Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2841 This is a big gamble


The whole house was filled with the sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

A group of young losers are completely vulnerable in front of Jin Enzai and other experienced young men, not to mention that they don't even have the courage to resist.

Liu Minyong sat on the ground and looked at Jin Eunzai who kept walking in. He moved back and said in a trembling voice:

“Boss Jin, there’s no need for this, right?

We are all friends, and my sister is the daughter-in-law of the Wen family..."

Jin Enzai stepped forward and kicked him on the chin, causing his mouth to be filled with blood, and he cursed angrily:

"Who the hell are you friends with? Without Mr. Chen, a bastard like you wouldn't even be worthy of carrying my shoes!

Why, you think your sister is getting along with the third young master of the Wen family, so you're going to fly into heaven?

When Wen Youhuan was alive, I, Jin Enzai, didn’t even pay attention to his Wen family. Will he be afraid of them now?

Are you out of your mind?

You really want to open the same place as me and steal my business!

You even called me a pug!

Liu Minyong, who do you think you are?

Who gave you the courage to speak in such a tone to me, Kim Eun-jae? "

Liu Minyong's face was covered with blood after being beaten, and he lay on the ground crying and wailing.

A group of young bastards were also beaten until they lay on the ground and huddled together, losing the strength to even cry.

"Okay!" After venting his anger, Jin Enzai shouted to everyone.

He took the wet wipes handed over by Zheng Zaizhong, wiped the blood on his hands, and said expressionlessly:

"Throw these idiots out!

Lao Liu, just stay. You will go up to have a drink with Mr. Chen later.

You asked for this one, you said it yourself, right? "

Liu Minyong shrank and nodded.

Jin Enzai squatted in front of him.

Liu Minyong was so frightened that he shrank his neck and took a step back, thinking that Jin Enzai was going to hit him.

Jin Enzai just put his hand on the top of his head, patted it and said:

“When beating a dog, it depends on the owner.

But you are not Mr. Chen’s dog either.

It’s not that I respect you, it’s that you are not qualified to be one!

But I still don’t want to make Mr. Chen angry. Do you know what I will say when I meet him? "

Liu Minyong was already frightened, so he shrank and nodded.

Jin Enzai stood up with satisfaction, looked at Liu Minyong condescendingly, and said with a sneer: "Come on, Old Liu, let's go drink with Mr. Chen!"

Liu Minyong kept his head lowered as he was carried up to the second floor by Jin Enzai's arm.

The swelling on the face can still be clearly seen even after applying the medicine.

But such pain was nothing compared to the pain in his heart!

Unexpectedly, even if the sister has flown onto the branch and turned into a phoenix, he, the older brother, will still be looked down upon by others!

He has had enough of living a timid and timid life in this life!

He wants to live like those rich and powerful people, proud and proud. What's wrong with that?

I originally thought that my life had started over, that I was going to be a new person and become a great person.

But these few slaps from Jin Enzai knocked him back into the quagmire again!

He is still the little brat that everyone looks down upon!


This is not the life he wants!

He is no longer the wimp that everyone could bully!

The Liu family has a golden phoenix, and he is about to fly up the branches!

Seize this opportunity to make all those who look down on him look at him with admiration and worship him!

Seeing the two people coming back, Luo Xiaoman cursed with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Where did you go and why did you come back?

Hurry up and make amends to yourself. This is our rule! "

Jin Enzai laughed loudly, nodded and said: "Okay, no problem! Don't say three, even thirty, I will accompany you to the end tonight!"

Nowadays, translation microphones have become popular in everyone's ears, and almost everyone has one.

There is no longer any barrier to communication among everyone.

Kim Eun-jae didn't show any pretense, he picked up the wine glass and drank three glasses of whiskey in one breath.

Luo Xiaoman nodded with a smile, turned to Liu Minyong and said, "Old Liu, are you deaf?

Hurry up, don't be lazy! "

Liu Minyong, who had his head lowered, suddenly took a step forward, grabbed the wine bottle on the table, and drank it in his mouth!


He put the empty wine bottle on the table, then took out his wallet, took out all the Chaoyuan inside, and slapped it next to the wine bottle.

Staring at Chen Xin'an with a pair of blood-red eyes, he said, "Mr. Chen, thank you for bringing me back from Da Ying.

Thank you also for taking care of my brother and sister during this time.

But there is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. We have different paths and cannot come together.

We, brother and sister, have no use value to you.

Let’s get together and part ways, let’s just say goodbye!

If this meal isn't enough, please help me cover it. Goodbye! "

After saying these words, he wiped his lips and turned around to leave.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing why.

Chen Xin'an turned around and shouted: "Lao Liu, it's not safe yet, you can't..."

Liu Minyong stopped and said without looking back: "Mr. Chen, don't you think it is safest to leave you two?

What's more, with the relationship between my Liu family brothers and sisters and the Wen family, who else can threaten us as long as we are in Guangtian City? "

Luo Xiaoman frowned and cursed: "Old Liu, you've drunk too much, right? Why are you talking..."

Chen Xin'an waved to him, looked at Liu Minyong and said, "In that case, let's all be well.

If you need any help, you know my phone number and you can call it anytime! "

Liu Minyong didn't speak or nod. He just continued to walk forward and quickly went downstairs.

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Did this guy take the wrong medicine? Why did he suddenly become such a virtuous person?"

Shen Nanzhu said softly: "Maybe he drank too much. He will be back in two days!"

Jin Enzai sat next to Shen Nanzhu, snorted and said: "It would be better if you don't come back! I think this guy has ill intentions towards you and is courting you all day long. You have to be careful of him!"

Luo Xiaoman laughed and scolded: "The person who has the most ill intentions towards Sister Nanzhu is you! The best thing to be wary of is you, isn't it, Sister Nanzhu!"

Shen Nanzhu's face turned red and she lowered her head to drink, unable to speak.

Jin Enzai seemed to be willing to go all out, and said to Luo Xiaoman: "I am pursuing Nanzhu normally, without any crooked ideas, why should you be wary of me?

Do you think so, brother Li Qi?

Don't go!

Mr. Chen, why don't you come and comment? "

Li Qi stood up with a smile and walked downstairs, ignoring him at all.

Chen Xin'an played with the wine glass with her right hand, looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Why don't you explain a few words to me?"

Jin Enzai's expression changed, he scratched his head and said, "I couldn't stand how complacent that guy was, so I gave him a few small lessons.

I didn't expect this guy to react so strongly and just left!

How about I send someone to find him? "

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said: "Forget it! Lao Liu has indeed been a little drifting during this period.

But if we say something to him, I'm afraid it won't make him restrain himself, but will have the opposite effect.

It's okay to let him calm down for a while.

One thing is still true.

It's safest to stay away from us. Boss Jin, don't you think about it? "

"Hahaha!" Jin Enzai laughed, shook his head and said: "I have been living a life of licking blood from the edge of a knife. How can there be a day when it is not dangerous?

I am different from Lao Liu because I know exactly what I need and what I can get by following Mr. Chen.

This is a big gamble. Now that I'm on the gambling table, I have to gamble to the end without any regrets! "

Chen Xin'an smiled, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll let you get some luck first.

Pick some brothers who can do things in these two days and wait for my orders.

Don't ask where you are going, just wait until I notify you.

Say it first, people might die.

If you're afraid of death, don't follow. If you don't pay, it won't do any good! "

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