Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2843 Does this strength still take effort?


At the back door of the anti-smuggling brigade, next to Wang Jixing was a large cardboard box half as tall as a man.

Seeing Li Qi driving a car and parked next to it, he quickly moved the boxes into the car and said nervously: "I almost let the boss find out, let's load the car first!"

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work! Was he discovered by Kong Zhenjing just now?"

Wang Jixing nodded and said nervously: "Fortunately, I was helping to organize the warehouse, so he looked at the things to be disposed of and left without saying anything."

Luo Xiaoman came over after moving the boxes and said to Wang Jixing: "Let me go, it's really the same as the real thing, even the title?"

Wang Jixing said with a smile: "There is a complete set, as well as various law enforcement tools. I just packed some and didn't dare to take them all out.

There was a case here before where someone pretended to be an anti-smuggling team and robbed smuggling ships at sea.

The uniforms and firearms are all fully equipped and look exactly like the real ones!

When he was arrested, the entire police station was shocked. He was so professional!

We couldn’t believe it was fake! "

Luo Xiaoman said with a dark face: "I feel like you are protecting us?"

Wang Jixing scratched his head and said: "Brother Man, I just told a joke, nothing else! Those people are really professional, different from you!"

Li Qi grabbed his ear with a smile and said, "We just saw it as a lie!"

Wang Jixing grimaced and dared not speak.

Chen Xin'an frowned slightly, looked at Wang Jixing and said, "You just said that Kong Zhenjing just took a look and left without saying anything?"

"Yeah! Fortunately, I'm smart!" Wang Jixing nodded vigorously.

Chen Xin'an glared at him and cursed: "Silly boy, don't be so careless, don't forget that you are now a member of the anti-smuggling team!

Have all the procedures been completed? Are you officially transferred here? "

Wang Jixing nodded and said: "Everything is done, now I am a member of the anti-smuggling team!

I don’t care about anything else. Mr. Chen is my benefactor. If it weren’t for Mr. Chen, I would stay in Doosan Prison and be a small prison guard in my life.

So as long as Mr. Chen gives instructions, even if it violates the rules and even if there is danger, I will do my best! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head, not knowing what to say. He couldn't let this kid guard him.

In fact, treating him and Ping Hengjun as younger brothers is the feeling of trust and closeness.

It's not just men and women who have fate, there is fate between people. It's just that some fate represents love, and some fate is friendship.

Without chatting too much with Wang Jixing, everyone got in the car and left the anti-smuggling brigade.

This plan must be hidden from Wang Jixing. It's not that he doesn't trust him. People always make mistakes.

Once Kong Zhenjing gets the news, he will definitely intervene.

Luo Xiaoman excitedly said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, let's tonight..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an had already raised his arms, telling him to shut his mouth.

Then he said to Li Qi: "Aqi, stop on the roadside. Aman, bring the cardboard box to the front!"

"What are you doing?" Luo Xiaoman looked confused.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and did not explain.

Li Qi stopped the car on the side of the road. Luo Xiaoman walked to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and took out the large cardboard box, but it couldn't be stuffed into the back seat at all.

Chen Xin'an signaled him to pour out the contents directly, so a pile of police uniforms and various supporting tools filled the entire back seat!

The empty alley was stuffed into the trunk, closed the door and continued to drive forward. Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman sat on the clothes, and the other sat on the passenger seat. They turned around and started looking for each item one by one.

"Old Chen, what's wrong with you? What exactly do you want me to find?" Luo Xiaoman asked Chen Xin'an with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Chen Xin'an felt something hard from the jacket pocket of a piece of clothing.

I took it out and took a look. It was a metal disc that looked like a button and was half the size of a penny.

He took out the things, threw them out of the window, and said to Luo Xiaoman: "It's that thing just now!

Check to see if there are any in other clothes, and check carefully.

This is the bug that Kong Jin Kyung put inside! "

Luo Xiao's face darkened and he cursed: "Wang Jixing, how dare you betray us..."

"It's not him!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said, "This kid was also kept in the dark!

Kong Zhenjing should know that he is doing something for us and wants to see what we are doing, so he did this! "

The two checked the pile of clothes under them again, but found nothing more.

It seems that Kong Zhenjing also made a temporary decision and placed it casually without any preparation in advance.

Chen Xin'an took out his mobile phone, called Jin Enzai, and then told Li Qi to go to Jinsha Port.

Jin Enzai was waiting for Chen Xin'an with a group of brothers beside his cruise ship.

When the car stopped, Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman had just gotten out of the car, and a group of boys shouted in unison: "Master An! Master Man! Master Qi!"

Luo Xiaoman covered his face and said, "Don't be like this, I'm so embarrassed!"

The face under the hands has turned into a flower with a smile.

Chen Xin'an didn't care about this, looked at the gang of boys, and said to Jin Enzai: "Is this the person you picked?"

Jin Enzai nodded and said: "They are all brothers who have been with me for more than three years, so there is no problem with their loyalty.

The most important thing is that his skills are good.

Of course it's impossible to compare to three places. "

Chen Xin'an said to him: "What I want is not good skills!"

Jin Enzai quickly said: "They are not stupid either! They are all very smart. Brother Yanjun, don't worry!"

Although he already knew Chen Xin'an's true identity, he still liked to call her that way, and Chen Xin'an let him.

Chen Xin'an walked up to the group of boys and looked at them one by one.

Stopping in front of a scar-faced man, he said to Jin Enzai: "I don't want this person!"

"Why!" Scarface looked at Chen Xin'an with a strange expression and said, "Why doesn't Mr. An let me participate? Don't you believe in my skills?"

Jin Enzai also quickly explained to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Yanjun, Jin Xiu is a fierce general beside me!

In terms of combat power alone, he is almost as powerful as Zheng Zaizhong..."

"No!" Chen Xin'an was unmoved and said firmly.

Jin Xiu was angry, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Master An, I have been following the boss for almost five years, and I can't even count how many fights I have had!

If I can't do it, no one else can do it either!

If Mr. An doesn’t believe it, just try my strength!

I know that Mr. An is very powerful and I can’t beat you, but if you really make a move, Mr. An will have to work hard to defeat me..."

His face was filled with anger and he stared at Chen Xin'an.

Although this mission has no bonuses and no benefits, the people selected are all team elites.

If he loses, his prestige in the entire team will drop to rock bottom.

Luo Xiaoman didn't say anything and kicked him directly.

Jin Xiu sneered and tried to avoid it, but just as he was about to move, the opponent's feet were already in front of him!

His expression changed drastically. He never expected that the other party could kick him so fast!

While his brain was still in shock, this kick had already hit his stomach, knocking his feet off the ground and causing him to fall to the ground!

Luo Xiaoman said with disdain: "With this strength, do you need to put in some effort?"

Jin Xiu's face turned red and she was ashamed.

He didn't expect that the gap between himself and these people was so big!

But he still said with a pinched neck: "I can't compare, and they can't be better than me!"

Chen Xin'an came over, helped him up and said, "Brother Jinxiu, I don't let you go not because of your strength.

But you have a scar on your face, which is too recognizable.

What we want to do is very dangerous and will offend many forces.

In order to reduce trouble, we cannot hire anyone with too obvious physical features. Do you understand? "

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