really don't want to live anymore, do you?"

"Call your boss over and ask him to personally apologize to my brother Minyong, otherwise this matter will never end!"

"What's going on?" Jin Enzai, who had already reached the second floor, heard the movement behind him and walked down with a gloomy face.

"Brother Enzai!" The faces of the gangsters changed drastically. They naturally recognized who the man in front of them was.

The road eldest brother of Guangtian City is a person that these little gangsters would never see!

Jin Enzai glanced at the waiter who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and asked the gangsters with a gloomy face:

"On the first day of my trial opening, you dare to cause trouble here?"

A group of gangsters were so frightened that their legs became weak and they quickly begged for mercy: "Brother Enzai, we didn't know that the place belonged to you!"

"Yes, brother Eunzai, it was brother Minyong who had a small misunderstanding with the waiter. We were just trying to break up the fight!"

"Brother Enzai, even if you give us ten guts, we wouldn't dare to cause trouble in your place. Today we just came here with Brother Minyong, and we drank a little too much..."

Liu Minyong stretched out his hand, smiled and cursed at everyone: "Why are you afraid of him!

Lao Jin, these people are my little brothers, don't scare them!

Besides, the quality of these waiters in your place is not good, they need to be taught!

How dare you stop me from going upstairs!

Do you think we should fight?

Go up and arrange a place for us. We are going to sit on the second floor tonight. You can figure it out for us! "

Jin Enzai narrowed his eyes and looked at Liu Minyong, then smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Okay, you guys wait here for a while, I will go up and make arrangements!"

"Hurry up, we're waiting to drink!" Liu Minyong said to him impatiently.

Jin Enzai nodded, turned around and went upstairs, arranging for Chen Xin'an and others to sit down in the booths.

When he left, the group of gangsters breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Minyong laughed and scolded: "Look at your potential, what are you afraid of him doing?"

A group of gangsters looked at Liu Minyong with admiration and gave thumbs up.

"Brother Min Yong is so awesome. He can talk to Boss Jin like this. When will we reach Brother Min Yong's status?"

"I thought Brother Minyong was bragging, but I didn't expect it to be true! Boss Jin is really your friend!"

"Damn it, how dare you doubt Brother Min Yong? I never doubt anything. I will believe whatever Brother Min Yong says. From now on, I will hang out with Brother Min Yong!"

Listening to the praise of a group of gangsters, Liu Minyong laughed from ear to ear, waved his hands and said to everyone:

"Listen to me!

I, Liu Minyong, have always been low-key and don't like those vain things.

But being low-key doesn't mean I don't have the ability.

My sister is the wife of the chairman of Xinghai Group, and my friend is our eldest brother Jin Eun-jae from Guangtian City.

I also have friends who are...

Forget it, after all, you don’t even know him, anyway, he’s the kind of boss who makes people like Jin Eun-jae behave like a pug with his tail between his legs!

As long as you follow me honestly, you will definitely get ahead!

Maybe in a few years, one of you will be able to surpass Kim Eun-jae and take his place!

Don’t forget when the time comes, your boss is me, Liu Minyong!

I trained you all with my own hands! "

"No way, brother Minyong is awesome!" a group of gangsters shouted excitedly.

Liu Minyong nodded with satisfaction, looked at Jin Enzai who was walking down from above and said, "Old Jin, is the place ready?"

Jin Enzai nodded, smiled and said to him: "Ready, but it's not easy to walk here, let's go up the stairs over there!"

"It's really troublesome!" Liu Minyong said impatiently: "You all follow, and you'll open it up for me to drink later. Don't be a coward!"

A group of gangsters shouted in response and followed behind Jin Enzai and Liu Minyong.

Two minutes later, everyone arrived at a room on the first floor.

The space here is quite large, but it is empty and empty.

Liu Minyong frowned, looked at Jin Enzai with a dissatisfied look and said, "Old Jin, why did you bring me to this place?

This is where? Why is there nothing?

You don't want us to play here, do you? "

Jin Enzai smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Yes, I just brought you here to play!"

Liu Min bravely cursed: "What the hell! How can you play with nothing?"

Jin Enzai looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "You'll know in a moment, it must be fun!"

Liu Minyong seemed to notice something, took a step back, turned around and said, "What, forget it! We don't want to play anymore, let's go back!"

But a group of people walked in behind him and closed the sliding door with a crash.

Liu Minyong pointed to the person in the middle and said, "I know you, isn't this brother Zheng Zaizhong?"

Zheng Zaizhong kicked him in the stomach and cursed at him: "Who the hell is your brother?"

Liu Minyong screamed and sat on the ground, glared at Jin Enzai and cursed: "Old Jin, what do you mean?"

Zheng Zaizhong suddenly rushed over, raised his arms and slapped him in the face with his left and right bows!

"You can also call me Lao Jin?

Who do you think you are, you dare to call our boss brother?

If it weren't for Mr. Chen, do you think the boss would take a fool like you seriously? "

After receiving several slaps, Liu Minyong’s teeth were knocked loose and his mouth was full of blood. He shouted to Jin Enzai:

"Damn! Jin Eunzai, what do you mean?

We are all friends, why are you asking someone to hit me?

Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!

Brothers, come on, fuck them! "

But once the words were shouted out, no one around him dared to take action!

A bunch of little losers, in front of their eldest brother Jin Eun-jae, they don’t even have the guts to take a deep breath!

"Brother Enzai, I'm sorry, we were forced!"

"Yes, Boss Jin. It was Liu Minyong who boasted about his close relationship with you and invited us here. We don't dare to offend you, Boss Jin!"

"Brother Enzai, Liu Minyong tricked us into doing this. We are not familiar with him. If you want to teach him a lesson, just teach him a lesson. It has nothing to do with us!"

The waiter who was beaten just now came up and slapped the yellow-haired man on the face, and cursed him:

"Didn't you take action just now? You dared to come to Brother Enzai's place to cause trouble, and you hit me. Did you idiots take advantage of me? Beat me!"

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